The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 668 Let me introduce you, this "beauty" is my brother

Chapter 668 Let me introduce you, this "beauty" is my brother (second update)

Ling Huohuo took Rogier off the plane.

What surprised Ling Huohuo was that there were so many people at the airport today that he couldn't even find his contact person.

The so-called connector is the person assigned by Huaxia to Ling Huohuo, which is similar to Firefox.

Because of the matter of Xuanyuanmen, Firefox was transferred back to the headquarters to understand the situation, so the person who came to meet with Ling Huohuo and arrange Ling Huohuo's travel changed to someone else.

Ling Huohuo took Rogier by the hand and stood in the airport hall, looking at the crowd blankly.

Where is my connector? ? ?

"What's wrong?" A woman's voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

Ling Huohuo looked, and it turned out that it was the woman sitting next to him on the plane.

She was carrying a suitcase in her hand, and behind her was a woman who was also carrying a suitcase.

"It's nothing, the person who picked me up has disappeared." Ling Huohuo said a little speechlessly.

The woman didn't expect this to be the case, she was slightly taken aback.

"Is this your first time in Yunxue City?" the woman asked.

Ling Huohuo nodded and said, "This is my first time here, I'm here to do something."

"That's it." The woman nodded, "If there is a chance, it's better to come in winter. Yunxue City in winter is very beautiful."

"I will come if I have a chance." Ling Huohuo nodded and said.

At this time, a woman walked towards Ling Huohuo with her waist swaying, attracting the eyes of Ling Huohuo and the woman beside Ling Huohuo.

Shirt, jeans, leather boots, wearing a pair of sunglasses, shoulder-length hair looks very smooth, a youthful and beautiful appearance.

A pair of long legs are attractive, and the twisting of the waist makes the men around swallow their saliva. The only pity is the chest - very flat!
The woman came to Ling Huohuo's side. The woman was tall, only a little shorter than Ling Huohuo.

The woman took off the sunglasses on her face with her tender hands, revealing a cheek without makeup, watching Ling Huohuo lick her lips.

"Long time no see, Ling Huohuo." The woman said with a charming voice.

Looking at the woman's familiar face, Ling Huohuo waited for his eyes.

"This is..." As soon as the woman next to Ling Huohuo spoke, Ling Huohuo hugged her excitedly.

The woman smiled and hugged Ling Huohuo as well.

The woman smiled and looked at the slightly warm scene in front of her.

Is an acquaintance?Could it be an old friend?
The woman secretly guessed.

"Ding Ning, it's really you, why are you here?" Ling Huohuo let go of the "woman" and said.

That's right, it was Ding Ning who came!
"Hmm, I'm the one who arranged for you here. Who are these? Why don't you introduce me?" Ding Ning said with a smile, rolling his eyes at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo didn't feel anything, but the woman and the woman behind her trembled and felt a little crisp.

Even women have to admit that the charm of the other party can ignore gender.

"Cut, vixen." Rogier said angrily, but still couldn't help but peek at Ding Ning.

Ling Huohuo nodded to Ding Ning's words about the people who arranged for him, remembering that Ding Ning was also a member of a certain army and had a relationship with him, so it was reasonable to be sent to arrange for him.

However, for Ding Ning, Ling Huohuo also has a lot of questions to ask, but obviously not now.

"Let me introduce you. This is Rogier, my daughter."

"Daughter? You and Xiao Yunyun?" Ding Ning looked at Rogier in shock, and then at Ling Huohuo, "She grew up eating gold rubbish, right?"

"Well, the situation is a bit complicated, I'll tell you later." Ling Huohuo scratched his face, then pointed at the woman.

"This is a friend I met on the plane."

"My name is Bai Xue, and this is my assistant." The woman reached out to shake An Ning, and then An Ning shook hands with the assistant behind Bai Xue.

"Let me introduce you." Ling Huohuo put his arm around Ding Ning's shoulder and said a little excitedly.

"This is my good brother, Ding Ning!"

"What?" Bai Xue, her assistant and Rogier all looked at Ding Ning in shock.

Brothers! ?

"You mean... he's a man?" Bai Xue pointed at Ding Ning in disbelief.

"That's right." Ling Huohuo nodded, "My college roommate back then."

Bai Xue looked at Ding Ning in shock, couldn't help pulling off her sunglasses, revealing her beautiful eyes, and looked Ding Ning seriously up and down.

Bai Xue's assistant has gone stupid.

Ding Ning smiled politely, and then slightly opened his collar.

Bai Xue saw the Adam's apple on Ding Ning's neck behind his collar.

Bai Xue had a strange look on her face, and she put on her sunglasses again.

"I think it's a bit messy." Bai Xue said in a low tone, no wonder, no wonder the other party's chest is flat!

A deep sense of frustration arose in Bai Xue's heart. As a woman, she lost in appearance!

Rogier on the other side is not feeling well.

"Ahem." Ding Ning coughed twice, his voice turned into a very magnetic male voice, and then stretched out a finger, "He is really a man, and he is bigger than Ling Huohuo~"

"..." Bai Xue.

"Get out, it's obviously mine that's bigger and longer!" Ling Huohuo said without showing any weakness.

"Oh? What did you say? I mean age~" Ding Ning looked at Ling Huohuo with a pure look.

"..." Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo suddenly felt pain in his feet, and when he lowered his head, it was Rogier who was stepping on his feet with his little leather shoes, and was still writhing and rubbing.

Rogier blushed.

"Asshole, don't tell me this! I'm still a kid!!!"

Ling Huohuo felt his heart was a little tired.

When she raised her head, she found that Ding Ning took Bai Xue's hand at some point, and was still close to the other party, sniffing at the other party's body with her nose.

"My sister's perfume is very good. Where did you buy it? What brand is it? Tell me." Ding Ning asked curiously, and her voice had recovered.

Looking at Ding Ning, who looked completely like a woman, Bai Xue's face was a little embarrassed, because she still remembered that this person was a man!

"Ah, just treat me as a friend, don't worry about it." Ding Ning said with a smile.

I was still talking in a male voice just now, how could I not care!

"This...that... sorry, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first." Bai Xue nodded apologetically to Ling Huohuo, and hurriedly left with her assistant.

Watching Bai Xue run away with his assistant, Ding Ning spread his hands at Ling Huohuo, showing an innocent look.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously. In his memory, Ding Ning didn't seem like someone who would be very intimate with someone he met for the first time.

"What do I mean? I also want to ask you how it feels to stay with a big star for such a long time." Ding Ning asked, rolling his eyes.

"Big star? Where?" Ling Huohuo asked suspiciously.

"It's that Baixue just now. Baixue is a pseudonym. She is actually a popular star. I felt familiar when she took off her sunglasses. I confirmed it when I smelled the perfume just now. Don't you know?"

"I don't know." Ling Huohuo said innocently, "But why are you sure about her identity?" Ling Huohuo continued to ask.

"Of course it's because of you. Your current status is not ordinary. Everyone who has come into contact with you must be investigated to find out their identities. Being your operator is a hard job." Ding Ning put on a tired face. expression.

Ling Huohuo smiled embarrassedly.

"Okay, come with me, the car is already waiting outside."

"Oh." Ling Huohuo pulled Rogier to follow.

(End of this chapter)

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