The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 685 Jiaairu is really strict

Chapter 685 Jiaairu Is Really Strict (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo felt that there might be something wrong with the angel's brain circuit.

"Who are you?" The blond-haired girl looked at Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning vigilantly with a belated awareness.

"We are from the Ministry of State Security." Ding Ning said holding his ID.

"What department?" the girl asked in surprise.

"Ministry of National Security." Ding Ning repeated.

"What Abe?"

"Ministry of Homeland Security!"

"Guoan what?"

"Guoan..." Ding Ning closed his mouth and looked at Ling Huohuo, "Can you beat him?"

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth, this is the rhythm of direct action.

"Hmm... I don't know." Ling Huohuo said after thinking for a while.

The opponent has sealed her strength, who knows if she can break the seal, she might not be able to beat her.

Ding Ning took a deep breath, sorted out his emotions, and then looked at Vineette.

Vinette nodded, then patted the blond girl on the shoulder.

"Admit it, confess it quickly, and resist it strictly." Vinet said.

"Recognize what?" the girl asked suspiciously.

"Don't play dumb!"

Ding Ning did not continue to speak, but took out a blue and white triangle from Ling Huohuo's pocket, and displayed it in front of the two women.

"You should know what this is, right?"

Vinette was silent, and the blond girl was also silent.

Vinette covered her mouth and looked at Ling Huohuo in shock.

"Could it be that you are... the legendary pervert!??" Vinet asked.

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Where does this follow?It's not mine! ! !

"Hehe, hehe..." The blond girl suddenly let out a deep laugh.

"Xiaojia, what's wrong with you?" Vinette looked at her friend in surprise.

"Since you have seen it, let's die together!!!" The blond girl yelled, rushing towards Ling Huohuo with radiance all over her body.

"Why me!" Ling Huohuo yelled.

Ding Ning dodges immediately, and casually throws away the blue and white triangle in his hand, and throws the blue and white triangle at Ling Huohuo.

"Little Jia!" Vinette exclaimed.

Ling Huohuo didn't dodge, but stretched out his hands with a serious face, trying to defend against the girl's attack. Facing the girl's attack, Ling Huohuo attached great importance to it. After all, it was an angel's attack, even if the blue and white corners arrived He didn't care about the top of his head, but...

Ling Huohuo's expression changed and he became surprised.

"So weak..."

Ling Huohuo put his hands on the girl's head, but the girl's impact couldn't make Ling Huohuo take a step back.

After thinking about it, Ling Huohuo put down one hand and supported the girl's head with only one hand.

"Go to hell, go to die, go to die..." The girl was shrouded in holy light, and punched Ling Huohuo with her fists, but the girl couldn't take a step forward. Unable to touch Ling Huohuo.

Both Ding Ning and Vinaite watched this scene in shock.

Ling Huohuo was also extremely surprised, was this an angel's attack?
Ling Huohuo suddenly thought of the angel Jiaailu, and the angel in front of him was like the sky and the earth.

"That, that can't be..." Vinet showed a surprised expression, and then pointed to the blue-and-white triangle on Ling Huohuo's head and the blond girl who was waving her fists and emitting holy light all over her body.

"Well, anyway, this one fell on our table suddenly, and then I found it." Ding Ning spread his hands.

Vinette showed a stiff smile, probably trying to understand what happened, and didn't know what expression to show.

It's really... embarrassing!

No wonder my friend came up with a desperate posture.

If this happened to me... Impossible!Absolutely not!

At this time, a larger holy light lit up from the ceiling.

"God walking?" The blond girl stopped moving, staring blankly at the holy light above her head.

"Ah!" Vinette screamed, turned around and ran out of the room, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

But Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning felt that this scene seemed familiar, wouldn't there be another triangle, right?

At this time, a figure appeared in the light.

A blond girl fell from the sky.

"Little Jiabaili, releasing such a holy light, what happened... huh?" Jiaailu stared blankly at the situation in front of her, a little confused, but... this room is really too messy!
"Come... come, big horror!" The blond girl trembled and fell to the ground, as if giving up the treatment.

After half an hour...

"So that's how it is." Jiaailu passed the tea in her hand to Ling Huohuo.

At this time Ling Huohuo had just told Jia Ailu the ins and outs of the incident.

Ling Huohuo hurriedly took it.

Ding Ning sat on the other side.

The room was now clean and spotless.

Of course it wasn't Gabriel who cleaned it up. At this moment, Gabriel was being bound, gagged, and lay down on the ground.

"I really didn't expect that Gabriel is Miss Jiaailu's biological sister." Ling Huohuo took a sip of tea and sighed.

"Because I didn't expect my sister to degenerate to such a level, I'm really sorry for causing trouble to you two." Jia Ailu's face became serious, and she said apologetically to Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning hurriedly waved their hands.

"Hmm..." Gabriel struggled on the ground, wanting to say something.

"However, can you return my younger sister's clothes? After all, it always makes people feel bad if a girl's things fall into the hands of a boy." Jiaailu said.

"Haha, that's exactly what I have in mind, and I have absolutely no other ideas." As he spoke, Ling Huohuo took out the three blue and white families from his pocket and returned them to Jia Ailu.

"Hmmmm..." Gabriel struggled more violently, staring at Ling Huohuo with murderous intent in her eyes.

However, at this moment, a little foot wearing a sock stepped on Gabriel's wide eyes, and the painful Gabriel struggled violently.

The owner of the feet is Gailu.

Jia Ailu was smiling, but her feet did not relax, and she twisted violently twice.

"About your matter, I will take you back to the heavens to remodel. As an angel, you have fallen so badly that you can't even release the holy light well. You are even more depraved than the demons in the demon world!"

"Mmmmmm..." Gabriel struggled more violently as if hearing something frightening.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning looked at each other.

Gael is really strict!

Jia Ailu turned her head and showed a gentle smile to Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning, and she couldn't tell that she was a person who could step on other people's eyes with her feet.

Then Jiael retracted her feet, stood up, and bent over to pick up Gabriel who was tied up. Gabriel's violent struggle had no effect at all.

"I made you two laugh, so I will take my sister and leave." Jiaailu said, and then spread the wings behind her, and the holy light appeared, as if she was going to send it.

"Please wait!" Ding Ning said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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