The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 638 Starting to raise corpses from today

Chapter 638 Starting to Raise Corpse Today (Part [-])

"What happened later?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask, secretly releasing some of her own momentum to interfere with the Ninth Elder and ensure that she could answer her own question.

This method was researched during the torture of the Black Moon Cavalry.

With Ling Huohuo's strength, the Ninth Elder could not resist Ling Huohuo's influence.

However, I can only do some simple guidance to let the other party say more things, but I can't dig out the secrets that the other party doesn't want to say.

"Some forces took a fancy to her talent and wanted to win him over, but she refused without hesitation. At that time, what that woman did could be regarded as offending all the forces in Miaojiang. The older generation took action, and after a fight, the woman was taken down, and a member of the ancient martial arts family wanted to force the younger generation of his family to marry her."

Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, is there such an operation?

"Didn't she have a fiancé?"

"Someone has investigated, and her fiancé is just an ignorant and incompetent young master, and it is said that his character is a bit cowardly." Ninth Elder shook his head.

"and after?"

"Later, something happened to this woman's fiancé." A trace of fear flashed in Elder Ninth's eyes.

"After learning about what happened to my fiancée, the fiancé, who was considered ignorant and incompetent, went all the way south alone. During the wedding, he directly picked the ancient martial arts family. That family had a total of 390 seven lives. All the guests at that time, including an elder of my Liu family, two juniors, and other personnel, ranging from 330-year-olds to three-year-old children, a total of [-] people were killed, and no one was spared! Even the country The fifth-order powerhouse was also severely injured and thrown on the scene."

After the Ninth Elder finished his story, he fell silent. Those who have never been to the scene will never know how tragic it was. Corpses were strewn all over the field, blood flowed like rivers, and even the rain seemed to be raining blood.

Ling Huohuo was also silent, and his expression became serious.

This is no longer a simple robbery, but a simple killing!
"Then the fiancé and his fiancée brought their fiancée to the door of the forces that chased and killed his fiancée, all of them were wiped out. Within a week, eight forces in southern Xinjiang were massacred, and more than a dozen forces Being affected, the vitality was seriously injured. Even our upper three families were affected to varying degrees. Fortunately, the last three families took action together and drove each other out of Southern Border. This calmed down the riot, but Southern Border also His vitality was seriously injured, and his overall strength was not as good as before."

Ling Huohuo didn't speak. Although he killed many people himself, it was only because the two sides were hostile and it was on the battlefield.

This is Ling Huohuo's definition of that fiancé, not a demon, but a demon!

But Ling Huohuo could understand.

Ling Huohuo thought about it for a while, if something happened to Xiao Yunyun or his relatives, would he remain indifferent?
No, even because of my monster nature, what I did might go too far, and even hurt innocent people!
"Where are those two people?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Ninth Elder shook his head.

"They didn't go back to the north, but disappeared. Someone may know their location, but they blocked the news."

"Do you know what their names are?"

"The girl's name is Yao Mei, and the boy's name is Yi Yi."

Yi Yi?

Ling Huohuo was taken aback, this name...

It's been a long time, but I've definitely heard it!
(See chapters 43 and 44 for details.)
Ling Huohuo chatted with the Ninth Elder for a while, knowing that he couldn't ask anything, so he withdrew his posture.

Regarding Yi Yi and Yao Mei, Ling Huohuo didn't have any thoughts, but he also put a mark in his heart, if he encounters them in the future, he must pay attention to them.

"Then what does this matter have to do with arresting me?" Ling Huohuo brought the topic back on track.

Neither the Ninth Elder nor Chi'er felt that there was not much, but the Ninth Elder was a little surprised that he talked too much today.

"Ahem." Ninth Elder cleared his throat.

"Because Miao Xinjiang has been hit hard, in order to maintain the stability of southern Xinjiang, under the call of the country, the upper three families will take the lead in holding a group meeting for the younger generation to show the vitality of the younger generation, promote the friendly relationship between the younger generation, and maintain The health and vigorous development of the extraordinary forces in the southern border." The Ninth Elder said skillfully.

"The truth?"

"Climb everyone and become the strongest!"

Ling Huohuo nodded, this is very true.

"What does that have to do with me? I just practiced for a week, let me play?"

"Of course not. The players on the field have already been decided. They are the top three of my Liu family's younger generation. As for you, you are going to participate in an exhibition match."

"Exhibition game?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"That's right, it's to show the signature skills of various forces." The Ninth Elder nodded.

"Then what do I need to perform?"

"Sun cactus!"

Ling Huohuo's expression was shocked.

"Are you serious?"

"just kidding."

As soon as Ling Huohuo heaved a sigh of relief, the Ninth Elder said again: "Actually, the prickly pear is being sunned through the electric fan."


Ling Huohuo pulled out the wooden sword on his back, "I choose death!"

"Okay, I'm not joking anymore, it's actually driving corpses." Elder Ninth and Chi'er held back their laughter.

Ling Huohuo felt that the Ninth Elder and Chi'er were not as majestic as he imagined.

"But I don't know how to drive corpses?"

"It's okay. It's very simple to drive the corpse. It is to use the vitality in the body to control the corpse. The more vitality in the body, the easier it is to get started, and the growth will be fast. There is still half a month before the exhibition competition. It is enough for me to train you to be proficient. It's time to drive away the corpse." Ninth Elder said.

"The nine elders of our Liu family have to recommend one to participate in exhibition games or battles, but I haven't been an elder for a long time, and my background is weak. I don't have anyone who can make a move, so I found you."

"If you behave well, I won't treat you badly afterwards." Ninth Elder laughed.

Ling Huohuo struggled for a moment, and asked weakly.

"Does that take days?"

The expressions of Ninth Elder and Chi'er froze.


"For you to participate in the exhibition competition, I will provide you with some help. These are the secrets of intermediate cultivation and how to distinguish the potential of corpses. I can only help you here under my authority, but I have no resources and equipment. You can personally sponsor some, such as your first corpse."

Ninth Elder pointed to a coffin on the ground.

"This is a corpse I found for you. It is my personal sponsor. It is a female corpse with a Yin attribute that has just died. It is very suitable for beginners. I have seen it. The potential of this corpse is very good. , It’s enough for you for a long time, if you want to do something, I can’t control you, but pay attention to nutrition, if you want other corpses, I can give you channels, but you need to spend your own money to buy them , whether you can buy a satisfactory one depends on your luck and eyesight, this "Cheats for Raising Corpse" is for you, save the world, ah bah, go raise corpses!"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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