The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 688 Hey, are you a demon spirit?

Chapter 688 Hey, are you a demon spirit? (two more)
Police dogs smell the target through their sensitive noses, and then track or confirm the target based on the residual smell or weak smell. This is the job of the police dog.

And now the white dog is doing the same thing.

To the surprise of Ling Huohuo and Ding Ning, the white dog actually smelled something!

At this time, Ling Huohuo was leading Gabriel and following the white dog, while Ding Ning and the others were hiding behind, paying attention to the abnormal situation around them.

After all, the target of the mighty crowd is too big, and it is easy to startle the snake.

Before the devil could be found, Ling Huohuo and the others saw Satania looking for the devil in the trash can in the distance.

After staring at Satania for a while, Ling Huohuo took Gabriel and retreated silently.

in the dark.

"That child..." Ding Ning looked in shock at Satania who was digging through the trash can.

Rafael clasped his hands together, staring at Satania in the distance with a frank expression.

"That child is a gift from God!" Raphael said.

Ding Ning was stunned.

He suddenly felt that Satania was a bit pitiful...


Keep going.

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes as he looked at his direction on the map.

The direction they were heading towards was the suburban villas in Tianxue City, where rich people gathered, and Bai Yingying lived in that direction!

In other words, Bai Yingying is likely to be the devil's next target!
However, Bai Yingying was also closely monitored by the people brought by Ding Ning. How could the devil get in touch with Bai Yingying?

As he moved forward, Ling Huohuo showed surprise again, because the destination was not Bai Yingying's home!

There are few buildings in the villa area, and the route is also very simple. Ling Huohuo made a simple gesture, and the devil actually left the villa area through another road!

"If you keep going..." Ling Huohuo raised his eyebrows, and returned to the city ahead of the route. The only large building on the route is the city library?

Sure enough, the white dog took Ling Huohuo and Jia Ailu to a big turn and came to the front of the city library.

When he arrived in front of the library, the white dog said that the devil was inside, but he couldn't determine the specific location of the other party.

By the way, it was Raphael who translated the meaning of the white dog, and there is a suspicion that the white dog was trained by Raphael.

Ling Huohuo called out the library information.

In order to ensure the reading environment, the library is not built in a prosperous area, but is relatively close to the suburbs. It is not only convenient for transportation, but also very quiet.

At the same time, there are only some residential buildings and ordinary shops near the library. What is more interesting is that there is a personal exhibition hall nearby. It is surprising that this exhibition hall exhibits various mysterious items of Western magic.

It is said that the owner of this exhibition hall passed the second grade when he was young, and he was still a local tyrant, so he got a lot of magic-related things that he didn't know were true or false. After the other party graduated from the second grade, he found that he had collected a lot. It's hard to deal with it, so I built such an exhibition hall, and it is said that it has already paid back the cost just by selling tickets.

This is the difference between a local tyrant and a prodigal son. The local tyrant can only get out but not get in.

Not to mention the exhibition hall, Ling Huohuo's goal is the library in front of them.

At this time, there were many people sitting in the library, and people were coming and going. Most of them looked sideways at Ling Huohuo and Gabriel's appearance, but along the way, Ling Huohuo and Gabriel had gotten used to it.

When Ling Huohuo and Gabriel wanted to go in, they unexpectedly ran into an acquaintance.

Bai Yingying and Wan Huan stood at the door of the library, looking at Ling Huohuo and Jia Baili's appearance in shock.

"So bold..." Bai Yingying murmured.

Without further ado, Wan Huan took out her phone.

"Hey, are you a demon spirit? In the city library, here..."

Ling Huohuo stepped forward and snatched the phone from Wan Huan's hand, explained a few words, and then hung up the phone.

"What are you doing?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Mr. Ling, I should be asking you this question!" Wan Huan looked at Ling Huohuo with contempt, then pointed at Jia Baili, and gestured for the chain between the two of them, "She is still a high school student, right?" , Underage! Teacher Ling, you are breaking the law by doing this!"

"It's not what you think, it's complicated to explain, anyway..."

At this time, a sports car stopped beside Ling Huohuo and Gabriel.

The car window rolled down, it was Yi Qianqian.

"Yingying, I'm sorry, I'm late..." At this moment, Yi Qianqian saw Ling Huohuo and Jia Baili, the extremely conspicuous chain between them.

Yi Qianqian quickly took out her phone.

"Hey, are you a demon spirit?..."

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ten minutes later, Ling Huohuo explained the cause and effect to the three in a nearby cold drink hall.

"Angel~" Bai Yingying looked at Jia Baili and covered her mouth in surprise.

"There really are living angels!" Yi Qianqian also looked at Gabriel in disbelief, and wanted to pinch it twice, but Gabriel waved it open.

There was still some suspicion in Wan Huan's eyes.

Ling Huohuo raised his chained hand with a wry smile, revealing that what was concealed was actually the end of the chain inserted on the back of the hand.

"This is made by Gabriel's sister, I can't solve it." Ling Huohuo said.

"Jabriel's sister..." Wan Huan wanted to say something, but Ling Huohuo interrupted.

"You'd better pay attention to your wording, because Gabriel's sister's workplace is our academy, and she's very strong."

Wan Huan opened his mouth, and finally choked out two words, "Cheating."

"Your college? What is your college?" Yi Qianqian asked curiously.

Wan Huan's face froze, not knowing what to do and explain, but fortunately, Yi Qianqian mainly looked at Ling Huohuo, so the job of explaining fell to Ling Huohuo.

"You also contacted yesterday. The job of our college is to solve various similar problems. If you want to know more carefully, you must be prepared."

"What preparation?" Yi Qianqian asked curiously.

"Prepare to be silenced!" Ling Huohuo said.

Yi Qianqian and Bai Yingying choked, and even Wan Huan's expression became unnatural.

"It's not possible." Wan Huan said in an unnatural tone, he thinks that Chaofan Academy should not be so casual, right?How is that different from an evil organization?
"Of course, just kidding." Ling Huohuo smiled.

Only then did the three of Wan Huan breathe a sigh of relief.

"But if you know too much, in order not to affect your normal life, the sealed memory will be cleared. Unfortunately, I only know one way to clear the memory." Ling Huohuo said.

"What way?" Yi Qianqian asked curiously.

"Physical Amnesia!" Ling Huohuo said with a smile, "Why, do you want to learn more?"

"It's better... don't let it go." Yi Qianqian sat back awkwardly.

Ling Huohuo showed a noncommittal smile.

Because the two people were involved in the devil's matter, Ling Huohuo did not hide it from them, but it is better not to let them know too much about the extraordinary academy. They are just ordinary people, and they know too much. No good.

(End of this chapter)

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