The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 626 Ye Qiu's Thoughts

Chapter 626 Ye Qiu's Thoughts (Part [-])
"Sign to sell yourself, no, sign the contract, we are our own people, you are welcome in the future club!" Ling Huohuo stood up and stretched out his hand.

After hearing Ling Huohuo's words, Lu Sheng wanted to complain, but he held back, stood up, extended his hand, and shook Ling Huohuo politely.

From now on, I am someone else's employee, I hope this boss is reliable.

Thinking of this, Lu Sheng suddenly felt a little melancholy. Looking at Ling Huohuo, he always felt that the future was bleak.

The onlookers became excited, raised their cameras immediately, and greeted him.

Today's event is definitely big news!
Two men in black stepped forward to stop the reporters, and Ling Huohuo let go of Lu Sheng's hand and looked at the reporters.

"Everyone be quiet, let me say a few words." Ling Huohuo said, and the reporters fell silent, not knowing what Ling Huohuo was going to say.

Although Ling Huohuo looked only in his teens, he was definitely not an ordinary person who was able to earn [-] million U.S. dollars as soon as he opened his mouth!

"Our future club has just been established. Talented and talented people are welcome to join. Although the contracts of future people may not be as good as Lu Sheng's contract, they will definitely not disappoint everyone. But if they can show value, The contract won may not be better than Lu Sheng's contract."

"As for the situation of the future club, everyone may be very curious. Later, you can ask Miss Ouyang Bingbing behind me. She is currently in charge of the future club. Finally, as an investor of the future club, I will say one last thing..."

Ling Huohuo cleared his throat.

"I don't care what your status is, as long as you don't break the law, are talented, and self-motivated, you are always welcome at the future club. The purpose of our future club is to play healthy games, grow positively, and create happiness with your heart. There is no idea of ​​competing with other clubs for hegemony. Because...they are not yet qualified to be our enemies."

clack clack...

Regarding Ling Huohuo's domineering declaration, the reporters frantically took pictures, but the middle-aged man with Jiuyao in the distance was ignored.

"Mr. Ling, can you tell me your real identity? Who are you?"

"Oh? Who am I?"

Ling Huohuo smiled.

"I'm the man you'll never have..."



After turning off the screen, Ye Qiu felt a little uneasy.

In the previous life, the signing this time went very smoothly, and there was no random entry of future clubs.

In addition, in the previous life, there was no future club at all. As for Ouyang Bingbing, Ye Qiu knew that the senior management of Ya Miao Club, one of the top clubs in the future, was a management talent. Shi Shi was about to contact her, but he didn't expect her to appear in this future club that had never appeared before, and she seemed to be working for others.

For a moment, Ye Qiu's mind was a little confused.

The situation at this time was beyond the future he knew.

However, Ye Qiu soon showed a wry smile.

"Butterfly effect?"

That's right, the butterfly effect!
And the source of the butterfly effect is yourself!
In the future, there will be no Mythical Union that gathers talents today. Because of their own influence, many people have made their fortunes ahead of schedule, and even escaped some hardships.

Because of my appearance, many people's life trajectory has changed.

One hair can affect the whole body, not to mention changing the life trajectories of countless beings with great influence in the future?

It is very likely that the future club, Ouyang Bingbing and Lu Sheng's affairs are the result of their own influence. This kind of situation will not be the only one, and there will definitely be more in the future!
Ye Qiu felt a sense of urgency. The changed future has greatly affected his foresight, and even the future will be completely different.

However, Ye Qiu soon smiled.

So what if the future changes?
With my current self and the friends around me, how could I be mediocre! ?

Even if the future is confusing and confusing, I have to make a breakthrough. There are countless trendsetters in every era, so why can't I become the strongest one?

This is not only for myself, but also for the partners around me, and... the person in my heart!
In an instant, Ye Qiu's heart became full of pride, as if something had awakened.

Ye Qiu shook his head.

"Is it an illusion? Really, after living two lifetimes, I'm still like this."

Taking a deep breath, Ye Qiu bit his finger and showed a serious expression.

Leaving aside the changed future, there is one more thing that makes Ye Qiu a little scared, even terrified!
That is Ling Huohuo!

Who is he?

The same name, the same face, and the same publicity as the future he knew. Is there any connection between him and Ling Huohuo in the game?
Ling Huohuo, Future Club, Future City 6
Thinking of this, Ye Qiu suddenly felt chills all over.

If the characters in the game really appeared in the real world...

Wait, is it because Ling Huohuo disappeared in the future because he traveled to the real world?
Ye Qiu suddenly felt that his thoughts were a bit ridiculous. After all, in his previous life, there was no news about Ling Huohuo and Future City, and the disappearance of Ling Huohuo in the future was definitely not due to time travel.

So what's going on?
Ye Qiu always felt that he had grasped something, but because of the lack of reference or the constraints of future common sense, he couldn't figure it out.

After a while, Ye Qiu took a deep breath, showed a serious expression, took out a pen, and began to write and draw on the paper in front of him.

Ling Huohuo, Ling Group, remember that one of the owners of Yamiao Club in the future is called Ling Miao...

Both have the surname "Ling", is there any connection between them?

"It seems necessary to get in touch with these forces, but you must be careful, no, it's not the time yet, I don't have the strength to talk to them on an equal footing, wait a month, one month later, the new Mythological guild was completely formed, at that time..."

Ye Qiu destroyed the paper in front of him. The easiest way is to eat it!
There are only a few simple nouns on this piece of paper, but if they are spread out, there is no guarantee that no one with a blessed heart will think of them, and it will cause some unnecessary troubles.

Although my residence is safe enough, I am not afraid of ten thousand, just in case!

In the future, Ye Qiu, who has seen countless routines and anti-routines, dare not gamble.

"The speed is going to speed up!"

Although Ye Qiu knew that the more frequent his activities were, the faster the impact on the future would appear, and the changes in the future might be greater, but Ye Qiu had no choice.

Obeying the stereotypes will only lead to self-destruction, if you want to get more, you have to be one step ahead!
(End of this chapter)

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