The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 664 The New Life of Ghost Nightwalker

Chapter 664: The Rebirth of the Hundred Ghosts at Night (Part [-])

During the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts, the monsters started fighting.

In the face of the weaker fifth-order monsters, Ling Huohuo's Hyakki Night Walk is like a meat grinder, but it is difficult to play a role in the sixth-order monsters. Fortunately, there are Molong, Toyotomi Xiuya and Du Xiaoxue to support them. Only then did the Hyakki Yaxing collapse.

Ling Huohuo, on the other hand, dealt with all the powerful enemies of the seventh order alone.

Something that frightened Taiyin happened, Ling Huohuo alone suppressed eleven of their seven-level fights!
This Linghuohuo is too strong!

The last time he was able to defeat his master by relying on the final eruption, why now...

In short, Tai Yin felt that the car was going to overturn today.

Now I can only hope that those subordinates can disrupt Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk. If the Hundred Ghosts Night Walk is broken, Ling Huohuo will definitely be affected, and then he and others can take the opportunity to fight back.

In fact, Ling Huohuo also has his own considerations, Hongshuang is only short of every opportunity to break through to the sixth level, and this battle with the monster is a very good opportunity!
This battle is to temper the monsters, otherwise Ling Huohuo can wipe out this group of people by himself. Have you forgotten how the people from the evil camp who were sealed in the center of the primitive wild forest died?

And through the induction of Baigui Yexing, the corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth slightly raised.


At this time, Hongshuang's aura was constantly increasing, and her strength was brought into full play. The other monsters didn't even dare to drive into Hongshuang at close range.

And Hongshuang's eyes had lost their luster, and her fighting at this time was completely instinctive.

This is the state of epiphany!
At this time, Hongshuang's soul is undergoing a process of sublimation and transformation.

After the transformation is over, Hongshuang will usher in a new life!


The sound of shattering ice came from Hongshuang's body, clearly spreading throughout the battlefield.

Hongshuang's eyes regained focus, and red light shone out from Hongshuang's eyes.


Hongshuang's body was instantly shattered, and a huge blizzard blew up the entire battlefield. Countless fifth-level monsters were frozen to death, and even sixth-level monsters were frostbitten!
Whereas Hongshuang had just stood, it gradually condensed into an exquisite figure of ice blue.

"Breakthrough!" Tai Yin's eyes showed disbelief.

"Wait, if you break through during the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts..."

As Taiyin expected, the monsters in the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts have entered into a wonderful state, their powers resonate, and their souls are sublimated at the same time!

"Stop them!" Tai Yin yelled.

"Looking for death!" Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, then showed a mocking expression, picked up a spider-section sword, and pointed it at Taiyin and the others.

"I see who dares to move!"

The bodies of Taiyin and the others tensed up, and they all froze in place, not daring to move, because - they would die!
At this time, the survival instinct took over, and even though their sanity was still there, they couldn't control their bodies.

Taiyin is desperate!
And at this time, the second breakthrough monster appeared, and it was the big tengu!
Because the original source is damaged, it is difficult to improve the strength of the big tengu, but Ling Huohuo has also fulfilled his promise to the big tengu. Countless tonics are provided to the big tengu like running water, as well as the inheritance of other big tengus obtained at the headquarters of Onmyoji , making Daitengu's background more profound, and it is the monster closest to the sixth level except Hongshuang.

Now, affected by Hongshuang's breakthrough, Ootengu has finally passed that hurdle!

The wind flew up, black feathers covered the sky, a crimson ferocious tengu mask condensed on the face of the big tengu, and the white hunting clothes on his body began to change color.

The wind was blowing, and the blizzard was getting bigger.

Ling Yu'er, Yi Zi, Gu Huo Niao, etc. are gradually advancing to pull monsters.

With the vision caused by the breakthrough of the monsters, the entire Hundred Ghosts Night Walk road was in chaos, but Ling Huohuo's Hundred Ghosts Night Walk became stronger and more condensed.

"Hundred ghosts walking in the night with such momentum..."

Tai Yin felt that she capsized today, but... she can still struggle.

Taiyin gritted her teeth, broke free with all her strength, and grabbed the sky beside her.


The space was shattered, and a hole like a black hole appeared, spinning for a while, sucking in the sun and the sky.

Ling Huohuo didn't stop him.

Because they feel they can't stop.

That was the power that reversed time and space, and Ling Huohuo couldn't stop it at this time.

However, this move also consumes a lot of Taiyin.

At that moment, Ling Huohuo could feel the aura of Taiyin rapidly sluggish, as thin as a gossamer, and if he wanted to recover, he didn't want to think about it for a long time, even if he went back and led Ling Huohuo directly, he wouldn't be surprised.

Then Ling Huohuo looked at the remaining nine black moon cavalry.

"Is it okay to surrender, Dad."

"Kneel down and put your head in your hands." Ling Huohuo.

"Okay, Dad."

Being called Dad by nine people, the corners of Ling Huohuo's mouth couldn't help twitching. Although it felt good when he said it, he felt inexplicably ashamed after being called Dad!

Ling Huohuo looked at the monsters. At this time, the advancement of the monsters has come to an end.

The girls of the magic dragon came to Ling Huohuo's side.

After the magic dragon glanced at the black moon cavalry who was squatting on the ground trembling, he showed a surprised look, two are missing?

"Run away, I can't stop it." Ling Huohuo said.

"Just catch it next time." Toyotomi Hideya comforted.

Ling Huohuo smiled at her.

Suddenly, Ling Huohuo found that one person was missing, Du Xiaoxue was gone!
Ling Huohuo looked among the monsters, and found Du Xiaoxue among the monsters, and at this time Du Xiaoxue was also advancing!

Although Du Xiaoxue can erupt the combat power of the sixth level, but it relies on technology, and he only has the third level. At this time, Du Xiaoxue already has the strength of the fifth level, and is attacking the sixth level!
Power condensed in Du Xiaoxue's body, and Du Xiaoxue also began to transform.

In addition, Du Xiaoxue's aura also merged into the Hundred Ghosts' Night Walk.

Beside Du Xiaoxue, Ling Huohuo unexpectedly found fifteen walking corpses!They are also changing, but it seems that Du Xiaoxue is the center.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth, did he join his own Hundred Ghosts Night Walk?

Ling Huohuo carefully observed Du Xiaoxue and the fifteen walking corpses.

That's right, they are demonizing!

Together with the technological equipment on Du Xiaoxue's body, they have already begun to demonize.

When the demonization was over, Ling Huohuo knew that Du Xiaoxue was no longer a corpse at that time, but a real life called a demon!

And those fifteen walking corpses... Ling Huohuo felt a little strange, their transformation seemed to be related to Du Xiaoxue's transformation.

Ling Huohuo and the girls waited quietly. At this time, besides Ling Huohuo and his party, Taiyin and his party were only left with nine black moon cavalry crouching in a corner with their heads in their arms.

The monsters brought by the Taiyin were either killed by the advanced vision of the monsters or cleaned up by the magic dragon, and they were already dead.

Finally, the advancement of all the monsters is over.

Ling Huohuo smiled.

Starting today, my Hundred Ghosts Night Tour ushered in a new life!

(End of this chapter)

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