Chapter 634 Demon (Part [-])

"Recently, I have been paying attention to the capital. I always feel that something will happen recently. As the capital of China, the capital must be the center of the storm." Ling Huohuo exhorted.

Ling Miao nodded seriously on the other side of the screen.

Ling Huohuo told Ling Miao that he had discovered that there was an armor spread out, and Ling Miao naturally knew that this matter could not be so simple.

Behind the armor, there must be a pair of hands controlling it, so we must pay attention.

"I understand."

"If necessary, use your strength, protect yourself, and contact me as soon as possible, and I will return to the capital as soon as possible. Other things are not important, and your safety is the most important." Ling Huohuo finally urged, in One base of the Black Moon Knight on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau exploded hundreds of six levels, and there are as many as seven levels in one hand. Now the world is not as safe as Ling Huohuo thought.

Ling Miao nodded, feeling warm in the face of Ling Huohuo's relationship.

"Okay, goodbye." Ling Huohuo turned off the screen.

Looking at the pitch-black screen, Ling Miao smiled.

At this time, a black air floated on Ling Miao's body.

"Ling Miao." A hoarse voice sounded.

Ling Miao's expression changed.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Jie Jie Jie, I'm here to tell you that the time is almost up."

Ling Miao's expression changed.

"Could it be that……"

"He is coming, I feel it, the gate of the Hall of Valor has opened, and he is coming out! Do what you should do, as the price for gaining power..." the hoarse voice said in a strange tone.

Ling Miao's body burst out with an aura. If Ling Huohuo was here, he would find that this aura was as strong as the eighth level!

However, Ling Miao controlled it very well, the aura did not leak out of her room, and it only disappeared in a flash.

"Jie Jie Jie, are you upset? Don't forget who gave you your power, and it's just some small things. Don't be so nervous."

"Hmph, I'm just not happy with your tone!" Ling Miao snorted coldly.

"Jie Jie, I can't change it, it's been like this for tens of thousands of years."

Ling Miao took a deep breath, closed the computer, walked to the game cabin on the side, and lay down in it.

"Don't worry, I will come as promised."

"That's good. Although it's a pity that I can't lead you into the magic way, I will establish a good relationship with you. After all, young people with such talent as you are rare. It's better to be friends, Jie Jie Jie..."

"I hope your words can match your heart." After speaking, Ling Miao closed her eyes and entered the game.

The black air surrounded Ling Miao's body for a while, and then submerged into Ling Miao's body again.

"Hurry up, hurry up, it will be mine soon... This fresh body..."

In "The Lost World", Ling Miao opened his eyes.

However, there was a serious expression in Ling Miao's eyes.

"Time is running out!" Ling Miao thought with narrowed eyes.

If it wasn't for hearing the news of Ling Huohuo's "death" and thinking that Ling Huohuo was an ordinary person, Ling Miao would never have entered the restricted area organized by the organization and brought out the black air when he was stimulated.

Still young to blame.

Ling Miao doesn't believe even a single punctuation mark when it comes to black air!

Moreover, ever since he knew that the lost continent where "The Lost World" is located is inextricably linked with the real world, he secretly investigated all the information revealed by the black gas in the lost continent, and it really made him investigate Something made him shudder.

If he really followed Hei Qi's request, what would greet the whole world would be a doomsday scene!

Black Qi's plan must be stopped!
However, the black air was deeply rooted in Ling Miao's body. Ling Miao had no way to deal with the black air, so he could only wait for a good time.

A mysterious and mysterious aura surrounds Ling Miao's fingertips. This is a power stronger than the eighth level-ninth level!
In front of the black air, Ling Miao is still hiding his strength!

"However, if the information investigated is true, then this power is not enough and must become stronger!"

A red light flashed in Ling Miao's eyes.

It looks a little weird and bloodthirsty.

Haven't entered the magic way?No, he is a demon, how can we say that he was led into the way of the demon?

From the moment she was born, Ling Miao knew that she was a devil!

Demons have the way of growth of demons, how can a peaceful daily life make demons grow?

However, in "The Lost World", the constant killing made Ling Miao grow up rapidly, which was the main reason why Ling Miao stayed in the studio.

"If the club continues to develop in such a peaceful way in the future, it will be difficult. It seems that something will be done. As long as the result is the same, it doesn't matter if the process is a bit tortuous."

Ling Miao looked at the sky.

"Destroy the world? It sounds interesting, but it's even more interesting to realize it in your own hands!"

"Ling Miao, the team is about to start." Ouyang Bingbing sent a message.

"Okay, we'll be there soon." Ling Miao showed her usual sunny smile again.

However, the smile at this time seemed a little fake.

Ling Miao's smile may only be shown to a few people.


"I don't worry about Ling Miao's work." Ling Huohuo lay comfortably in the bathtub.

"However, about Rogiel..."

Thinking of Rogier, Ling Huohuo frowned.

Although Rogier looked arrogant, he was still in the stage of being extremely malleable. If he got mixed up with Yuyi Fox, it would be bad if the feather fox's belt was crooked.

A loud noise sounded in the hall of Ling Huohuo's room, and Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Did the light bulb explode?"

Before he had time to react, he heard the sound of someone moving towards the bathroom.

"Why is there someone in my room? Could it be that someone wants to attack at night? Should I resist?"

The figure of Toyotomi Xiuya appeared in Ling Huohuo's mind. The reason why it was her was because she had an unscrupulous attempt towards Ling Huohuo, coupled with her character, it was very possible to break into the house. On the other hand, it is impossible for the other three women to attack Ling Huohuo at night.

Although Molong looks very good, she will never take the initiative to "mate" with Ling Huohuo, and there are some problems with her sexual orientation.

Hongshuang is that kind of talkative female hooligan, a veteran driver in language, and in action... well, she is not cowardly in action, but without Ling Huohuo's permission, she would never break into Ling Huo so violently fire room.

Toyotomi Xiuling is even more impossible, although my sister-in-law or something... Bah, I and Toyotomi Xiuya are still inseparable, wait, no, I can't mess around just because Xiao Yunyun is not here!

So, is it better to say no tonight?
However, Ling Huohuo couldn't just reject Toyotomi Hideya naked, and Ling Huohuo threw the clothes on the sofa in the living room.

No, it's too late to get dressed.

Ling Huohuo hid his aura for the first time, then looked around, and drew the curtain beside the bathtub to cover the bathtub.


The door was pushed open.

However, instead of hearing the imagined sound, I heard a rustling sound.

Out of curiosity, Ling Huohuo quietly opened one side of the curtain and looked out.

A flawless and beautiful jade body appeared in front of Ling Huohuo.

(End of this chapter)

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