The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 665 Ling Huohuo's Life Thinking and Awakening Fate

Chapter 665 Ling Huohuo's Life Thinking and Suddenly Awakening Fate (Part [-])


The monsters opened their eyes and looked in Ling Huohuo's direction, with excitement flashing in their eyes.

There was also a smile in Ling Huohuo's eyes.

The hundred ghosts after the sixth level are very different from the past, and there will be more things that can be done in the future.

Looking at the monsters in front of him, Ling Huohuo was moved, and his eyes looked into the distance, as if he had seen through layers of fog.

The Lost Lands, the real world.

Ling Huohuo traveled between these two places.

The Lost Land is the place where the powerful beings of the ancient times lived, and there may not be no sixth, seventh, eighth, or even ninth levels above.

The real world is the place of origin, but there are few strong ones.

However, for some reason recently, powerful people in the real world appear frequently.

On the one hand, the influence of "The Lost World" stimulated the birth of the strong in this world. On the other hand, there are many silent things awakening, such as the twelve armors, and who can guarantee that there will be no similar silent things awakening? ?

In addition to these, it may also be related to those who control everything behind the scenes and want to save the world, and even involve the realm of gods. The twelve golden keys correspond to the gods of ancient Greece!
The Demon King has suffered a lot in this world.

This is definitely not a peaceful age, but it is definitely not a boring age either.

The strong go up, the weak go down, and the weak are not even qualified to be pawns in the hands of the strong.

Ling Huohuo suddenly realized that the settings and possibilities set by the sword god in "Sword Code" were based on this.

The weak have the way of life of the weak, and if they are not talented enough, then they have the way of life of those with insufficient talent. Rather than dying halfway, it is better to live a full life in an ordinary way.

It wasn't until Ling Huohuo's first blood awakened that Ling Huohuo really had the capital to move forward.

Transforming again and again, and finally reborn, Ling Huohuo grew from an ant to a chess piece step by step, and now has the qualifications to challenge chess players.

There is also luck, and there is also hard work. Looking back, Ling Huohuo also wants to laugh at what happened to him.

"What on earth am I doing this for?" Ling Huohuo laughed at himself.

The power in Ling Huohuo's body began to fluctuate violently, his mood was turbulent, and his soul began to be in a trance.


The monsters looked worriedly at Ling Huohuo who suddenly had a problem.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't seem to hear it. He looked up at the sky and was speechless for a long time.

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang flew out of Ling Huohuo's body and landed beside them, looking at Ling Huohuo with serious faces.

"Ling Yaoyao, what happened to Ling Huohuo?" Toyotomi Xiuya asked nervously.

Ling Yaoyao narrowed her eyes.

"Ling Huohuo is undergoing an important transformation."

"What transformation? Advanced?" Toyotomi Hideya asked.

"No." Ling Yaoyao shook her head.

"What is that?" Toyotomi Xiuya asked suspiciously, and everyone else looked at Ling Yaoyao.

"think about life."



Just now.

Ling Huohuo suddenly realized a profound question - what is his purpose?

This is not a matter of cultivation, but a philosophy of life.

Ling Huohuo's cultivation path is clear - to perfect one's own way, no matter whether there is a vast dome or an abyss ahead, one must keep moving forward, once one stops, one will die.

But facing the philosophy of life, Ling Huohuo suddenly became a little confused.

At the beginning, Ling Huohuo felt that he existed to protect the people around him, but after thinking about it just now, he realized that everyone has their own life. Even if he can interfere, it is impossible to change the name. Something for destiny, in the end even backfired.

So what is it for?

Are potato chips bad?Or is Coke bad?Is it not good looking?Or is the game not fun?
Why do you want to move forward?
It stands to reason that now I have money that I can't spend, and I have girls who can't finish it, and I want to have whatever I want. This is the life I have always dreamed of. It stands to reason that my life should be perfect, but I Why is it as it is now, and it has become so different from before?
The power in Ling Huohuo's body surged violently, and breaking the path allowed Ling Huohuo to keep moving forward, and the aura on Ling Huohuo's body was constantly increasing.

The people around Ling Huohuo could only leave Ling Huohuo's position far away.

While thinking, Ling Huohuo seemed to see a beam of golden light in his eyes.

There seems to be a person in the light.

"Confused young man, did you drop this golden axe, or this silver axe? Or this Ling Huohuo who looks like a salted fish?"

The mysterious voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ears.

Ling Huohuo:? ? ?

"Come on, choose, science is on the left, magic is on the right, which way do you go?"

The mysterious voice continued to sound.

Ling Huohuo:? ? ?

"Fate's choice, to move forward, to retreat, or to stand still?"


"What's under a girl's skirt?"


"Is sweet tofu nao delicious or salty tofu nao?"


"What did the pangolin say?"


"By the way, who is Little Chrysanthemum?"

Ling Huohuo's eyes moved, yes, who is Little Chrysanthemum?

"A goose in the sky, a goose on the ground, geese flying, geese hitting geese, geese touching geese..."

What the hell?

A strange BGM suddenly sounded in Ling Huohuo's ears.

"The left ear is close to the heart..."

"Xin Nima!" Ling Huo scolded angrily!
A golden light seemed to slide through the long river of time, penetrated fate, and shrouded Ling Huohuo's body.

Under the shroud of golden light, under the watchful eyes of the monsters, Ling Huohuo's body became taller, and soon returned to his appearance after the college entrance examination, his hair became the original normal hair, and a pair of black-framed glasses appeared It landed on Ling Huohuo's eyes, and Ling Huohuo's overall strength quickly faded, seventh level, sixth level, fifth level, fourth level... first level!Then...the strength is gone!
The faces of the monsters changed drastically.

Ling Huohuo's strength disappeared?What the hell happened to people?

A more terrifying thing happened. The monsters found that the connection between themselves and Ling Huohuo... was broken!
The golden light dissipated, and the ordinary, somewhat handsome Ling Huohuo appeared in front of everyone with his eyes closed.

The monsters around were silent, unable to make any movement for a long time.


The monsters opened their mouths slowly, their voices were a bit hoarse.

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes, a pair of ordinary black eyes.

"Yo, what's for dinner tonight?"

Everyone: "..."

A goldfinch flew out from nowhere and landed on Ling Huohuo's head, followed by a blue cotton bird, which landed on Ling Huohuo's shoulder.


In an unknown space, the sword god slowly opened his silver eyes, looked at the shivering woman beside him, and spoke slowly.

"Are you cold?" Sword God asked.

cold?no!I'm afraid of you!You've stayed here with me for such a fucking long time, scaring me to death every day!

After all, everyone who knows Sword God will not think that Sword God is a person who can speak well.

"As a friend, let me ask you a question."

"You ask, as a friend, I will answer you." The woman said with a smile, but she had already rubbed the sword god on the ground countless times in her heart.

"Who is Little Chrysanthemum?"

"What???" The woman looked confused.

The Sword God stared into the distance.

A sudden awakening fate?What a surprising successor.

Speaking of fate though...

The Sword God looked at the woman beside him, and looked him up and down.

The woman was trembling, and the afterimages of the two rabbits were already shaking.

It's over, it's over, I didn't answer the question, this is going to hack me to death...

"Do you want to get married?" Sword God suddenly asked.


The woman fainted, not knowing whether she was excited or frightened.

(End of this chapter)

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