Chapter 670 Arrangement (Second Update)
Ding Ning did not tell Ding Qiushui about Ling Huohuo's identity, but arranged another identity for Ling Huohuo - a genius tutor from a foreign university!
The purpose of coming to Beihuang University is to give teaching lectures, share my knowledge and experience, and inspire the college students in Beihuang.

As Ding Ning said, everything has been arranged "clearly and clearly"!
Ling Huohuo's speech is tonight!
Ling Huohuo looked at Ding Ning and felt that his head was big. How could he give a speech?You can teach people to kill yourself, how do you teach this?
What's more, what does this speech have to do with admissions?
"Do you think that Beihuang University will let you recruit students casually? What's more, if you don't show your value, how can people be willing to leave with you? I checked, and you were the number one student in science back then. In the first class, she was the number one student in liberal arts, and she has a strong personality, and she doesn't like being weaker than others. Seeing you are so good, she will definitely arouse her competitive spirit, and if you provoke her a little bit at that time, won't it be easy to catch her?" Ding Ning said. of.

Ling Huohuo fell into thinking, and felt that it seemed to be such a truth, but...he couldn't give a speech!

"Aren't you the number one scholar in science? After all, you must have some talent?" Ding Ning.

"I copied it!" Ling Huohuo.

This time it was Ding Ning's turn to fall into deep thought.

Finally Ding Ning patted Ling Huohuo on the shoulder and gave Ling Huohuo a thumbs up.


Then Ding Ning disappeared, leaving only Ding Qiushui in charge of arranging Ling Huohuo.

Looking at the woman in front of her who was older than Ling's mother, Ling Huohuo felt a little heartbroken, in various senses.

For Ling Huohuo's arrival, Beihuang University expressed its welcome, and it is said that the arrangement for the lecture was made a week ago.

Ling Huohuo remembered that a week ago, he notified the Huaxia government that he was going to enroll students. In other words, Ding Ning had already started preparations since then.

Because Ding Ning recommended Ling Huohuo, Ding Qiushui also recommended Ling Huohuo. Ding Qiushui is the ace professor of Beihuang University. The school of Beihuang University attaches great importance to the people she recommends to give lectures. After all, Ding Qiushui can't smash With her own signboard, the people she recommends must be worthy of affirmation and learning.

To put it simply, the school of Beihuang University believes that Ling Huohuo is a talent.

For this reason, the largest guild hall was specially opened, which can accommodate thousands of students!
The speech was arranged in three steps, and Ding Ning marked Ling Huohuo, but Ding Ning was still missing.

The first step is to simply introduce yourself and show how awesome you are. Ding Ning said that it is easier to establish a tall image of yourself and stimulate the other party's self-esteem.

The second step is to narrate your own experience in detail. Ding Ning said that this step can give the other party time to relieve stress, and can further confirm his own words and deepen stimulation. The more realistic and detailed the description, the better.

The last step is the questioning session. Let the students ask questions. With the other party's temperament, it is difficult to hold back. Ling Huohuo only needs to let him answer the questions. In the middle of the opposite position, Ling Huohuo will further intensify the stimulation and detonate the opponent's psychological defense line.

Of course, it doesn't matter if the other party doesn't ask questions, Ding Ning also made other arrangements.

After waiting for the speech, Ling Huohuo only needs to communicate with the other party, and he can do it with his hands.

Ding Ning's arrangement seemed reasonable, Ling Huohuo thought, women, it's terrible to grasp people's hearts, ah, I forgot, Ding Ning is a man.

Oh man.

Although Ding Ning cheated himself, his method is indeed feasible.

Enrollment at Chaofan Academy does not allow coercion or use of means, it is entirely voluntary, but Yunyu is Ling Huohuo's first enrollment, and Ling Huohuo does not want to fail like this.

Therefore, Ling Huohuo also began to prepare for the speech at night. Although Ling Huohuo had no idea, there was Baihuang who could discuss it together.

As for whether it will succeed in the end, Ling Huohuo can only resign himself to fate, Ling Huohuo will not lose anything if he fails, and Ling Huohuo doesn't like the rewards he gets after success.

But what Ling Huohuo enjoyed was the process.

Experience brings not only memory but also growth.


Soon, Ling Huohuo's speech began.

For the students of Beihuang University, Ling Huohuo's speech is worth looking forward to. Of course, it is for those who really love learning.

However, one of the people who came tonight was not happy, but in a complicated mood.

That was Yun Yu, the liberal arts champion in the same class as Ling Huohuo.

Yun Yu still remembered Ling Huohuo.

After all, when Ling Huohuo was interviewed together, the phrase "The world is so big, I want to see it" was full of poetry, and left a deep impression on Yunyu. She would occasionally think of such a person, guessing How is the other party doing?

In fact, when you go to university, you will find that the university life of the top student in the college entrance examination is very good, and in a better university, you get better, but for Yunyu, all this is not so perfect.

She will also be under pressure in college, especially in terms of academic performance.

Moreover, after a few years, no one should remember her as the number one student in the college entrance examination.

After studying day after day, he has become a better person. Yunyu is at a loss. What is his future going to be?
Whenever he thinks of Ling Huohuo's words at the beginning, Yunyu will be like this, what is his future?Looking for a good job?Looking for a good husband?Live a good life?A seemingly perfect end to this life?
No, Yunyu thinks she should live for her dream!Repeating the seemingly perfect life is nothing more than imitation, and even the smile becomes empty.

Since she was a child, Yunyu has learned various talents under the arrangement of her parents, and she has become extremely good, but she knows that there are many people who are as good as her, and there are even many people who are even better. It seems to be cultivating talent, but it is arranged, not what she really wants!
Her seemingly "perfect life" is not perfect for her. It's not that she is picky, but people at different levels have different pursuits. People at low levels think that the lives of people at middle levels are perfect. Yes, but middle-level people yearn for high-level people, and high-level people try to find ways to enter a higher life.

Ling Huohuo's words rang again in Yunyu's ears.

The world is so big, she also wants to go out and see!

Fortunately, Yunyu has found something that can make her feel that she is not living by imitating others, and that is—transcendence!
By chance and coincidence, he became an extraordinary person, and Yunyu immediately decided to go out of his own way!And have been fighting for it.

A smile full of joy hung on Yunyu's face again.

Then, Ling Huohuo came.

(End of this chapter)

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