The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 631 The contract between Xiao Yunyun and Hua Lifu

Chapter 631 The contract between Xiao Yunyun and Hua Lifu (Part [-])
Demon world.

A world that changes the color of the heavens and the world.

Because, demons, devils, and demons, these three legendary races that bring destruction live here.

According to legend, the devil world is full of evil, and the creatures here are extremely bloodthirsty.

Chaos is the main theme here, and killing is the daily life here.

Even angels can't purify this place.

The blood-stained butcher knife fell on the flesh and blood...

"Boss, here's a catty of Hell's wild boar meat."



"The Demon Realm tour group is the first choice for traveling to Paradise! Led by Tiangui, a tour guide who has studied in Paradise for 100 years, he will take you all over Paradise and appreciate the style of angels. Friends in the Demon Realm, don't miss it. Sign up now and you will have a chance to win a lottery! The opportunity to see God, the opportunity is limited, the opportunity must not be missed, and the opportunity will never come again!"


"The Ten Thousand Realms Shop, which contains all kinds of good goods from all walks of life purchased from the devil, high quality and low price, the heart of justice is sold by the catty, and the bright holy sword buys two and gets one free~"


Walking through the market of the Demon Race, Xiao Yunyun and his party still couldn't turn their heads. Is this the legendary Demon Race that once destroyed all worlds?This style of painting is wrong!

"Come on, please lift your foot."

"Feel sorry."

Xiao Yunyun and the others hurriedly retreated.

A floor-sweeping Mozu uncle swept away the leaves under Xiao Yunyun and the others.

Looking around, the streets of the demons are cleaner than those of the earth, and they are very neatly paved.

A few demon children were playing around on the street, and bumped into a demon uncle who had just returned from hunting. The uncle smiled and touched the demon child's head, and took the wild fruit that he had picked from the mountain while hunting. Give it to a few children, and then chat with acquaintances in roadside shops.

What is going on with this harmonious picture?

"I just said that the demon race will surprise you." A small four-legged beast with two wings landed on Xiao Yunyun's shoulder.

It was the Demon Grand Duke who had made a contract with Ling Huohuo—Waliver!

Besides Hua Lifu, beside Xiao Yunyun were Yin Ya and the great elder of the Naga clan.

Several people were wearing robes, looking like a traveler.

However, the aura of these people at this time is different from before. Although Xiao Yunyun and Yin Ya have not broken through to the sixth level, their aura is more condensed, and they are both on the verge of breaking through.

After leaving the future city, Xiao Yunyun left the Lost Continent with Yin Ya and the elder of the Naga clan.

Xiao Yunyun made the equipment for Ling Huohuo to enter the Lost Continent back then, and the academy issued another set of equipment, so she naturally made one for herself, Yin Ya, and the great elder of the Naga clan.

After leaving the Lost Continent, he didn't stay long in the real world, but went directly to Sakura City, Japan.

Ling Huohuo once told Xiao Yunyun about Hualiver, and Xiao Yunyun knew that there is a space passage leading to the demon world here!

And in Xiao Yunyun's hand, there is Hua Lifu's magic book!
The space passage is inside the Awabe Detective Agency, but the security of the office is unexpectedly low.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no one in the office, the three of Xiao Yunyun sneaked into the office and found the space passage.

When Xiao Yunyun approached the space passage with Hualiver's magic book, as expected, Hualiver was summoned and signed a contract with Xiao Yunyun.

However, to Xiao Yunyun's surprise, Hua Lifu's condition didn't seem to be very good, he looked unexpectedly weak, and his body size had shrunk several times.

Walliver recognized Xiao Yunyun.

After some conversations, Xiao Yunyun realized that when Ling Huohuo's blood was awakened for the first time, the "Sword Code" was stimulated. Walliver did quite a bit of damage.

Hualiver didn't lose his soul directly because it wasn't the sword god himself, but the power carried in the "Sword Code" was from the sword god, and the power that was aroused was not something that Hualiver could deal with. In a state of serious injury and weakness, there is still a force remaining in Hua Lifu's body, which makes Hua Lifu suffer a lot.

