The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 639 Technology Creates the Future

Chapter 639 Technology Creates the Future (Part [-])
After studying the secret book of how to distinguish the potential of corpses given by the Ninth Elder and the "Cheats of Raising Corpse", combined with the secret book, Ling Huohuo had a general understanding of the Liu family's corpse removal.

There are restrictions on the corpse chaser.

First of all, the vitality of the body must be strong enough.

Because only in this way can the power of the cheats be fully mobilized, and at the same time, the lack of vitality in the body will not cause death, yin or corpse qi to invade the body during the contact with the corpse, and eventually become human, It looks like a dead body.

If possible, it is best for the corpse hunter to be a virgin when he first started practicing.

At this point, the cultivation paths of men and women are different.

A virgin has the most yang energy in his body, and the yang energy is still there, and he is walking the road of invulnerability, while a virgin uses the purest ray of yin energy in his body to restrain the yin energy and dead energy on the corpse, so as to ensure one's own safety.

As for whether Liu Suqing is a virgin or not, Ling Huohuo doesn't know, but Ling Huohuo knows that he is not a virgin anymore.

Theoretically speaking, Ling Huohuo is not suitable for cultivating the cheats of corpse chasers, but who makes Ling Huohuo have too much vitality in his body? Even without Yuan Yang, the vitality in Ling Huohuo's body can still overwhelm the dead energy on the corpse Can't lift the head, and then do drive the corpse.

Secondly, it is related to the vitality in the body.

The more vitality in the body, the stronger corpses can be driven, and the more corpses can be driven at the same time.

The vitality of a normal person can drive two to three corpses. If the strength increases and the vitality increases, the number driven will be even greater.

If the vitality is poor, it can be compensated by Yuan Yang or Yuan Yin in the virgin body.

Therefore, the exorcists of the Liu family must have a good body.

Therefore, after hundreds of years of development, the Liu family's health preservation methods have also developed to a very high level.

Regarding the inheritance of the Liu family, although Ling Huohuo only got a peek at the tip of the iceberg and only came into contact with some cultivation methods, although he has never seen combat methods, other methods, and the famous corpse poison Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo is very interested in being able to The person who created this kind of cheat is very admired.

Even today's Ling Huohuo doesn't dare to try to play with the dead energy easily, let alone research the cheats of using the vitality in his body to drive the dead energy and then use it to fight.

One is not good, dead energy enters the body, and it is likely to become a living dead.

However, even if the dead energy can be controlled, frequent contact with dead energy will also affect people's physical and mental health.

First of all, playing with corpses every day is not something normal people can do.

Also, it is impossible for a person to be on guard against dead energy 24 hours a day, there are always times when he is slack, and in order to ensure his own safety, he needs to rely on the power of external objects.

At the beginning, the jade pendant in the box was for protecting the body.

It is a processed jade called Youbaiyu. Only a few areas have Youbaiyu veins, and the largest known Youbaiyu vein is in the name of the Liu family, but the amount of Youbaiyu produced every year is limited. .

Those good white jades were distributed to talented people or high-level people in the Liu family, like the jade pendant Ling Huohuo got, which was only made of scraps and had limited effect.

When researching and practicing the cheats of the Liu family, Ling Huohuo didn't put all his energy on the cheats, but simply practiced. In a week, Ling Huohuo perfected the cheats.

Ling Huohuo's main research is the application of the above principles of vitality and dead energy.

If you can thoroughly research this, it will be a greater gain than driving a ninth-level corpse!

For this reason, Ling Huohuo proposed to mobilize a team of scientific research robots to help him deduce.

However, because of the limited skills, although the researched things are useful, they don't have the most essential core principles about vitality and death.

Even if Ling Huohuo asked Babai for advice on this aspect, it didn't know much, and it didn't help much in research.

Although many strong men can control death energy, except for the sword, the sword god can see through the essence of things, but it does not mean that his saber also has this ability, let alone the sword god. A mass-produced saber.

However, this does not mean that research cannot continue.

Among monsters, there are some with a lifeless spirit, and research can be carried out on them.

Of course, it is impossible to dissect the monsters frantically, but to collect some samples and study the principles.

Not only can the speed of research be accelerated, but it can also allow monsters to have a deeper understanding of their abilities.

The research on the application principle of vitality and death energy is going on like this little by little, and Ling Huohuo's understanding of the two forces is also deepening day by day.

In addition, Ling Huohuo also set his sights on the Liu family. If there is a chance, he must get the higher-level related cheats of the Liu family.

If Liu Suqing knew that the person she brought back was coveting the core cheats of her family, she would definitely kick Ling Huohuo out immediately, no, it should be said to be desperate!

In addition to the study of cheats, Ling Huohuo's practice of driving corpses is also going on.

Under Liu Suqing's guidance, Ling Huohuo dealt with the glamorous female corpse she provided to him.

To be honest, although the other party was a corpse, his figure and appearance were still preserved, and he looked very glamorous. When handling the corpse, Ling Huohuo still felt a little weird.

The so-called processing of corpses includes three steps. The first is to process the body to make the corpse stronger, and at the same time ensure that the corpse can maintain its state and will not rot. Vitality also helps the corpse heal its wounds.

The second step is to inscribe the mantra, the mantra is the key to making the corpse stronger, but Ling Huohuo has never practiced it, and Liu Suqing did not give him any cheats on this, so this step can only be skipped.

The final step is to actually animate the body.

This step is called "Enlightenment", and it is also divided into two aspects.

One is to let the corpse have its own consciousness and memories of life, which is considered a high-level enlightenment, and the other is simply to make the corpse move and accept the control of the corpse exorcist, which is a lower-level enlightenment.

But no matter what, the corpse after enlightenment has no soul.

High-level spiritual enlightenment consumes more vitality in the corpse body, while low-level spiritual enlightenment consumes very little.

After some operations, Ling Huohuo performed advanced enlightenment on the female corpse in the coffin.

After the beautiful female corpse woke up, Ling Huohuo had no interest in her identity or how she died.

Then the glamorous female corpse with a bewildered expression was sent to the small world by Ling Huohuo to be transformed and strengthened by the scientific research robots.

The strength of the glamorous female corpse is only at the first level. It is not enough and must be strengthened.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't learn the mantra, it didn't prevent Ling Huohuo from physically enhancing the beautiful female corpse.

For the above things, in a word, there is only one sentence - technology creates the future!
(End of this chapter)

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