The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 640 "Hao" Doesn't Care

Chapter 640 "Hao" Doesn't Care (Part [-])
Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Ling Huohuo's perception of vitality and death has achieved considerable results.

And the intelligent robots have been able to continue to deduce the cheats at a deeper level. Although the daily progress is only about [-]%, and the progress becomes slower the further you go, Ling Huohuo estimates that as long as one year, the advanced skills The Fa can definitely be deduced.

And the glamorous female corpse has also been transformed.

According to Baihuang's principle, a layer of nano-armor was injected into the glamorous female corpse, and at the same time, the forest elves and other creatures in the future city were engraved with various formations on the glamorous female corpse pattern, and transformed with some precious materials.

In just half a month, the glamorous female corpse has the strength of the sixth level!

This kind of transformation is the same as making a robot. It doesn't need to be comprehended, it only needs a simple accumulation of resources. It can be understood as similar to Iron Man who relies on technology to obtain unimaginable power.

However, in addition to the transformed power, under Ling Huohuo's own vitality, the female corpse itself has reached the third-order realm.

The strength that Ling Huohuo displayed to the outside world was also at the third level.

In addition to the glamorous female corpses, Ling Huohuo spent a part of the money to buy five corpses. They only carried out simple enlightenment, and they all went through different slight modifications. Has some interesting abilities though.

The glamorous female corpses were used for advanced spiritual enlightenment for the purpose of researching cheat books. The five corpses bought did not have any great qualifications.

Regarding Ling Huohuo and his corpse's rapid progress, Ninth Elder Liu Suqing and Chi'er both clicked their tongues, but they were not too surprised.

The vitality in Ling Huohuo's body is abundant, and his background is very good. They think that with the support of Liu Suqing's resources, it is strange that Ling Huohuo does not have a third rank. After all, it is not difficult to be promoted before the fifth rank.

However, what they didn't know was that all the resources that Liu Suqing gave to Ling Huohuo were all given to the glamorous female corpse by Ling Huohuo.

For Ling Huohuo, who had the resources of the entire virgin forest, the things Liu Suqing gave were not as good as Hapi's dog food.

Half a month has passed, and the Miao Jiang Heroes Meeting is about to begin!

Liu family.

"Get ready, it's time for us to attend the Heroes' Meeting." Liu Suqing said to Ling Huohuo.

During this period of time, because of Ling Huohuo's "good" performance, Liu Suqing and Chi'er also donated a lot to Ling Huohuo's management, and the phone was also returned to Ling Huohuo.

"Oh? Isn't there three days left?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Go ahead."

"How do we go?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Come with me."

Liu Suqing brought Ling Huohuo to the gate of Liu's house.

For Liu Suqing's arrival, there was some commotion in the crowd, and then they turned their attention to Ling Huohuo. They had heard a little about the young man brought back by Liu Suqing, but this was the first time they saw a living one, bah, yes Meet real people.

Then, they were attracted by the beautiful female corpse behind Ling Huohuo.

I'm looking at those corpses in my own family who look like big guys who pick their feet. Why is your corpse so beautiful?
"Those of you participating in the exhibition match will take the bus to go there." Liu Suqing pointed to a bus in the distance and said.

"Do you want to be so miserable?" Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth.

Are you sure you want to join Qunying?Instead of going on an outing?

Especially when Ling Huohuo watched a row of children with backpacks and sun visors boarding the bus led by an adult holding a small flag, this sense of déjà vu was even stronger.

"The budget is limited, please forgive me." Liu Suqing said awkwardly.

In fact, what Liu Suqing didn't say was that because the Liu family didn't attach much importance to this exhibition match, it was naturally impossible to give any good treatment to those who participated in the exhibition match.

Moreover, those who are capable walk alone, those who are less capable also have their own cars, and those who take the bus are those children who want to go out to see the world (play). There is nothing wrong with going out for an outing.

"Can I go by myself?"

"Yes, if you have a car." Liu Suqing nodded and looked at Ling Huohuo.

"Do you have a car?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yes." Liu Suqing nodded, "But I need to drag Chi'er and my corpse, so there is no room."

During this time, Ling Huohuo learned that Liu Suqing only had two corpses, but both corpses had the strength of the seventh level!
The last time Liu Suqing was seriously injured probably because the two corpses were not with her.

"What are you going to do?" Based on Liu Suqing's understanding of Ling Huohuo during this period of time, this person's bottom line is very low, and it cannot be ruled out that he will really go to the bus with those children in a shameless manner.

Liu Suqing suddenly thought that if Ling Huohuo really squeezed onto the bus in front of everyone, then she might lose face too.

However, Liu Suqing really does not have a second car. Her daily life is very simple. Although she enjoys it, buying a car is definitely not in her consideration. All her money is spent on clothes, bags and cosmetics I got on, but there was only one car.

Liu Suqing frowned, thinking whether she should help Ling Huohuo think of something, or borrow a car from others?
Damn it, why didn't I think that Ling Huohuo's behavior would embarrass me?

However, under Liu Suqing's surprised gaze, Ling Huohuo took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"...Understood, well, Firefox, I will leave this matter to you, and I can rest assured that you will handle the matter."

"What are you doing?" Liu Suqing asked in surprise.

"Call for a car."

"Taxi? Or do you have a car in the city?"

"No, I don't have a car here either, but won't it be enough to ask someone to buy one for me?"

Liu Suqing: "..."

Chi'er: "..."

Beautiful female corpse: "..."

What's the matter with Hao's indifferent tone?

Within 10 minutes, the sound of an engine came from a distance.

Then, a two-seater supercar and a truck stopped in front of Ling Huohuo.

The two drivers wearing hats in the two cars bowed to Ling Huohuo, and then stood aside.

"this is……"

"Car." Ling Huohuo said calmly.

"Can you drive?" Ling Huohuo asked the glamorous female corpse.

"A little bit, I learned it when I was in school, but..."

"It's okay, just drive it casually, and buy it if it breaks."

Then Ling Huohuo looked at the two staff members.

"Thank you for following behind to help transport these five corpses."

"Where, you're welcome."

The two staff members seemed very polite, even a little flattered.

"Who are they?" Liu Suqing asked.

"staff member."

What is this Nima's answer?
However, Liu Suqing saw that the two were ordinary people, so he didn't care too much.

At this time, Ling Huohuo had already gotten into the supercar with the glamorous female corpse, and the two staff members followed behind with five corpses.

Liu Suqing also looked at Chi'er.

"Let's go too."


The Heroes' Meeting will be held in Licheng.

Licheng is a first-tier city in the Miaojiang area, and it is also a famous tourist city.

The development is advanced, the environment is good, and it is very stylish, suitable for holding a meeting of heroes.

As the time for the Heroes' Meeting drew near, more and more people of all kinds entered Licheng.

"Is this Licheng? It's not bad." Walking in Licheng, Yuyihu said with a smile.

"Hmph, so-so." Rogier, who was walking in front of Yuyihu and wearing a gorgeous little dress, turned her head away in disdain, but her eyes couldn't help but look around.

Yuyihu smiled, did not speak, but continued to follow behind Rogier.

(End of this chapter)

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