The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 627 The monsters who are about to break through

Chapter 627 The monsters who are about to break through (one more)
Because of Ling Huohuo's arrogance to snatch people, and the momentum of spending thousands of dollars to buy bones, Ling Huohuo and the future club have become popular directly. At least for now, there is no one or club that can directly spend [-] million yuan to sign a newly emerging club. player.

Especially Ling Huohuo's sentence "I am the man you will never get", Ling Huohuo currently has the posture of defending the national husband.

However, more people are more interested in Ling Huohuo's age, Ling Huohuo's slightly immature face is definitely not pretending!
At the beginning, some people picked up Ling Huohuo on the Internet, even human flesh Ling Huohuo, but to everyone's shock, the news about Ling Huohuo on the Internet would be deleted as soon as possible, so that the news about Ling Huohuo spread online. not much.

For a while, Ling Huohuo's identity became even more mysterious.

In contrast to Ling Huohuo, the future club is very popular, and the news is overwhelming. Advertisements of the future club have appeared on major websites, and even the news of the future club has appeared on the central website. Although it only appeared for one day, it is No other club has enjoyed the treatment.

Some people even speculate that the club may have an official background in the future!

Some clubs and forces that wanted to do something stopped temporarily, planning to wait and see for a while.

Of course, this advertisement is not that simple. Ling Huohuo took out a lot of fifth-level materials and technologies in exchange for it.

Again, if you have money and resources, you can really do whatever you want!

Besides Ling Huohuo, Lu Sheng has also become a celebrity.

Lu Sheng directly became the person with the highest signing price in China, with a signing fee of [-] million U.S. dollars, which left countless players in the dark.

At the same time, because of this incident, many people who want to become famous overnight have entered "The Lost Continent", eager to meet a "Bole" who "knows horses".

The future club has also received many job application letters from players. However, with the help of Baihuang, these players' backgrounds have been stripped away. Their strength, talent, and character have become clear at a glance. Let Ouyang Bingbing and the others choose It's even simpler.

In addition to those who took the initiative to come to the door, Ouyang Bingbing and the others also contacted some players who were suppressed and blocked by other clubs. After selection, those players who were suppressed maliciously, with good nature and talent were signed by Ouyang Bingbing and the others again.

Also, at Ling Huohuo's request, Ouyang Bingbing also acquired a game company called NG in Zhonghai City. To Ouyang Bingbing's surprise, everyone in this company was actually a girl. Ouyang Bingbing even suspected that But, this company won't be Ling Huohuo's harem group, right?

However, when Ouyang Bingbing bought NG, the group of people on the third floor of NG that Ling Huohuo specifically requested disappeared. It is said that they all quit the company and moved away when "The Lost World" was launched. whereabouts.

All these things were led by the five girls Ouyang Bingbing and assisted by Baihuang.

At the beginning, the five girls were still a little uncomfortable and couldn't let go of their hands and feet. However, after a few times, they all seemed to become numb, completely let go of their hands and feet, and even made it more ostentatious.

When it comes to spending money, girls have a unique talent, especially the five girls are rich ladies who are very knowledgeable about spending money, what's more, what the five girls do is very similar to picking clothes in a shopping mall. Woolen cloth.

For a short period of time, the five girls were in a trance. Even Ling Miao, who was watching, felt that he could not keep up with the speed of the club's development in the future. it is good!
When the five girls were busy, Ling Miao also took the newly recruited players to the future city. Their original residence was not in the future city. This time, going to the future city may conflict with those who have already gained a foothold in the future city. , can be said to be developed.

This makes many knowledgeable players in the club a little worried.

However, only Ling Miao knows that if it is true, the future city is actually the foundation of the future club!

So, do you think it's amazing to open and hang?Sorry, it's really amazing to hang up!
In the future city, Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi are also ready to contact the players of the future club. Of course, they did not quit the myth, but because of an "accident" they "acquainted" with Ling Miao and formed a deep "friendship" .

At the same time, Ye Qiu also noticed this, and felt that through Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi, he might be able to temporarily establish a relationship with the future club, so he was very supportive of what Guo Xiaoyu and Lu Sisi did.

However, although the development of the future club seems to be rapid and smooth, after a period of time, when the interests of the future club and other forces conflict, the undercurrent is raging again...

No matter what the background is, the last thing to compare is hard power!

How the club will respond in the future depends on Ouyang Bingbing and the others.


Regardless of the future development of the future club, after seeing that the future club has got rid of the predicament and is on the right track, Ling Huohuo also left with Baihuang.

Of course it was to find that worried daughter!

When Ling Huohuo was looking for the monsters, he found that Rogier had run away with the monsters and Yuyihu behind his back.

Ling Huohuo's first reaction was that Luojier was taken away by Yuyihu!
But soon realized that something was wrong, Rogier could not be caught without a fight, combined with the descriptions of the monsters, Ling Huohuo concluded that Rogier took the initiative to run away with Yuyi Fox!

Moreover, Mai Shiranui was swept away while running.

This is very angry.

For the helplessness of the monsters, Ling Huohuo can also understand, the strength of the monsters is flawed, and they can't look down on Rogier, let alone a feather-clothed fox who is not strong enough?Not killing the monsters has already given Ling Huohuo a lot of face. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he is afraid of Ling Huohuo's strength and dare not touch the monsters.

At this time, the strength of the monsters can no longer keep up with Ling Huohuo. Although there are countless resources to stabilize the strength of the monsters at the fifth level, and the foundation is solid, but so far no monster has broken through to the sixth level.

Breaking through from the fifth level to the sixth level is very difficult!
However, Ling Huohuo was not in a hurry, because Ling Huohuo knew that this was normal, and was even a little happy.

The monsters are connected together because of the Hyakki Night Walk, and as the bond deepens, their strengths are also connected, making it more difficult to break through. However, on the other hand, if one monster breaks through the sixth level, then the remaining monsters Their strength will explode like a blowout, and it is not impossible to collectively break through to the sixth level!

This is also the reason why Ling Huohuo did not unblock the sixth-level monsters in the small world to strengthen the strength of the team. The new monsters will inevitably disrupt the tacit understanding between the current monsters and affect the advancement of the monsters. It is better to wait The monsters will be unblocked after they have advanced to the sixth level, so as to enhance the strength of the team, and the monsters can also talk on an equal footing.

But now, the opportunity has appeared - Hongshuang!
As long as Hongshuang completely absorbed the power in her brain and digested it well, she would definitely break through to the sixth level!
But now, Hongshuang is only one step away.

For the development of monsters, Ling Huohuo directly brought out all the monsters in the future city and brought them with him. Hongshuang is no exception. At this time, even without Jiaailu, Hongshuang can carry out the final transformation .

Only the monsters around the general are the strongest and can be called "Hundred Ghosts"!
(End of this chapter)

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