Chapter 653 The Battle Match Begins (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo became popular again, and left a legend.

1000 to buy a map, and then donate [-] million Huaxia coins to sleep in a better place at night. This kind of thing is not something that ordinary mentally retarded people can do. Yes, in the eyes of everyone, Ling Huohuo is an extraordinary person. retarded.

You know, even the favored sons of various forces cannot easily come up with such a huge sum of 1000 million.

Then, soon, Ling Huohuo's identity was investigated - the future club investor.

It is said that very, very, very, very, very rich, young models in clubhouses are all called even numbers.

Ling Huohuo's identity information has long been encrypted by the state. Even these people can only find out the identity of the future club investor. If you look deeper, you will find that Ling Huohuo is a returnee, and there is not much use in the country. If you want to go abroad to find the information, you can't find people like these.

Before the sun set, there were more than 50 people who came one after another, and some were injured. It can be seen that the first level was not as peaceful as it seemed, and Ling Huohuo was the only one who bought a map and took a safe route.

The base number of people participating in this battle match exceeded a thousand people, and only fifty people managed to reach the Xuanyuan Gate in the end.

Of course, some of them came to make up for the number, but you can still feel the high elimination rate of the first level.

That night, there was no direct competition, but everyone was allowed to enter the residence arranged by Xuanyuanmen to rest.

The dwellings of all the participants in the competition are simple wooden houses, only five square meters in size, without air conditioning, electricity, or net, only mosquitoes, air-leaking paper-glued windows, and a bed that makes noise when you lie down.

The room was very stuffy, but he could only endure it silently.

As for Ling Huohuo and the girls, they were lying on a comfortable water bed, blowing on the air conditioner, eating snacks, drinking Coke, watching a movie on the projector, and taking a comfortable hot bath before going to bed. Of course, nothing indecent was done.

In addition to these, Ling Huohuo's residence also had the highest safety factor. Some people who were upset and wanted to make trouble in the middle of the night were beaten back by the guards sent by Xuanyuanmen, which did not affect Ling Huohuo's sleep.

Although many people protested the differential treatment of Xuanyuanmen, Xuanyuanmen said that if you can donate 1000 million at a time, you can also live in an air-conditioned room.

Because of this incident, no matter whether it is the young generation or the old generation who came to participate in the competition this time, they all have a new understanding of the "Taoist masters" of Xuanyuanmen.

The people of Xuanyuanmen don't care much about it. Taoism emphasizes being natural and following one's heart, but it doesn't say that money should be treated like dung. That's Confucianism's business, so don't touch porcelain.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Ling Huohuo took the girls out of the room after a simple wash.

The place to eat is in the dining room, and the group eats. The food is simple tea and light rice, without any salt. Of course, if you have the ability to go up the mountain to hunt some game, as long as it is not too much, no one will care.

When Ling Huohuo brought the girls into the dining room, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Rich people also come here to eat together." Someone couldn't help but sneered.

If it weren't for Xuanyuanmen's statement that duels are not allowed during the non-combat period, and offenders will be severely punished, someone would have come up to teach Ling Huohuo a long time ago.

Ling Huohuo shrugged, and sat at the table with the girls, and the food was simple and light.

"Oh, this chicken leg is really delicious." A man said showing off while holding a chicken leg.

The chicken is a pheasant. The man himself beat it on the mountain. It may be the Xuanyuanmen who made a hindrance. There are not many wild game around the Xuanyuanmen. The limited rabbits and pheasants were all snatched by the strongest group of people. Others can only continue to eat rough food.

Ling Huohuo snorted disdainfully and snapped his fingers.

A Xiaodao boy suddenly appeared beside Ling Huohuo.

"One million, a roast whole lamb and a roast suckling pig."

"Completely O a few kings!"

One minute later, steaming roasted whole lamb and roasted suckling pig appeared on Ling Huohuo's table.

"Xuanyuanmen will give you a bottle of beer, five cans of Coke, and help you cut it for free." Xiao Daotong put on the chef's clothes and gloves, picked up the knife and began to help Ling Huohuo and the others cut up the food, and sent it to Ling Huo Fire several people's plates.

The people around took a deep breath of the fragrance, and they discovered for the first time that these things that should have been tired of eating now seemed to be the fragrance of real Nima.

However, not theirs.

Those who wanted to eat and drink were dismissed by Xiao Daotong, who nicknamed him "You can eat everything by yourself, and you can only eat your own food."

Although 100 million is not impossible for some of them, but eating a roast whole lamb and a roast suckling pig is a bit unreasonable.

And those who also learn to spend less money to buy things, Xiaodaotong welcomes them, but the premise is that the other party first recharges 1000 million to reach the status of VIP, otherwise the internal products will not be sold, and everyone will be cut off.

In fact, after ordering so many things, Ling Huohuo, Sister Fengchen and Du Xiaoxue can't eat much, mainly for the magic dragon. Even if the magic dragon looks like a human, it doesn't have to eat as much as when it was in dragon form Although it can last for a long time after eating once, it is also necessary for the owner to feed the magic dragon once in a while.

So, the onlookers watched in shock as Molong wiped out half of the roast sheep and half of the roast suckling pig by himself, and licked their lips to express that they didn't feel anything.

Everyone suddenly understood the benefits of being rich. First of all, such edible beauties were not something they could afford.

After the farce in the morning, all those preparing to compete either returned to their residences, or hid in the woods, and began to adjust their status.

Ling Huohuo also took the girls back to his air-conditioned room, blowing on the air conditioner... playing games.

Although the people who came to participate this time surprised Ling Huohuo, it was impossible for Ling Huohuo to pay attention to them.

At ten o'clock sharp, the match officially began.

The first stage of this battle is a knockout match, which is divided into five arenas and played simultaneously, two-two battles, the winner goes up and the loser goes down.

The first round was held on the first day, and no bigwigs came to watch. After all, the purpose of the first day was to eliminate those who were not strong enough.

A total of 54 people participated in the competition, and there were no byes in the first round.

Sisters Molong and Toyotomi did not choose to participate, but acted as spectators.

Toyotomi Xiuling is very curious about the battle between the superhumans in China, so she is also looking forward to it. Toyotomi Xiuya and Molong are not interested.

The first round of Ling Huohuo's battle was also arranged, and they were the first batch to play.

Because of Ling Huohuo's previous actions, Ling Huohuo's battle attracted a lot of viewers.

Of course, the purpose is to watch Ling Huohuo make a fool of himself. After all, according to statistics, there is only one third-order person who successfully participated in the battle this time, and that is Ling Huohuo!

(End of this chapter)

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