The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 654 [Walking Corpse +5]*15

Chapter 654 [Walking corpse +5] 15 (two more)
Ling Huohuo's opponent is a Tier [-] player, and there are not many Tier [-] players who can participate in the battle.

The other party was a disciple of an ancient martial arts family, a man who looked very strong, with exceptionally big palms, and he should be practicing hand kung fu.

Du Xiaoxue, as Ling Huohuo's walking corpse, followed Ling Huohuo on the stage, and there were fifteen ordinary walking corpses on stage at the same time.

"Which one of you will win?" someone asked.

"You should ask how long that Ling Huohuo can last." Someone retorted.

Everyone around him nodded in agreement.

"I am of the third rank, and the strongest walking corpse is also of the third rank, but it doesn't look that strong, and the fifteen ordinary walking corpses are all of the first rank, and only five are of the second rank, all of them are of the second rank. Cannon fodder."

"Who knows, what if someone has money and can do whatever they want?" Someone said mockingly.


Everyone else laughed. Money is useless in a battle, you can only rely on your own strength.

off the field.

"I'll give you a chance to admit defeat!" The man opposite said loudly to Ling Huohuo, with the look of "I won't bully you".

Ling Huohuo smiled, didn't speak, and looked at the referee.

The referee nodded, raised a hand, and dropped it.

"Battle begins!"

"Then I won't be polite! Remember, the name of the person who defeated you is Li Guang!" The man who fought against Ling Huohuo let out a low voice, and rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

Although Li Guang's speed is not fast, he is steady and steady. It can be seen that he has a good foundation and is also a cautious person. He did not get close to Ling Huohuo easily.

"Li Guang, you are too careful!" Someone shouted, but the teasing meaning in the words could be heard no matter what.

However, Li Guang still did not mess up his position.

Here, Ling Huohuo also moved.

When he moved, he also attracted the attention of others.

Ling Huohuo's movement was very simple, he waved a hand.

"Army attack!"

Except for Du Xiaoxue, fifteen walking corpses rushed towards Li Guang at the same time.

"A wave of operations is as fierce as a tiger. Looking at the record of 0-15, everyone pay attention, Ling Huohuo is about to start sending!" Someone explained, which caused a lot of laughter.

However, something happened that shocked everyone.

Fifteen walking corpses stretched out a half-meter-long bone sword from their arms. They didn't directly face Li Guang, but seven of them surrounded Li Guang, and the remaining eight walked around. For another circle on the outside, the inside rotates clockwise and the outside rotates counterclockwise.

"This is... formation???" Someone said in surprise.

Li Guang's expression also froze, because ever since he was surrounded by these walking corpses, he always felt that something was wrong around him, and he panicked, feeling that something bad had happened.

The eyes of a man in a dark blue Taoist robe in the corner lit up, "What an exquisite formation!"

"Exquisite?" A blond man in a silver suit next to the man looked curiously at his friend.

"That's right." The Taoist robed man nodded.

"Wang Taoist, don't be joking, these walking corpses have not used any power, how can they form a formation?" The man in the silver suit said in disbelief.

"It's not the walking corpses that make up the formation, but the bone swords. This is a sword formation! A special sword formation!" the Taoist robed man said with certainty.



Off the field, the walking corpses moved first.

It was like seven bone swords stabbing at Li Guang together. When Li Guang wanted to fight back, he found that all the bone swords avoided his counterattack. The angle stabbed at Li Guang, and the first fight put Li Guang into danger.

When Li Guang wanted to fight back with a burst of strength all over his body, the walking corpses quickly evacuated. When Li Guang was in a state of powerlessness, the eight walking corpses in the outer circle inserted into the inner circle instead, attacking Li Guang, and successfully let him go. Li Guang was injured.

"It's a lie, how could it be possible to cooperate so well?" Someone said in disbelief.

"It's Ling Huohuo's control. Those walking corpses are ordinary walking corpses with no wisdom and primary spiritual enlightenment. Someone must control them, but they can control fifteen corpses at the same time..."

Fifteen corpses have to divide the consciousness into fifteen parts. How can human beings do it? !

Everyone looked at Ling Huohuo in disbelief, controlling fifteen walking corpses at the same time, and the strongest walking corpse, which was only second-level, injured Li Guang, who was fourth-level, in a simple fight. No matter how you look at it, it is unrealistic!
And Ling Huohuo still had a relaxed expression.

Even the disciples of the Liu family in the audience doubted whether the secrets they practiced were the same as Ling Huohuo's. Could it be that the family also had more powerful secrets that needed money to buy?
Damn rich man!

Ling Huohuo was still smiling.

Relying on the walking corpses of the first and second levels alone, it is impossible to injure the fourth level even if they form a formation. This is the reality.

However, how could the fifteen walking corpses under Ling Huohuo be so simple?
Last night, these fifteen walking corpses were sent for emergency transformation. Of course, it is not as high-end as Du Xiaoxue's transformation. The transformation of these fifteen walking corpses is completely for fighting.

Although the appearance is still a walking corpse, the interior has been transformed into a machine, and the added parts are the best parts that can be produced in the future city.

At this time, every walking corpse has a fifth level of strength!

In other words, every walking corpse has been strengthened, the +5 kind.

This is the level of the strongest mechanical combat body that can be transformed in the future city.

Ordinary extraordinary people cannot feel the strength exerted through machinery.

Du Xiaoxue's transformation is much more advanced, not only the machinery, but also the transformation of magic and various mysterious powers in her body, which makes Du Xiaoxue fully burst out with the strength of the sixth level.

Because in order to maintain the appearance and some restrictions, although the walking corpse has the strength of the fifth level, it is not as powerful as the battle robots produced in batches in the future city, and only has physical attack methods, but compared with Li Guang, the fourth level, it is completely acceptable. Easy abuse.

In order not to reveal something and at the same time not attract the attention of interested people, Ling Huohuo let all the walking corpses go up together. In fact, every walking corpse can abuse Li Guang one-on-one.

Surrounded by fifteen walking corpses who could easily defeat him, he asked Li Guang if he was afraid?
The commander of the fifteen walking corpses is not Ling Huohuo, but Baihuang. For humans, multitasking is difficult, but for artificial intelligence, multi-terminal control is only a basic operation.

This set of sword formations was created by Ling Huohuo for the cooperation of the walking corpses. At this time, the walking corpses have not yet exerted the true power of this set of sword formations.

However, in addition to these, Ling Huohuo's walking corpse also has a special gift for Li Guang.

Under everyone's shocked eyes, Li Guang rushed to the street after 1 minute.

The attack of the walking corpses was secondary. In fact, the walking corpses really attacked Li Guang only at the first time, and the real reason that caused Li Guang to rush to the street was——the walking corpses had poison on their swords!

The moment Li Guang fell, the audience was silent, and Ling Huohuo was smiling.

Everyone: This is not the battle we want! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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