When Xiao Yunyun told Hua Lifu the origin of "Sword Code" and the name of the sword god, Hua Lifu was in despair.

Although it is awesome, there are others who are more awesome than it, including Sword God. No, it should be said that there are not many people who are better than Sword God, and Walliver is not included.

For Sword God, who can be called immortal, his power stays in Walliver's body, and if Walliver wants to dispel this power, he may only have a chance after the Sword God dies.

Because the sword god is not dead, this power is immortal!
Therefore, Hua Lifu wants to restore the peak, only the sword god dies!

But is this really possible?

I know the name of the sword god, Walliver. After all, the sword god chasing the demon king caused a great sensation in the demon world. You must know that the demon king is an existence that even the seven demon kings dare not hard steel. Neither will work, but the Demon King is being chased and slashed by the Sword God.

At the same time, Walliver was also secretly glad that he did not follow Ling Huohuo all the time. If he had kept the contract with Ling Huohuo when Ling Huohuo was reborn, and was discovered by the Sword God at that time, he might not be seriously injured now. The ashes are probably all cold.

After communicating with each other for a period of time, Xiao Yunyun and Hua Lifu made the first deal - Xiao Yunyun helped Hua Lifu remove the remaining power of the sword god in his body, replacing the contract. Finally, after Xiao Yunyun died, his soul returned to Hua Lifu. one.

Hua Lifu's serious injury was out of Xiao Yunyun's accident, and this deal was also thought up by Xiao Yunyun on the spur of the moment, with the spirit of trying it out.

However, Xiao Yunyun proposed this transaction is not without grounds.

After studying Hualiver's magic books for so long, plus there are also books about demons in the collection of the Extraordinary Academy, Xiao Yunyun has long been familiar with the content of the devil's deal. Xiao Yunyun thinks this deal is very It might work!

And Xiao Yunyun does have this ability, Xiao Yunyun can take Hualiver to find Ling Huohuo, let Ling Huohuo use the "Sword Code" to take back the power of the sword god remaining in Hualiver's body.

The devil abides by the spirit of the contract, and as long as the contract is complied with, everything is fine!

Then, under the judgment of the contract, Xiao Yunyun is fully capable of doing this, and the transaction is established!

The time limit for the transaction is before Xiao Yunyun's death. If Xiao Yunyun has not helped Hua Lifu to solve the power of the sword god when Xiao Yunyun died, then Xiao Yunyun's soul will still belong to Hua Lifu.

However, the transaction is about the principle of fairness.

The changed contract is equivalent to saving Hua Lifu's life. Compared with Xiao Yunyun's life, Hua Lifu's life is more valuable, so in the transaction, Hua Lifu should compensate Xiao Yunyun.

If Xiao Yunyun didn't need compensation, compensation would naturally not exist, and even Hua Lifu didn't say much, but Xiao Yunyun understood the virtues of demons, after some calculations, he felt that he was at a loss, and then made a request for compensation .

The content of the compensation is that Hua Lifu must unconditionally protect Xiao Yunyun's safety before the transaction between the two parties is completed.

The compensation is reasonable and the transaction is established!
Thus, Hua Lifu became the number one thug in Xiao Yunyun's team.

Although Walliver was seriously injured, the dead camel was bigger than the horse, and still stronger than the elder Naga.

It was also because of Hua Lifu's presence that Xiao Yunyun and his party could arrive at the gathering place of the demons safe and sound.

In addition to this deal, Xiao Yunyun also made a second deal - Let Hua Lifu lead his group into the Demon Realm!

What was traded was a very precious seventh-order material.

The channel already existed, and it was two-way. Xiao Yunyun and the others just didn't use it correctly. For Hua Lifu to take the three of them into the demon world, a precious seventh-level material is enough.

Today's Xiao Yunyun is not the poor man who had nothing but money back then. All kinds of precious materials, not to mention inexhaustible, are not lacking. Before planning to come to Hua Lifu, Xiao Yunyun prepared a lot few.

Although Hua Lifu was reluctant and did not want Xiao Yunyun to go to such a dangerous place as the Demon Realm, according to the contract, Hua Lifu could only meet Xiao Yunyun's request.

(End of this chapter)

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