The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 637 Didn't You Arrest Me To Do Something Shameful?

Chapter 637 Didn't You Arrest Me To Do Something Shameful? (one more)
On this day, the woman known as the Ninth Elder finally left the customs.

At this time, the woman's spirit is very good, she doesn't look like she has been seriously injured at all, she looks very chic.

The woman called Chi'er and Ling Huohuo to the front hall again.

Chi'er said something in the woman's ear, which made the woman look at Ling Huohuo in shock.

"I never expected it. I never expected that I would bring back a genius." Ninth Elder said with a smile.

"That's right, you have great vision." Ling Huohuo nodded in praise of the Ninth Elder, but what he said made the Ninth Elder and Chi'er couldn't help but twitch the corners of their mouths.

Really stinky shameless!

"How does it feel to practice during this period? What have you learned?" Elder Ninth said with a smile.

"Life and death." Ling Huohuo's answer was concise and to the point.

Elder Ninth looked suspiciously at Ling Huohuo.

With such a simple answer, if Ling Huohuo hadn't been perfunctory himself, what Ling Huohuo had realized would be a little scary!

If Ling Huohuo really understands life and death, even if there is only a trace, then Ling Huohuo's future path is enough for him to look up to.

You know, even if you are yourself, you can't comprehend life and death at all.

However, the Ninth Elder didn't say much, but she was very satisfied with Ling Huohuo's talent, and it wouldn't be too late to talk about Ling Huohuo after Xiang Xiang had dealt with the things in front of her.

Ninth Elder nodded.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am the Ninth Elder of the Liu family in Miaojiang. You can call me Suqing..."

"Wait a minute!" Ling Huohuo raised his hand suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Ninth Elder looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Aren't you from the Liu family? Why is your surname Su?" Ling Huohuo asked.


Chi'er held back his laughter, and the Ninth Elder took a deep breath.

"Good question, I have to give you a thumbs up for your wit."

"Where is it?" Ling Huohuo scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm not complimenting you! My surname is not Su, my surname is Liu, and my full name is Liu Suqing!" the Ninth Elder said loudly.

"Ah, so that's the case, don't you explain it clearly."


"Okay, stop talking, listen to me, the next thing I'm going to say is the reason I brought you back..."

"Is there a reason? Didn't you take me back because you thought I was handsome and wanted to do something embarrassing to me?"

There was a deep pit where Ling Huohuo was standing just now, but Ling Huohuo hid behind a distant pillar at this time, looking scared.

A strange color flashed across the eyes of the Ninth Elder, and his anger seemed to be temporarily suppressed.

"Nice skill."

Chi'er looked at Ling Huohuo curiously.


"I'm afraid, I won't!"

"Then listen there!" Ninth Elder calmed down, the matter is important, this time we have to count on Ling Huohuo, there is no time to go out and find someone with good talent.

"Listen carefully, if you behave badly this time, not only will it affect me, but you won't need to do anything, someone will naturally deal with you!" Elder Ninth made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Ling Huohuo nodded calmly.

It's not that I'm too scared, I have the ability to come solo.

However, Ling Huohuo cheered up. After all, what Elder Ninth said next might have something to do with Rogier.

The Ninth Elder spoke.

"Ji'er should have told you about the common sense of extraordinary people, so I won't say more. Next, I will tell you about the contradictions between Chinese extraordinary people."

Ling Huohuo's expression didn't fluctuate. He knew about the disputes between Huaxia's extraordinary people when he was in the military region.

The Transcendents in China can roughly be divided into two factions - the emerging faction and the inheritance faction.

The Emerging School refers to those extraordinary systems that have only emerged in China in the last hundred years, while the Legacy School refers to those extraordinary powers that have been passed down from ancient times for at least thousands of years.

There is a contradiction between the Emerging Faction and the Legacy Faction. The biggest contradiction is which side is stronger, the newly emerging supernatural power is stronger, or the supernatural power that has been passed down for a long time is stronger?
Although the two can coexist peacefully, there is always a comparison.

