The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 633 The Unnamed Demoness

Chapter 633 The Unnamed Demon Girl (Part [-])
Xiao Yunyun separated the thorns and went deep into the thorn forest.

Xiao Yunyun didn't know how long she had been walking in the thorn forest, but the pain on her body reminded her all the time to keep her awake.

At this time Xiao Yunyun had already entered the Forest of Demons.

According to the narrative of the elders of the Demon Race, the Demon Forest is very magical. The outermost part is an endless forest of thorns, but inside is a lake called destiny.

No one can tell what will happen after entering the forest of thorns. Some people have never been one step closer to fate in the forest of thorns. Some people have reached the forest of thorns very quickly. Lake of fate.

Therefore, the thorn forest is called the endless thorn forest.

All of this is a choice of fate, no one can figure out the rules, even the elders of the demon clan who have the ability of "omniscience" cannot figure out the situation in the forest of demons.

The elders of the demon clan only know what already exists, but they cannot predict the future, let alone understand fate.

In the thorn forest, power cannot be used, and even the strongest armor is like thin paper under the thorns of thorns.

Although Xiao Yunyun was already careful, her body was covered with wounds scraped by thorns, and her whole body was dripping with blood.

However, the only thing that was not hurt was Xiao Yunyun's face, which was Xiao Yunyun's last insistence.

Xiao Yunyun gritted his teeth.

Although the elders of the demon clan can help her come to the forest of demons, they can't help her walk to the lake of fate, and everything depends on herself.

Back then, the Demon King and the Twelve Demon Generals went directly to the lake of fate, and never experienced the Thorn Forest at all.

The severe pain stimulated Xiao Yunyun's nerves.

give up?

Do not!
Xiao Yunyun gritted his teeth and persisted, even if he died here and turned into dry bones, he would never give up!

Ling Huohuo's figure appeared in Xiao Yunyun's mind, which became Xiao Yunyun's motivation to persevere, and also became Xiao Yunyun's obsession, making her a demon.

Suddenly, Xiao Yunyun felt that there was nothing in front of him.

When she looked up, the severe pain made her eyes blurred, and in her blurred vision, she could only see a piece of something that couldn't be seen clearly, but it was dotted with fluorescence, which looked like phosphorescence reflected from the lake.


Without joy, Xiao Yunyun only felt pain at this moment, and her physical strength was exhausted, making her panting heavily.


Gritting her teeth, Xiao Yunyun moved trembling steps and groped to the lakeside.

Stretching out his head, Xiao Yunyun saw his own reflection clearly - the shadow reflected on the lake!
"It's a real lake, it's here!"

Xiao Yunyun finally showed a smile.

"As long as you drink the lake water, you can bear your fate..."

"Are you sure you want to bear your fate?" An ethereal voice rang in Xiao Yunyun's ear.

"Hearing hallucinations?" Xiao Yunyun shook his head, how could there be other people here.

Xiao Yunyun picked up the lake water with both hands, brought it to his mouth, and was about to drink it, but suddenly stopped.

Xiao Yunyun hesitated.

"Are you sure you want to bear your fate?"

The voice rang in Xiao Yunyun's ear again.

Xiao Yunyun showed a sweet smile and didn't answer, maybe because he still thought it was an auditory hallucination, or maybe because he felt that there was no need to answer at this time.

Now that she's here, what choice does she have?
The water of the lake was drank down.

Xiao Yunyun let out a scream, and lost consciousness instantly, colorful colors gushed out from Xiao Yunyun's body, enveloping her.

Those wounds scab over and heal quickly.

Xiao Yunyun's body did not return to the whiteness it used to be, but was covered with black lines. These lines twisted and twisted strangely, and were drawn on Xiao Yunyun's body, forming some kind of pattern like a tattoo.

A golden light shone in front of Xiao Yunyun, and a figure could be vaguely seen in the light.

Seeing Xiao Yunyun surrounded by colorful colors, the figure in the light seemed to rub his chin.


After briefly observing Xiao Yunyun for a while, the figure nodded.

"I didn't expect it to be the fate of 'rebellion'. If you are not loyal to others and not a minister, whoever is her boss will have a headache."

Jin Guangnei's figure shook his head.

"Every day, coming to this river is like sending you to death. Everyone looks bitter and bitter, and you can't persuade them. Mortals, you are still young, and you think everything is too simple. , who can say clearly about such things as fate?"

"The script of fate has already been written. As for how to act it out, that's up to people..."

"However, shouldn't it be time to give her a name? Looking at her transformation, she looks a little weird, called a witch? Not good, I have taken a name called the Demon King before, and I am suspected of being lazy, ****... Bah She is not the heroine of Huang Wen, think again, um... a rebellious fate, called a rebellious witch? It's almost too bad, she is not a witch, ahhh! It's so difficult to name it!!! Oh, wait, In this case, let's call it 'Unnamed Demon Girl', the unnamed enchanting woman is perfect!"

"Unnamed demon girl, launch Ruili's rebellion against your lord!"

"I'm such a fucking genius at naming names, get on your hips for a while."


real world.

When Xiao Yunyun drank the lake of fate, Ling Huohuo suddenly became irritable, as if something was about to happen.

"Ling Jun, are you alright?"


The girls all looked at Ling Huohuo worriedly.

Ling Huohuo waved his hand, indicating that he has no problem.

However, Ling Huohuo frowned.

With his strength, he shouldn't be unable to control his emotions. Why did his mentality suddenly explode?
However, this feeling came and went quickly, and Ling Huohuo couldn't figure out the reason at all.

"Forget it, I don't want to."

"General, is there really no problem?" Hongshuang asked again.

"It's okay." Ling Huohuo shook his head.

However, Ling Huohuo's gaze became dangerous. This is probably because he didn't find Rogier, which made his mentality collapse. When he finds Rogier, he must hang up and smoke first!
"Go back to the hotel, go south tomorrow, and continue looking for Rogier." Ling Huohuo arranged.

into the night.

Ling Huohuo took a bath in the luxury bathtub of the hotel, and at the same time made a video with Ling Miao, communicating what happened during this period.

Nonsense, if you don't talk to Ling Miao, can you still have a video call with Ouyang Bingbing and those girls in the shower?

"Second brother, don't worry, everything is normal. Although some people have been dishonest recently and want to cause trouble, Bingbing is already prepared to deal with it. With the support of your funds and resources, nothing will go wrong." Ling Miao said.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Although the truth is this truth, but don't say it in the tone of planting a flag!

Ling Huohuo seems to have seen a flag rising slowly above the future club...

(End of this chapter)

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