The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 667 I was not sensible when I was young

Chapter 667
Ling Huohuo was idle again.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo decided to do the task given by the academy.

The task given to Ling Huohuo by Chaofan Academy is very simple, it is to enroll students.

Ling Huohuo's recruitment task included three people, and Ling Huohuo knew two of these three people.

One of them is Lu Sisi!
The first time she was noticed by the academy was when she participated in the Huaxia National Youth Swordsmanship Competition. An ordinary person without strength actually defeated a superhuman.

Later, Lu Sisi was noticed by Huaxia, but the invitation was not successful. Extraordinary Academy felt that its chance had come.

Wild transcendents like Lu Sisi, who have no power, are the goals of the Transcendent Academy.

Recruiting such people can, on the one hand, reduce their harm to society, and at the same time provide them with a place where they can live easily without always hiding.

Another acquaintance of Ling Huohuo is also a girl, but he has only met once.

After the college entrance examination with Ling Huohuo, Yunyu, who was the number one student in the liberal arts in "Students Online" with him.

For Yunyu, Ling Huohuo still has some impressions, remembering that she is a beautiful schoolmaster who is proficient in everything from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

The rest was a boy, Wan Huan and Ling Huohuo didn't know each other.

For Lu Sisi, Ling Huohuo directly handed the admission notice to the bewildered Lu Sisi, and completed the enrollment task with a simple explanation.

At the same time, Ling Huohuo handed over the sword god's kendo inheritance to Lu Sisi.

As for the other two people, Ling Huohuo needs to talk about it in person.

At this time Ling Huohuo was in the real world, with only Rogier by his side.

Everyone else is in the future city. Ling Huohuo has not let go of his control over the future city. Ling Huohuo is waiting for Xiao Yunyun to come back and discuss it after she comes back. At that time, Ling Huohuo will officially let go of everything in the future city. While finishing training in the real world while waiting for your own destiny!
Ling Huohuo only knew that in his destiny, he would face the person called "the devil". As for whether he could win, Ling Huohuo didn't know.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo must be diligent.

How embarrassing if you lose.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's strength cannot be displayed by the system even in the Lost Land, Ling Huohuo has to explore by himself.

And what Ling Huohuo wants to improve is not strength, but his own "existence". As for what this "existence" is, Ling Huohuo can't explain it clearly, but he just knows that it is right to do so.


Yun Yu was the number one student in liberal arts back then, so the school he went to was naturally not bad - Beihuang University.

Beihuang University is as famous as Zhonghai University and Jingcheng University. Beihuang University is located in northern China. It is named after a person. The name comes from Zhong Beihuang, the builder of Beihuang University.

Compared with Zhonghai University and Jingcheng University, Beihuang University has a touch of literary style. Even in the north, the architectural style is extremely elegant.

Beihuang University is the top liberal arts college in China. It is worth mentioning that the proportion of girls in Beihuang University is very large. The proportion of girls in Beihuang University ranks third in the country, and girls account for [-]% of the total students.

The two schools above it are the only women's university in China, with 100% female students, and the other is also converted from a female school. Although there are boys in the school, the proportion is higher than that of Beihuang. The proportion of male students in universities is still less than [-]%.

Beihuang University is located in Yunxue City in the north. Due to the special circumstances of the school, Beihuang University was not built in the city, but in the suburbs, and the safety factor is extremely high.

It can be said that Beihuang University's protection level for these little cabbages in the school is definitely the first level.

Ling Huohuo and Rogier sat on the plane to Yunxue City, flipping through the materials of Beihuang University.

And Rogier was looking at the comic book that Ling Huohuo bought for her boredly. If it wasn't for Ling Huohuo's obscenity, Rogier would have slapped the comic book in Ling Huohuo's link!
Do you really treat me like a child? ? ?
Rogier looked resentful.

"Come on, eat candy." Ling Huohuo stuffed a candy ball into Rogier's mouth.

"Mmm... so sweet..." Rogier began to lick the sugar ball happily, and a bulge appeared on her cheek.

At this time, Rogier did not continue to pass on her exaggerated and gorgeous skirt, but wore an ordinary skirt, with knee socks and small leather shoes on her feet, and two braids on her head. At this time, Rogier looked It is extremely cute and has attracted the attention of many people since boarding the plane.

Ling Huohuo was wearing a small shirt, jeans, and glasses. He was clean and handsome, but he also looked ordinary, but he looked very comfortable.

"Do you want any drinks?" The stewardess pushed the cart to Ling Huohuo and Rogier and asked.

"A glass of red wine!" Rogier said without thinking.

The flight attendant's expression was a little stiff.

Ling Huohuo pressed Rogier's head down, and looked at the embarrassed stewardess.

"Give me a glass of water, just give her a glass of orange juice." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"Ok sir."

The stewardess quickly gave Ling Huohuo the orange juice and water, then pushed the cart away.

"Tch, only red wine can match me." Rogier looked at the orange juice in front of him and said with some displeasure, "This kind of sweet drink is not what I want!"

Ling Huohuo glanced at Rogier, didn't speak, and took a sip silently.

With Ling Huohuo by his side, Rogier was fairly restrained and didn't make any mistakes.

"What a lovely child, is she your sister?" A woman wearing sunglasses and a hat sitting on the other side of Ling Huohuo asked Ling Huohuo.

"No, it's my daughter."

"Daughter?" The woman was a little surprised, and looked Ling Huohuo up and down. Ling Huohuo looked like he was just over twenty. How old is his daughter?

"Yeah." Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Can I ask how old you are this year?" the woman couldn't help asking.

"22." Ling Huohuo said.

"Then your daughter..."

Ling Huohuo looked at Rogier, to be honest, he really didn't care about Rogier's age, but looking at Rogier's appearance now...

"I'm eight years old this year!" Ling Huohuo said with certainty.

The woman next to Ling Huohuo twitched her mouth. The 22-year-old father, the 14-year-old daughter, is he the [-]-year-old father?
"Are you kidding me?" the woman asked.

"No, it's all because I'm young and ignorant."

God damn young and ignorant!

"Then your wife..."

"Same age as me." Ling Huohuo nodded.

The woman didn't know what to say.

Ling Huohuo chatted with the woman without saying a word.

Soon, the plane was about to land. Ling Huohuo glanced at Rogier's direction, and found that Rogier had fallen asleep at some point, and the orange juice on her small table was empty, and the paper cup still had Traces of being licked.

Ling Huohuo smiled, shaking Rogier awake.

"Huh? Servant, is dinner ready?" Rogier opened his eyes blankly.

Ling Huohuo: "..."


(End of this chapter)

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