The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 691 Lazy Angel and Ryo Sukawa's Official Face-to-face

Chapter 691 Lazy Angel and Ryo Sukawa's Official Face-to-face (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo didn't know what Yi Qianqian saw, but it was definitely not a simple scene, and it might have something to do with him.

Because Ling Huohuo could clearly feel Yi Qianqian looking at him.

Ling Huohuo followed Yi Qianqian's trail.

Yi Qianqian was running along the way, rushing out of the library, looking aimless.

However, Yi Qianqian's situation was very wrong at this time.

"That's..." Gabriel also noticed Yi Qianqian's strange situation.

"The devil's hands and feet in the trap have already started to work after confirming Yi Qianqian's identity." Ling Huohuo said.

"Is that dangerous?"

"Don't worry, the devil won't attack Yi Qianqian easily. Now it's just playing a guiding role, but I don't know where the devil is going to lead Yi Qianqian." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

The devil's target is Yi Qianqian, which means that Yi Qianqian is more valuable than Bai Yingying to make the devil covet.

But Ling Huohuo looked up and down, and didn't find any difference in Yi Qianqian's body, except that her physique was better.

"Actually... I think I should contact my sister now." Gabriel said.

"what happened?"

"The Grand Duke Demon is no longer something we can deal with, not to know my situation." Gabriel said with some embarrassment.

"You still have the nerve to say it!" Ling Huohuo glanced at Jia Baili angrily, who would have thought that an angel could be transferred to a "lazy angel", if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have thought of it?
But, having said that, why do you always feel that you have heard of "Lazy Angel" before?

Ling Huohuo stopped suddenly and looked at Gabriel.

Seeing Ling Huohuo stop, Gabriel also stopped. When she found Ling Huohuo's eyes looking at her without blinking, she suddenly became vigilant.

Gabriel retreated with her arms around her chest, looking at Ling Huohuo with vigilant eyes.

"I warn you, don't have any thoughts that shouldn't be produced, we can't have results!"

Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ling Huohuo ignored Gabriel, but frowned and continued to look at Gabriel.

Because just now, he suddenly felt that Gabriel seemed familiar.

Although the hair was messy, Ling Huohuo always felt as if she had seen that face, the blonde girl, somewhere.

"Baihuang, search my data to see if there is any existence similar to Gabriel's imagination." Ling Huohuo ordered.

Only after three seconds, the White Emperor had the result.

"Find similar photos, the similarity is 95%, the differences - temperament, hair, dark circles."

"Huh?" Ling Huohuo regained his energy.

"Call pictures."

A photo appeared in front of Ling Huohuo. In the photo was a beautiful girl with smooth long hair and a gentle smile on her face.

Ling Huohuo compared the photo with Gabriel, and found that the two are very similar, not only with Gabriel, but also the girl in the photo is very similar to Jiaairu, and has a very similar compatibility with Jiaairu. , the difference is that the smile of the beautiful girl in the photo looks gentler and more real, exuding a sense of happiness from the heart.

"Where did you find this photo?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"Cloud disk, the note is 'lazy angel', presumably your game friend."

Game Friends?

A dusty memory was dug out from the depths of Ling Huohuo's memory.

""War of Gods and Demons", lazy angel!" Ling Huohuo looked at Gabriel and murmured.

"Oh? How do you know?" Gabriel asked in surprise.

Ling Huohuo looked at Gabriel in shock, and then looked at the photo. This is completely the gap between a dick and a goddess. What happened to Gabriel?
Ling Huohuo tilted his head, and explained to Gabriel's shock: "Actually... my name is Su Chuanliang in the game."

"You are Su Chuanliang?" Gabriel exclaimed, covered her mouth and looked at Ling Huohuo in shock, "You irresponsible man!"

"I always feel like there's a story to tell." Ding Ning ate melon seeds.

"It's fine to just watch it quietly,'s very exciting to hear that it's always messed up~" Rafael rubbed his cheeks with a smile on his face.

Ling Huohuo and Gabriel turned their heads, and found that at some point, Ding Ning and Rafael moved the small benches and sat aside, eating melon seeds, as if they were watching a play.

"Don't worry about us, you continue." Ding Ning waved his hand.

"How could you not care about it!" Ling Huohuo shouted, and then looked at Gabriel, "Speak clearly, what is an irresponsible man?"

"Isn't it? I haven't been in touch with you since that Christmas event. You didn't bring me all kinds of good things by yourself, so you just abandoned me silently, and you can no longer play happily." Jia Baili said.

"???" Ling Huohuo frowned, "Impossible, I haven't been online after that Christmas event."

"Huh?" Gabriel was taken aback, "You haven't been online before, can you still act as a character?"

"I'm not, I'm not, you have to believe me!"

The first real face-to-face between the two online teammates was spent in a quarrel.

However, after explaining the matter clearly, Ling Huohuo and Gabriel discovered a shocking thing, that is——the system characters seemed to really live by themselves!
However, because "War of Gods and Demons" has been mysteriously shut down, the customer service can no longer be contacted, and the two of them can no longer figure out what is going on.

""Lost World" and "War of Gods and Demons" were developed by the same company. At the same time, after "Lost World" was released, I couldn't contact the development company. Did the other party run away? Or was it silenced by the strong?" Ling Huo Huo guessed.

"The Lost World" is not a simple game, there are many hidden things behind it, involving two worlds, even Ling Huohuo has no idea who exists behind "The Lost World".

A pair of invisible hands are controlling everything behind the scenes, and perhaps only the owner of these hands can tell what is going on in the two worlds.

"Well, is it really okay if you haven't chased after Yi Qianqian for so long?" Ding Ning suddenly raised his hand and said.

Ling Huohuo and Gabriel looked at each other.

The relationship between Jia Baili and Ling Huohuo was so shocking that he temporarily forgot about Yi Qianqian's situation.

"not good!"

Ling Huohuo hurriedly let go of his perception.

Fortunately, Yi Qianqian did not leave Ling Huohuo's perception.

But at this time Yi Qianqian has reached the edge of the city and is about to leave the city.

"Chasing!" Ling Huohuo let out a low cry, pulling Gabriel and running wildly.

"Don't push so hard!" Gabriel yelled.

Rafael and Ding Ning looked at each other, shrugged, and followed suit.

(End of this chapter)

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