Chapter 684 Vernette (Part [-])
Finding an angel is easier than finding a demon.

The angel didn't hide his aura, Ling Huohuo followed the fluctuation of the aura, and quickly found the angel's residence.

A decent house.

Standing at the door, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning looked at each other, nodded to each other, then Ling Huohuo raised his hand, ready to knock on the door.

However, at this time, voices came from behind Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning.

"Who are you? Do you have anything to do with Xiaojia?"

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning turned their heads, and a girl with purple hair was standing behind them with a look of wariness.

What shocked Ling Huohuo was that this girl actually had the strength of the fifth level!
No, it's not just the strength of the fifth level, Ling Huohuo can feel that the level of power in the opponent's body is definitely higher than the fifth level, but only shows the strength of the fifth level, which proves that the girl's strength is sealed!

Who is the other party? ? ?

Ling Huohuo always felt that there was an aura about the girl that he was very familiar with, but it was very faint and covered up, so Ling Huohuo couldn't distinguish it carefully.

"Xiao Jia? Is it the owner who lives here?" Ding Ning asked, and then took out his ID card, "We are members of the National Security Bureau. Now there is something that needs the assistance of the owner of the room in the investigation."

National Security Agency?Do you remember that Ding Ning is not from this department?
Ling Huohuo looked at Ding Ning, and Ding Ning returned Ling Huohuo's look.

Ling Huohuo understood, two words - false evidence!
My life is too young, and the government staff gave myself a false certificate from another department!
Ling Huohuo gave full marks to this operation.

On the other side, the purple-haired girl was stunned after hearing Ding Ning's words, and then showed a look of disbelief, followed by a look of "it's true", followed by deep grief.

The richness of the girl's expression made Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning a little dazed.

This expression change is too rich.

"I knew it, I just said that would not work...but I didn't expect it to be so fast..." the girl murmured unconsciously.

"Hey, what's the problem?" Ding Ning waved his hands in front of the girl.

Only then did the girl come back to her senses, closed her eyes, breathed a sigh of relief, and then her eyes became firm.

"Comrade, don't worry, although I am Xiaojia's friend, I will not help her cover up, but my friend's nature is not bad, and I hope you will be punished lightly." The girl said.


Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning looked blank, always feeling that the girl seemed to have misunderstood something, seemed very interesting!

Therefore, Ding Ning nodded and purposely put on a straight face.

"Okay, in view of your cooperation, we will consider it as appropriate." Ding Ning said.

"Really?" The girl showed an expectant expression.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning nodded with serious faces.

"Thank you so much!" The girl bowed to Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning were a little embarrassed by the girl's enthusiasm.

"Now I hope you can explain the situation, don't hide it, these will be used as evidence for Chen Tang." Ding Ning took out the paper and pen from nowhere, and pretended to start recording.

Of course, there must be a full set of acting, besides, this is a good opportunity to get to know the angel in the room, maybe you can catch something.

Then the girl started talking, from not washing clothes or folding quilts, to littering and skipping school, saying that you are very detailed.

But Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning felt something was wrong.

This is completely describing a good-for-nothing!

Although the girl always added two sentences to explain that she wanted to give points to her friends, but it had little effect.

The image of the angel in the room fell repeatedly in the hearts of Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning.

And why are they all trivial things?What about the big news?
Isn't there such a thing as bank robbery and murder?

Soon, the girl closed her mouth.

"I'm done."

"Eh..." Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning looked at each other, is this the end?

"Well, is there anything serious?" Ding Ning asked tentatively.

This time the girl showed a surprised expression.

"It's not serious, if this continues, she will grow into a social moth!!!"

Well, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning felt that the girl must have misunderstood the legal issues.

"Then...can we go in and see your friends?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Yes." The girl nodded, then took out the key and inserted it into the keyhole on the door.

"How do you have the key to this room?" Ding Ning asked with a frown.

"I deserve it myself." The girl said naturally

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning were speechless, with black lines all over their heads, the seriousness of what you did has surpassed the seriousness of everything that your friend did!
With the help of the girl, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning walked into the room.

The room looked a little dark, and there were takeaway boxes and various express packages everywhere on the ground, with nowhere to stay.

But at this time it has been tidied up a bit.

Not bad. Surprisingly, apart from the clutter, there is no peculiar smell in the room, and people can still live in it.

However, there are really angels living in this kind of place?
Although the two of them were mentally prepared after hearing the purple-haired girl's description, they still couldn't believe it when they actually faced each other.

A figure was crouching on the ground knocking something into a bag.

To Ling Huohuo's surprise, that figure also had the strength of the fifth level!And it is also in a sealed state!
The remaining breath of power in the room convinced Ling Huohuo that he had come to the right place, there really were angels here!

Ling Huohuo nodded to Ding Ning. Ding Ning frowned and thought about it, thinking that his impression of angels should be changed.

"Vinette, are you here? Come and help, we are running out of time!"

The figure said without looking back, looking very busy.

The purple-haired girl opened her mouth, gave Ding Ning and Ling Huohuo an apologetic look, then took off her shoes, stepped on tiptoes in the gaps in the garbage, and walked towards the figure squatting on the ground.

Ling Huohuo really wanted to say, don't take off your shoes and enter the house in such a room.

But with this incident, Ling Huohuo felt that the purple-haired girl might be a child with a very good tutor.

On the contrary, the girl squatting on the ground, who looked like an angel, did not give a very good first impression.

The purple-haired girl named Vinette walked up to the girl squatting on the ground, raised her fist and hit the girl on the head.

"Ah!" The blond girl let out a painful cry.

"Vinette, what are you doing?" the blond girl shouted at the purple-haired girl.

The purple-haired girl pointed at Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning, and said, "You have something to do, and the national security is here!"

"What?" The blond girl looked at Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning in shock, fell silent for a moment, and asked, "When did they come in?"

The purple-haired girl: "..."

Ding Ning: "..."

Ling Huohuo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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