The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 669 As long as you look good...

Chapter 669 As long as you look good... (one more)
Man is a visual animal. As long as the information fed back from the eyes makes him feel comfortable, the level of happiness will increase linearly. The information fed back from the eyes has a profound impact on the judgment of the whole person.

The so-called hearing is believing, seeing is believing also has this effect, after all, seeing is not necessarily true.

For example, if a lady who is good-looking fried chicken walks up to you, you will think "ah, so beautiful, I want the sun", but in fact, this lady is a man, you will feel "ah, even if it is a man, it doesn't matter !"

Because it looks good!

Do you think a guy wants to fuck a guy because he's good-looking?
That's right, because it looks good!
Ling Huohuo looked at Ding Ning who was sitting on the back seat of his bicycle with his arms around his waist.

At this time, Ling Huohuo was riding a bicycle in front, while Ding Ning was sitting sideways on Ling Huohuo's back seat, with his right hand wrapped around Ling Huohuo's waist, with his face up, looking at the sky with a smile on his face. With his hands, he brushed away the hair that was blown to the corner of his mouth by the wind.

Sensing Ling Huohuo looking at him, Ding Ning looked at Ling Huohuo, squinted his eyes and smiled.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly turned her head, her face turning red.

Worse, this is a heart-pounding feeling!

"Ride with peace of mind, you will crash later." Ding Ning tightened his arms and reminded from behind.

"Oh, good." Ling Huohuo hurriedly concentrated and started riding the bike seriously.

At this time, the two were on their way to Beihuang University.

Because Beihuang University is located in the outskirts of Yunxue City, it is necessary to go there by car, and there are not many buses.

In the end, Ding Ning brought out a bicycle for Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning rode bicycles to Beihuang University, and Rogier was left at a stronghold where Ding Ning and the others were.

Ling Huohuo is not afraid that Rogier will run away, if Rogier runs away again, then Ling Huohuo will show her what real terror is!Demonstrate what is called "a father's love is like a mountain"!
To be honest, Ling Huohuo has been riding for more than half an hour now, and Beihuang University is still far away.

The occasional passing cars formed a strong contrast with the traffic coming and going in Yunxue City, indicating that Beihuang University is really remote!
But riding a bicycle is nothing to Ling Huohuo.

There is a beautiful woman sitting behind her, which makes Ling Huohuo feel in a good mood, even though such a beautiful woman has a big bird in her pants.

At this time, a BMW slowed down and approached Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning looked at the BMW.

The window was rolled down, and there were two men sitting in the passenger seat.

The two whistled at Ding Ning.

"Beauty, do you want to ride in the BMW together?" said the man in the driver's seat.

Yo, flirting in front of my face?Can this be tolerated?

Ling Huohuo quickened his pace.

Ding Ning showed disdainful eyes to the two men in the BMW.

The two men in the BMW couldn't take it anymore.

It's not easy to meet such a good-looking "girl" and let her run away?
So, the man in the BMW also stepped on the gas pedal, overtook the bicycles of Ling Huohuo and the two of them, then gave Ling Huohuo a provocative look, and at the same time whistled at Ding Ning again.

"Ding Ning, how much can this bicycle pedal?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Ding Ning stuck to Ling Huohuo's ear, and blew into Ling Huohuo's ear, Ling Huohuo trembled, and a scent entered Ling Huohuo's nose.

"Theoretically speaking, there is no problem in surpassing this Mercedes-Benz at the fastest speed." Ding Ning said with a smile.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Sit tight!"

Ling Huohuo kicked his feet, and his feet spun quickly.


The wind blew past, like a rocket jet, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning disappeared.

The BMW screeched to a stop, and the two men in the car got out of the car dumbly, looking at the empty road in shock.

"Just now..." a man said with difficulty.

"It's true!" Another man said affirmatively, and then swallowed.

The two men looked at each other, hurried back to the BMW, backed up quickly, picked their heads, and returned the same way.

Is the person I just met a ghost?
It must be that our driving posture is wrong, go back and reopen!


On the other side, when Ding Ning regained his sight, he found that he had arrived at the gate of Beihuang University.

"Arrived at the destination." Ling Huohuo said with a smile.

"It was just..."

"Small trick, but in order to protect you, I covered your perception, so you didn't feel anything." Ling Huohuo said.

The speed just now was not acceptable to Ding Ning.

"You are really powerful, how strong are you?" Ding Ning asked.

Although Ding Ning has been exposed to a lot of things related to extraordinary people, his actual strength is not that strong.

"Well, so-so." Ling Huohuo scratched his head.

Ding Ning obviously didn't believe it, and rolled his coquettish eyes, which made Ling Huohuo's heart tremble.

Ding Ning jumped off the bicycle.

There are not many vehicles and people outside Beihuang University. There are only some restaurants and entertainment venues. The only thing worthy of attention is a very huge shopping mall.

"What should we do next?" Ling Huohuo shrank his bicycle to the side of the road and asked Ding Ning.

Ding Ning glanced at his watch, then took out his mobile phone and shook it at Ling Huohuo.

"Although the country will not provide any help to the admissions of the Extraordinary Academy, I personally can. I have sent someone to contact you before, and I have arranged everything for you. Now I just make a phone call."

"Really? Thank you so much." Ling Huohuo said happily, if only everything went smoothly.

After Ding Ning made the phone call, he gave Ling Huohuo a look that everything was in order, and Ling Huohuo nodded happily.

Soon, an elderly woman in a suit came out of Beihuang University and approached the two of them with a smile on her face.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Ding Ning?" the woman asked.

"That's right." Ding Ning nodded.

What the hell is Miss?No, I clearly confirmed it when I took a shower before, Ding Ning is a man!

Ling Huohuo felt a little flustered.

"She doesn't know I'm a man." Ding Ning explained in Ling Huohuo's ear.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

"Let me introduce, this is a collateral child of my family, sister Ding Qiushui." Ding Ning said with a smile.

"What are you talking about, sister, I dare not be, I dare not be." Although Ding Qiushui said so, his happy smiling face turned into a flower.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

"No way, Sister Qiushui is still very young, and Sister Qiushui is still the ace professor of Beihuang University. She is young and promising, and even I feel ashamed." Ding Ning said with a smile, expressing Ding Qiushui's attitude by the way identity.

"How can it be so good, Miss Ning really flatters me." Ding Qiushui looked very happy.

In her position, she has heard all kinds of good things, but even if the words are the same, the people who say them are different, and the feelings are different.

And it just so happens that Ding Ning's compliment is the kind of existence that can make Ding Qiushui very happy.

Ding Qiushui is just a family separation, no matter how accomplished or old he is, he is still a family separation. Ding Qiushui does not have the great dream of wanting to become the master of the family, so Ding Ning's status as the eldest lady of the master family makes her attach great importance to it.

"The one who can be with Miss Ning should be Teacher Ling." Ding Qiushui looked at Ling Huohuo with a scrutinizing expression.

"Teacher Ling?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, and looked at Ding Ning. Could it be that Ding Ning revealed his identity to Ding Qiushui?
(End of this chapter)

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