The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 632 The Method of Becoming a "Devil King"

Chapter 632 The Method of Becoming a "Devil King" (Part [-])
There is a reason why Xiao Yunyun wanted to come to the Demon Realm.

Although he has seen a lot and has a choice about his future path, Xiao Yunyun has no intention of changing his path.

If she wants to be by Ling Huohuo's side, she must also be reborn!
Ling Huohuo is the successor of the Sword God, although he has already started to walk his own path, but it cannot be denied that he has the shadow of the Sword God.

With Xiao Yunyun's self-esteem, the path he wants must be an existence that can sit on an equal footing with the Sword God!

Even if not, at least not too weak.

Xiao Yunyun had had enough of standing behind Ling Huohuo worrying about Ling Huohuo, and forced herself to call 666.

Xiao Yunyun really wants to go back to the days when she was still weak. Although she is not strong, she can help Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo will rely on her.

And in the end, Xiao Yunyun's choice was the path chosen by the only being who could escape from the Sword God's sword, that's right, the path of the Demon King!

Regarding Xiao Yunyun's thoughts, neither Yin Ya nor the great elder of the Naga tribe expressed anything, because they didn't know much about the Demon King.

And Walliver, who was seriously injured, was almost scared to death directly.

Others don't know the strength of the Demon King, how can a local demon not know it?
Why are the demon kings and demon generals no longer having such high-end combat power, but the demon clan can happily farm in the demon world?
Although the strength of the demons is very strong, but the high-end combat power is only thirteen demon generals and demon kings, and they are not in the demon world now. For those big bosses in the demon world, the ordinary people of the demon race are not a threat. But still no one thought of taking action against the demons and occupying their territory.

It's all because the Demon King is too strong!

Even if the Demon King is not around, as long as the word "Devil King" is still circulating in the Demon Realm, no one in the Demon Realm will dare to attack the Demon Race!

Back then when the news of the death of the Demon King came, people from other worlds wanted to take revenge on the Demon Race. When the Demon Race was exterminated, the only people who did not do anything were the natives of the Demon Realm, and they ran far away.

The ending is that all the races that wanted to exterminate the demons were wiped out by the demons.

Today's gathering place of demons is a place where demons can bypass and natural disasters can be dispersed.

How unbearable the demon world is from other worlds, that refers to the land outside the demon race.

And the territory of the demons is a place that can be called a pure land than heaven.

Facts have proved that the choice of veterans in the demon world is wise, because Hua Lifu learned the news of the resurgence of the demon king's army from Xiao Yunyun's mouth!

And there is only one reason why the Demon King Army can be formed, that is - the Demon King is still alive.

Only when the Demon King exists, can it be called the Demon King Army!
This was also one of the reasons why Hua Lifu was frightened. Xiao Yunyun dared to covet the power of the devil while the devil was still alive. Moreover, if Xiao Yunyun succeeds, does it mean that there will be a second devil?
Think carefully!

A series of consequences will be triggered at that time, which is likely to bring great terror!
However, Xiao Yunyun had made up her mind, and Hua Lifu's advice had no effect on her at all.

Because, this is her choice, and the only choice she can make.

In fact, the method of becoming a demon king was widely circulated in those days, and many people knew about it, all of which were learned from the mouths of the demon clan elders living outside.

There was even an elder of the demon clan who was a part-time troubadour, traveling the world while telling how to become a demon king, and then he was arrested for "spreading bad ideas".

Although he knew how to become a devil king, no one dared to do it, or some people did it but failed.

Moreover, many people even took the initiative to destroy the records because they were worried that a second devil would appear. As time went by, the people who knew these things at the beginning were almost dead, and almost no one knew how to become a devil.

In order to control the mouths of those immortal demon elders, the powerful from all over the world began to arrest the demon elders running around, and then... gave a lot of money to keep quiet, but they asked for nothing. Telling the way to become a Demon King is because I am worried that a second Demon King will appear.

Fortunately, although the elders of the demon clan are as annoying as the shit stirrer, they have inherited the virtue of "keeping promises" from the demon clan. There is no elder of the demon clan telling how to become a devil king anymore.

However, it does not include a certain demon elder who was kicked into the turbulent flow of space and then fell to the earth. At this time, he was drinking tea made from goji berries in the future city.

Then, the head of the demon clan not only told Xiao Yunyun how to become a demon king, but also drew a road map for Xiao Yunyun and wrote a customs clearance manual.

This greatly increased Xiao Yunyun's chances of obtaining the power of the Demon King.

In fact, the way to become a devil king is very simple - bear a certain fate!

The Demon General is a man of strength who helps the Demon King bear part of his fate.

Fate is illusory, but when the end of fate appears in front of oneself, not everyone can bear the fear it brings.

Bearing fate is a simple sentence, but it is not simple, because how should fate be carried?Where should I carry it?How to bear it?
The elder of the demon clan said, "On a certain day, thirteen children of the demon clan strayed into the ancestral land of the demon clan - the forest of demons. They met the traveler of fate, shouldered the fate of defeat, and got the fate However, they also lost their freedom and future. The shackles of fate were firmly locked around their necks. The child who led him called himself the king, and the twelve children who followed him called themselves generals. They waited day after day. tormented by the appearance of the one who defeated them..."

Xiao Yunyun can understand, this feeling is the same as knowing that someone will block him at the door after school, and then beat him up, but he has no way to resist, his heart is quite desperate.

Coupled with the excellent education of the Demon Race, the psychological activities of the Demon King and Demon Generals must have been—"I did nothing wrong, why did you beat me?"

Not to mention what the devil king and the devil general thought at the beginning, but according to the description of this paragraph, Xiao Yunyun analyzed that what the devil bears is not the fate of the devil king, but the fate of "defeat". Because the devil king is a demon clan, so He became the devil king.

That is to say, Xiao Yunyun can bear another destiny, but he is not called the Demon King!

Xiao Yunyun also struggled for a long time with this choice of bearing fate and losing his future and freedom, but in the end luck prevailed.

It's not that Xiao Yunyun's psychological quality is not strong, but because her desire for power has already made her almost possessed.

After some ups and downs, Xiao Yunyun and his party came to the demon clan's residence.

Xiao Yunyun took out a map.

"According to this map, you can find the Forest of Demons. According to the elders of the Demon Race, there is no danger ahead, so let's part here." Xiao Yunyun looked at Yin Ya and Great Elder Naga.

Yin Ya and Elder Naga looked at Xiao Yunyun worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have a sense of propriety, and I still have the customs clearance manual. There is no possibility of accidents. During this period of time, you can follow the manual I gave you to find the demons above, and learn their strength from the other party. You will have a good experience." Harvested."

"By the way, Hua Lifu is also staying here. When I come back, I will take you to find Ling Huohuo to solve your problem." Xiao Yunyun looked at Hua Lifu.

Hua Lifu looked at Xiao Yunyun quietly, Xiao Yunyun didn't tell him what to do, but he could understand what it meant, Xiao Yunyun was very guarded against it!
Finally, Walliver nodded.

It really doesn't make the devil happy~
"Be careful!" Yin Ya instructed.

Xiao Yunyun smiled, turned and left, and waved his hands behind him, with an indescribable chicness.

(End of this chapter)

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