The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 655 Then Give Him a Wall!

Chapter 655 Then give him a wall! (one more)
The first round of the competition just passed, and under everyone's unbelievable eyes, Ling Huohuo easily advanced.

On the first day, everyone was busy with the battle, and Ling Huohuo lived quite peacefully.

However, regarding Ling Huohuo's strength, Liu Suqing specifically asked about it, especially the special toxin that poisoned people with fourth-level strength. The Liu family has never seen it before, and it has never happened, except for the toxin. , the walking dead sword array and how to control it are also the main content of Liu Suqing's inquiry.

After all, no matter how you look at Ling Huohuo's strength, it is very abnormal, and these are abnormal performances, but in the end, Ling Huohuo pretended to be stupid to get over these problems.

On the site of Xuanyuanmen, Liu Suqing is not easy to force Ling Huohuo, the most important thing is that Ling Huohuo invested 1000 million, he is the "noble guest" of Xuanyuanmen!
Dare to move?
dare not!
Therefore, in the end Liu Suqing could only leave a little emotionally, and then faced with the questioning of the other elders of the Liu family, Liu Suqing could only play sloppy eyes, and finally simply pretended to be cold, saying, "I don't want to tell you, what can you do?"

Liu Suqing's attitude made her offend many people.

Although Liu Suqing could guess at this time that Ling Huohuo's identity would definitely not be as simple as it seems now, but he realized it too late. At this time, he had already connected with Ling Huohuo, and others would not care about Liu Suqing's explanation , will only believe what they see, and think that Liu Suqing absolutely knows everything in Ling Huohuo's hands, so Liu Suqing can only grit his teeth and admit it.

Those who brought back by themselves will stand up to the end even when they cry.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo finally sent someone to give Liu Suqing a recipe for the poison and instructions for using the sword array.

Poison is not a high-end thing, it is something that will be used to fool players in the future city, Ling Huohuo doesn't care.

For example, if the Tongliu family practiced according to the method of using the sword formation, they could also practice a sword formation composed of fifteen walking corpses. However, at that time, they would find that it is really not something ordinary humans can afford.

The reason why Ling Huohuo gave these to Liu Suqing is because Liu Suqing has treated him well during this time.

As for whether the Liu family can practice or not, that's none of his business.

On the other hand, Liu Suqing was also a little touched after getting Ling Huohuo's things, and felt that it was useless to cultivate Ling Huohuo.

Afterwards, after some inspections, he decisively took the instruction manual of the sword array and went to fool other members of the Liu family. As for the remaining list of poison ingredients, Liu Suqing left it behind.

Such a useful thing must be used by oneself.

Then, on the second day, the knockout rounds went to the second round.

54 people now only 27 people left.

In a two-two battle, there will inevitably be one bye.

Ling Huohuo said, 100 million, how about buying a bye?
This time, Xuanyuanmen didn't bow down to the power of money, but justly refused, and then tactfully said that it was a bit too much to open up.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo had no choice but to honestly participate in the second round, and the byes were drawn.

In the end, the bye spot was drawn by a young man who looked like a dick, and the other party was actually wearing a courier suit.

With him was a slovenly woman also wearing courier clothes.

Ling Huohuo's opponent in the second round was a Tang Sect disciple.

Disciples of the Tang Sect are famous for their hidden weapons and poisons. Fortunately, poisons can be used off-the-shelf, but hidden weapons must be studied and practiced hard.

Not every disciple of the Tang Sect who has graduated from the master is naturally strong in hidden weapon techniques, they are just stronger.

Facing the opponent who was struggling to throw out the hidden weapon and looked tough, Ling Huohuo applauded appreciatively, and then stretched out.

"Then give him a wall!"

The fifteen walking corpses guarded Ling Huohuo and Du Xiaoxue in the middle, and knocked out all the hidden weapons fired by the disciples of the Tang Sect.

Automatically lock, quickly calculate the trajectory, and finally intercept all.

When the disciples of the Tang Sect shot all the hidden weapons on their bodies and found that they couldn't hurt a single hair of Ling Huohuo, they felt quite emaciated.

However, it was time for Ling Huohuo to counterattack.

Walking corpses are still those walking corpses, and routines are still the same routines.

One minute later, the disciples of the Tang Sect rushed to the street.

Once again, the second round of the match ended dramatically, and everyone's eyes on Ling Huohuo changed a little.

Although the hidden weapon level of that Tangmen disciple was not top-notch, it was not bad, but he was still "controlled" by Ling Huohuo to intercept all the walking corpses. This is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

Finally, someone began to face up to Ling Huohuo's strength.

There's something about Ling Huohuo's gadget.

The day was passed peacefully again, of course, only Ling Huohuo who stayed in the air-conditioned room was calm, while the other contestants outside were in full swing.

Although it is not that fighting is not allowed during the game time, Xuanyuanmen has opened a battle field, which allows everyone to fight during non-game time. Of course, there is a fee.

However, the money collected is not much, and it is still within the range of everyone's tolerance.

On the first day of the battle field, the fight inside was quite intense, and appointments to fight happened from time to time.

Although some people wanted to provoke Ling Huohuo, but because Ling Huohuo had been staying in the air-conditioned room, there was no chance at all.

On the third day, fourteen people played against each other in pairs, with no byes.

Starting from the third day, the remaining 14 people are not easy to deal with.

Ling Huohuo's opponent in the third game was not small.

He is a disciple of the Five Sages!
And... it's a woman!
The clothes the other party wears are very stylish.

The upper body is wearing a sleeveless emerald green coat, revealing a flat and smooth abdomen, and the wrists of the two slender pink arms are wearing bracelets made of grass stems with bells.

Wearing green characteristic trousers on the lower body, light gauze around the waist, and grass rings with bells on both ankles.

The woman didn't wear shoes, but her feet were white and pink.

The woman wears a wreath on her head and a gauze around her face, revealing her nose and small mouth.

Only a pair of smart eyes leaked out of the woman's face, but every frown and cluster were captivating.

There were obviously more crowds watching the battle between Ling Huohuo and the woman, and it seemed that not all of them came for Ling Huohuo.

Most people seem to come here for women.

The charm of women has indeed attracted many male fans, but the most eye-catching thing is the identity of women.

Ling Huohuo was not clear about the woman's identity, but after hearing the shouts from the crowd, Ling Huohuo had an understanding of the woman's identity.

Five Saints, Linglong Saintess!

Ling Huohuo clasped his ears, feeling that the crowd was a little noisy. Ever since the Linglong Saintess came on stage, the courtship sounds have not stopped off the stage.

"Master, that woman is not a good woman at first glance, she can't marry~" Du Xiaoxue said in Ling Huohuo's ear, and looked at Linglong Saintess with vigilant eyes.

Ling Huohuo shrugged, he was here to fight, not for a blind date.

(End of this chapter)

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