Chapter 686 Only for Angels (Part [-])
"Is there any question?" Jia Ailu looked at Ding Ning, Ling Huohuo also looked at Ding Ning, only Jia Baili was jumping.

Ding Ning suddenly lay on the ground, trying to hug Jiaailu's thigh, but Jiaailu dodged in time, and Ding Ning only held Jiaailu's clothes.

However, this did not affect Ding Ning's next actions.

"Help~~~" Ding Ning cried and uttered a long trembling sound, which made Ling Huohuo and Jia Ailu's bodies tremble when they heard it.

When Ding Ning looked up again, he was already in tears, looking as miserable as he wanted.

"What's wrong?" Jia Ailu frowned suspiciously when she saw Ding Ning suddenly become so miserable, her eyes were full of worry.

"Are you alright?" Gail threw away Gabriel, knelt down and helped Ding Ning up, "Let's stand up and talk."

And Gabriel took advantage of this opportunity to squirm towards the door like a caterpillar.

Jiaairu didn't turn around, but her feet turned around as if she had eyes and stepped on the end of the rope on Gabriel's body, making it impossible for Gabriel to move forward no matter how hard she tried, and the door was very close to her. Tight less than ten centimeters.

Looking at the threshold that was close at hand, Gabriel's eyes were full of despair.

It's really... too cruel!
However, only Ling Huohuo noticed the situation here.

On the other side, Ding Ning was helped up by Jiaailu, and sat back on the sofa again.

Jiaailu took out two pieces of paper for Ding Ning to wipe away the tears and snot from the corners of his eyes.

"Is there anything unhappy? Tell me." Jia Ailu said with a smile.

"I'm going to die..." Ding Ning said.

"That's really great... Ah no, I mean it's a pity, but we angels are not very good at supernatural powers..." Jia Ailu said with a distressed face.

"No, I hope you can help me." Ding Ning said, sniffling.

"However, I can't write about life and death yet." Jiaailu said, "But if you are willing to devote yourself to joining the kingdom of heaven, I can apply for you to be reincarnated as an angel believer." Jiaailu said.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth, this was more ruthless than a devil, directly demanding the opponent's whole body and mind.

At this time, Ling Huohuo suddenly remembered that in ancient times, angels were considered to be evil existences and cruel rulers, but later he was influenced by an old village chief of the demon clan... really let Ling Huo Huo didn't know what to say.

Looking at Jia Ailu in front of him and Jia Baili who was somehow "lazy", Ling Huohuo felt that although angels are easy to change, their nature seems to be hard to change.

Although angels can also heal the world, they are definitely dangerous!

Ding Ning hurriedly shook his head.

"Actually, not only me, but everyone in this city is in danger." Ding Ning said with a serious face.

"Huh?" Jia Ailu was taken aback, she didn't expect the matter to be so serious.

Even Gabriel, who was already in despair, turned her eyes to look at Ding Ning.

I have lived in this city for so long, but I have never heard that this city is facing such a big crisis. I am afraid you are not kidding me. It must be the wrong way to get up today!
"What's going on?" Jialu tilted her head and said, "But if it's something inside you humans, we angels are not allowed to take action."

"It's not a human, it's...a demon!" Ding Ning said slowly.

Jiael's face turned one side.

Gabriel, who was lying dead, also sat up in shock.


on the street.

Ling Huohuo, Ding Ning, and a blond girl who looked very sick and had a displeasure written all over her face walked together.

The blond girl was Gabriel.

But at this time Gabriel's neck was tied with a collar, and a white chain was attached to the collar, and the other end of the chain was also attached to the back of Ling Huohuo's hand.

The situation of the three made passers-by turn their heads frequently.

"Ah! I've had enough!" Gabriel shouted, pulling the chain and collar around her neck, "I, Gabriel, have never been wronged like this before!"

Ding Ning stuffed the popsicle he just bought into Gabriel's mouth and blocked her mouth. The melted popsicle made milky white liquid flow from the corner of Gabriel's mouth.

"Gabriel is good, just wait until you catch the devil." Ding Ning comforted.

Gabriel bit off the popsicle, held the rest in her hand, and said vaguely, "Will the collar and chain disappear?"

Ding Ning looked at Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo looked at the chain on the back of his hand, then at Gabriel, then smiled and nodded, "That's right, Jiaailu will cancel the collar and chain after the devil is caught."

The matter involved the devil, and in order to "spread the brilliance of God", it was necessary for the angels to take action.

And in order to see how much strength Gabriel still has left, Jiaairu asked Gabriel to follow Ling Huohuo and the others to catch the devil.

In order to prevent Gabriel from escaping, Gailu got what is said to be an "angel special collar and chain" and tied it around Gabriel's neck, while the other end was handed over to Ling Huohuo who knew her well. .

Regarding this weird title dedicated to angels, Ling Huohuo just wanted to say - "Heaven knows how to play".

With Ling Huohuo's affirmation, Gabriel regained her spirits.

"Then let's catch the devil!"

Looking at Gabriel who looked happy, Ling Huohuo opened his mouth, but in the end he still didn't tell Gabriel, the poor child, that her sister still wanted to take her back to the heaven to be punished.

Behind the two of them, Ding Ning looked at Ling Huohuo and Gabriel, and always felt that Ling Huohuo was shopping with a pet named Angel.

Since getting to know Gail and Gabriel, Ding Ning feels that his understanding of angels has been refreshed again and again.

Jiaairu didn't follow the three of them, Gabriel could do the job of tracking the demon, and it was enough to deal with the demon Ling Huohuo, and she just needed to sit back and observe everything.

A big boss must always look like a big boss, right?

Ling Huohuo led Gabriel and brought Ding Ning to the original manor.

"This is where the devil's demon envoy was. See if you find anything." Ling Huohuo asked Gabriel.

Gabriel looked at the dilapidated manor with a serious expression.

Both Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning breathed lightly, for fear of disturbing Jia Baili.

Gabriel finally spoke...

"It's broken!"

"?" Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning.

"What about the others?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"What else is there? This place is messier than my room." Gabriel blinked and said.

"Didn't you find any clues related to the devil?" Ding Ning asked.

"Get rid of it, I'm not a dog, how can I find the clues of the devil just by smelling it, not to mention, since lazy sky, do you think my professional level is still possible?" Gabriel turned to Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning Showed a mocking expression.


Ling Huohuo pulled out the Spider Festival Sword...

(End of this chapter)

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