If we elaborate, the contradictions among many sects are much greater than those between these two factions.

Sure enough, what the Ninth Elder told was the same as what he had learned, and Ling Huohuo didn't even understand it thoroughly, but Ling Huohuo still pretended to be hearing it for the first time.

Moreover, some things that the Ninth Elder said were based on the situation of Miao Jiang, which Ling Huohuo did not know.

"In Miaojiang, there are many forces with intricate relationships. There are three biggest forces, one is the Tang Sect of the inheritance sect, the other is the Five Poison Sacred Sect of the emerging sect, and the last is the My Liu family of the emerging sect, known as the upper three families." Speaking of this, the Ninth Elder looked a little proud.

"However, although the Five Poisons Sacred Church and our Liu family are both new sects, they are not of the same mind. The Five Poisons Sacred Sect covets the unique corpse poison of my Liu family, and the composition of the Five Poisons Sacred Sect and the Liu family is different, and there is an essential contradiction .”

Ling Huohuo knew that when the Five Poison Sect coveted the Liu family's dead body poison, why didn't the Liu family covet the "Five Poisons" of the Five Poison Sect?
It has to be said that a place like Miaojiang is indeed very suitable for the development of poison art.

"In addition to these three families, other forces should not be underestimated, including the Hua family of the ancient martial arts family, the Ouyang family, and the peasant family of the school, etc."

Ling Huohuo nodded. In the database of the military region, he has already retrieved the list of forces that Miao Jiang needs to pay attention to.

"The next thing I want to talk about is the reason for bringing you back." Ninth Elder said.

Ling Huohuo regained her spirits.

"Two years ago, a woman from the north went south. She belonged to the descendant of the ancient martial arts line. She was very talented. It seemed that because the ancient martial arts family in the south had some criticisms about her wedding, she went south to challenge her. She shut up those ancient martial arts families with her own fists, but she did it. In less than a year, she traveled all over southern Xinjiang, challenging all the younger generations of ancient martial arts families in the south, without a single defeat , the limelight is the same for a moment." The Ninth Elder's mood was a little ups and downs, and there was a trace of yearning in his eyes. For this kind of reality that makes people's blood boil, as long as they are strong women, they will yearn for it.

"And then?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously. If it was really that simple, the Ninth Elder would have no reason to arrest him. Ling Huohuo was very curious about what happened next.

"Things are not that simple. They lost face. Some ancient martial arts families held grudges and used some nasty means. Although due to their status, no elders took action, but they began to gather younger generations from other forces besides the ancient martial arts families. They are the younger generation of our Shangsan family.”

"and then?"

"Then...of course I lost." Having said this, the Ninth Elder smiled wryly.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"You lost too?"

Ling Huohuo could tell that the Ninth Elder was not very old. Could it be that the seventh-rank Ninth Elder was not that woman's opponent?

The Ninth Elder was silent for a while, and then explained.

"At that time, I didn't have the strength I have today."

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, how did the Ninth Elder get his strength?
Upgrade to the seventh level in two years?

Not all milks are called Telunsu, and not all people are called Ling Huohuo.

Although it took more than two years for Ling Huohuo to upgrade from Tier [-] to Tier [-], it seems to be very fast, but none of it can be copied, and it consumes a lot of resources, which are also very precious, and not everyone can afford it. It is extremely difficult to cultivate to the seventh level normally.

It can be said that Ling Huohuo's current achievements are all piled up with resources. Putting these resources on a pig can also pile up a pig that is at least the seventh rank!

It's completely the training treatment that krypton gold masters only have.

Didn't look at it before, did Ling Huohuo only reach the third level after more than ten years of cultivation?And the "Sword Code" can only be used as a practice method for strengthening the body.

Cultivation is far from being as simple as it seems.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo is very interested in the cultivation process of the Ninth Elder Liu Suqing, and it is necessary to investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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