The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 635 Don't move, robbery!

Chapter 635 Don't move, robbery! (one more)
The picture was so shocking that Ling Huohuo closed the curtain immediately before calming down.

Although it was just a surprise, the beauty of the blockbuster is still imprinted in Ling Huohuo's mind.

and many more!

Now is not the time to get excited!
Ling Huohuo pinched his chin and fell into deep thought, why would a beautiful woman break into his room to give benefits?Moreover, Ling Huohuo could feel that Dangdang's aura was not someone he knew, it should be a stranger, and his strength was actually at the seventh level.

At this time, the sound of water came from the other side of the curtain, it was the sound of water coming out of the faucet.

The sound of stirring water sounded.

The other party seems to be washing.

Ling Huohuo sniffed, and a faint smell of blood entered his nasal cavity.

The other party was injured?
Moreover, with this concentration of bloody smell, the opponent should have suffered serious injuries, and he is probably cleaning the wound now!
After a while, the sound of water flow stopped, and there were some strange sounds, and Ling Huohuo could occasionally hear a muffled groan as he suppressed the pain.

Are you treating the wound?

Ling Huohuo continued to huddle in the bathtub, listening to the sounds outside.

Ling Huohuo didn't open the curtain to peep, because that would be very tasteless. Although Ling Huohuo is a bit salty, he is not a pervert, otherwise it would be impossible to only have Xiao Yunyun as a woman.

The other party is likely to be a wounded person passing by, let's talk about it after she leaves.

Ling Huohuo held his breath, and slowly dipped his head into the water to calm himself down. In fact, even if Ling Huohuo didn't hold his breath, he could stay in the water for a long time.

Ling Huohuo was thinking while immersed in the water.

In other words, there have been more and more powerful people appearing in the real world recently, what is wrong?

Could it be that... the impact of "The Lost World" on the real world has exploded?
Ling Huohuo closed his eyes and quietly soaked in the water.

It's better to find Rogier as soon as possible, and then go to the future city, I always feel that it is getting more and more unsafe outside.

However, nine out of ten times the world is unsatisfactory.

Just when Ling Huohuo thought that the person who broke into his bathroom would leave, the curtain beside the bathtub was pulled open.

"Did I kill you directly or did you get out by yourself?"


Ling Huohuo sat up from the bathtub, wiped his face, and looked towards him with a look of surprise, it shouldn't be, his concealment method is not bad, he didn't leak any breath just now, how did the other party find out Own?
"How did you find me?"

"Hmph, although you are hiding under the water, the water in the tub carries your vitality. I can naturally feel your presence. However, ordinary people with such a strong vitality like you are really rare."


Ling Huohuo was taken aback, angry?Isn't it your own vitality?I have a lot of blood, and my vitality is really strong, but when I hide my breath, I have already sealed my vitality...

Wait, she said that what she sensed was the remaining vitality in the water in her own bathtub. Damn, there are still people who can perceive such weak vitality. The remaining vitality in the bathtub water is no more than a weed on the side of the road. , and in the water, these vitality will disappear very quickly.

However, she regarded herself as an ordinary person, proving that her concealment was indeed successful, that is to say, the other party has a special means of perceiving vitality, through the water of her vitality remaining, and the vitality in her body is already sufficient, the remaining There may be more in the water, and then she feels her own existence.

This is really... the horse has stumbled.

With a sudden change in his mind, Ling Huohuo wanted to understand what happened, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile.

I didn't expect this to be the case. You have to know that even you don't have the ability to perceive the vitality left in the water, let alone use this ability to find someone.

Ling Huohuo looked at the other party, although he just took a look, but the other party was not wearing clothes at that time, Ling Huohuo didn't have the nerve to take a closer look.

The other party looks to be in her 20s, almost [-] years old, but she doesn't look old. Instead, she has a unique charm. She only wears light makeup, but she can still show her beauty and slender figure.

It is worth mentioning that the other party was wearing bright yellow clothes similar to Taoist robes, which covered his uneven body. There were still torn holes on the clothes, and most of the clothes were stained with blood.

It may be because the wound was treated just now and a lot of blood was lost. Even though the disguise was simply treated, the woman's forehead was still covered with fine beads of sweat at this time, and her face looked pale, with a look of shame. Looks weak and looks like he is not in good condition.

In fact, the woman was also looking at Ling Huohuo at this time.

Naked man, bah!

Ling Huohuo's appearance surprised the woman.

Unexpectedly, the person hiding under the water turned out to be a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child.

The face is still immature and looks a little handsome, but what women care about the most is the strong vitality on Ling Huohuo's body!

This kid might be able to...

The woman took a deep breath.

"Forget it, you don't know if I explain to you, let's talk about it later."

Ling Huohuo blinked her eyes, the woman probably took the word "vitality" that she muttered as her own problem.

But what about later?
I don't want to have a future with you!
The woman squatted down suddenly, staring at Ling Huohuo with her big eyes.

Ling Huohuo huddled in the corner of the bathtub reflexively, covering her key parts with her hands.


"Did you peek just now?" the woman asked suddenly.

Ling Huohuo shook his head immediately.

Nonsense, don't shake your head at this time, do you still have to nod?
"That's good." Obviously, the woman was satisfied with Ling Huohuo's answer.

"That way I don't have to gouge out your eyes."

"What's your name?" the woman asked.

"Ling Huohuo." Ling Huohuo replied like this, and there was nothing to hide.

"Nice name." The woman smiled, probably because of Ling Huohuo's appearance, she felt that Ling Huohuo was the kind of child who had no intentions, and the woman didn't have too much doubt about Ling Huohuo's words.

The main reason is that the woman did not feel the power fluctuations in Ling Huohuo, and thought Ling Huohuo was an ordinary person.

"Are you alone?" the woman continued to question.


The woman narrowed her eyes, "Oh? And a girlfriend?"

Ling Huohuo was old enough to be able to live in such a luxurious hotel, and the woman thought that Ling Huohuo was probably the son of a rich family.

"No, a secretary, a subordinate, and a maid are all in other rooms." Ling Huohuo shook his head and said.

"Secretary? Subordinate? Maid? Is your family rich?" the woman asked with great interest.

Ling Huohuo scratched his head, thinking of his father and mother, and the keys to the manor.

"It should be very rich. I don't know the details, but my subordinates and maids are all made by myself. They are my own strength." Speaking of this, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a little proud.

"Is that so... Do you have any money?" the woman asked.

"Uh... I have a bank card."

The woman nodded, took out a sharp knife from her pocket, put it on Ling Huohuo's neck, and then showed a bright smile.

"Don't move! Robbery!"

"Jie Cai? Jie Se?" Ling Huohuo asked reflexively.

"All robbery!" The woman's smile remained unchanged.


Ling Huohuo and his friends were shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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