Chapter 687 Angel's lackey (Part [-])
Gabriel, who has almost zero professional ability, finally saved her life by pulling away her friends.

Gabriel has four friends here.

The purple-haired girl Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning met, Vinet.

Raphael, who is also an angel, is the same grade as Gabriel.

A mysterious white dog.

And, a bonus red-haired girl named Satania.

"I'm not a bonus, this white dog should be a bonus! By the way, why am I here?" Satania said angrily.

Ling Huohuo and the others ignored Satania's protest.

Ling Huohuo looked at the friends Gabriel had called, especially Raphael, who was also an angel.

Rafael has long silver hair, squinted eyes, and a formulaic smile that is very similar to Gaairu, always feeling very extraordinary.

The most important thing is that Rafael doesn't look lazy!
Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning felt that the burden of finding the devil might fall on Raphael.

"Excuse me, can you find the demon?" Ling Huohuo asked.

Raphael withdrew his gaze from scanning the chain between Ling Huohuo and Gabriel, looked at Ling Huohuo, still smiling, and shook his head calmly.

"I can't!"

"What?" Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning were both taken aback.

Could it be that Rafael's business ability is not good enough?

"Although Xiaojia and I are in the same class of graduates, we actually majored in different directions. I majored in singing, which belongs to the angel of love. My major is blessing, and I am not good at fighting against demons."

"And Xiaojia is very powerful. She not only learned singing, but also practiced fighting. She is an angel of light that is more powerful than the angel of love." Raphael explained.

"Hey~" Hearing others' praise, Gabriel rubbed her nose with her fingers and let out a laugh.

"But you've become a lazy angel now!" Vinet complained.

"Uh..." Gabriel lost her energy.

"Then can you find the demon?" Ling Huohuo looked at Wei Nette and the white dog.

Vinette shook her head with a wry smile.

"Although the demons and demons are neighbors, demons rarely appear on the territory of the demons, and the demons have no reason to target demons. I have never been exposed to the knowledge of how to find demons."

That's right, Vinette and Satania are both demons, and Ling Huohuo was also taken aback after knowing their identities.

What is the Mozu?That is a race that is both reasonable and very unreasonable.

Reasonable is because the demons will reason with you before fighting with the demons, hoping to stop fighting, unreasonable, because the strength of the demons is very unreasonable!It is the so-called eighth-level walking all over the ground, and the seventh-level is not as good as a dog.

However, after simple observation, Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning found that the demons, Vinet and Satania, were indeed good children, just like the legends, except that Satania might have some secondary illnesses.

The Demon Race is a race of good people except for the Demon King and Demon General!

The white dog still sticks out its tongue with a cute face.

"What? Looking for demons?" Satania's face suddenly changed.

"Don't you know what you are here for?" Gabriel looked at Satania with contempt.

" could you not know?"

"Aren't you afraid?" Gabriel squinted at the trembling Satania.

" could I be afraid? I am a big devil who will become a devil in the future, a mere devil, of course!" Satania said vowedly.

"It's up to you to find the devil!" Gabriel said with a smile, as if trying to trick Satania.

"What? Leave it to me?" Satania showed a shocked look.

"If you can successfully hunt the devil, you will definitely impress others, and you will be able to become the devil king at that time." Raphael said casually, as if casually.

However, Raphael's words made Satania's eyes shine, and the words "Becoming a Demon King is just around the corner" echoed in his mind, and even his breathing became a little short.

"I'm going now! I will definitely hunt the demon back!" Shouting, Satania rushed out of the door and disappeared.

"Satania!" Vinet wanted to call to stop Satania, but Satania had already run away and ignored Vinet at all.

In the end, Vinette could only sigh.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning looked at each other.

Angels are really scary!
Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning didn't expect that Rafael would grab Satania's psychological weakness and play with him. What's more frightening is that Rafael was still smiling, just now It seems that the matter of falling into Satania has nothing to do with her.

The people of Satania came to study in the world, so their strengths were all sealed. They couldn't untie it on their own initiative, they could only show the fifth level, and the strength of the fifth level faced the demon who had never been masked...

There is not much chance of winning, not to mention, they are still children, their strength has not yet formed, facing the ferocious demons, it is easy to have some tragic scenes that we like to hear and see.

"Is there really no need to call Satania back?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"No need." Winette sighed.

"With her IQ, it's hard to find a demon." Vinet said something sad but true.

Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning twitched the corners of their mouths, so reasonable that they were speechless.


What few people don't know is that starting from this day, for a long time in the future, the demons will find that outside their territory, in certain months, a red-haired demon girl will often appear, squatting at the door of their house, do not know what to do.

Later, the demons found out that the month when the red-haired demon girl appeared was a special day for the demons - the children of the demons were on holiday!
Later, the life of the demons became more and more difficult, because I don’t know where the rumors spread that “the demons who successfully hunted the demons will be crowned kings”. Although no one believed the demons, they couldn’t stand people from other worlds Believe it!

In order to prevent demons from successfully hunting demons and then evolving into demon kings, people from other worlds began to hunt demons first, so that the demons would have no demons to hunt!

We can't beat the demons, but can't the demons also beat them?Demons are not as strong as the demons everywhere!

Although there are some costs for hunting demons, as long as the demons do not appear again, all this is worth it!
The hunting of demons also caused a series of chain reactions, and the heavens and worlds once again fell into some kind of chaos.

And the cause of all this is because of a word from a certain angel.


"However, how do we find the devil?" Ding Ning said with a frown.

But at this time, Gabriel walked up to the white dog, squatted down, and scratched the white dog's chin.

Then Gabriel patted Shiro on the back.

"It depends on it!"

"What?" Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning were both taken aback.

"Because it's an angel's lackey!"

(End of this chapter)

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