The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 692 Demon Lord, Behemoth

Chapter 692 Demon Lord, Behemoth (Part [-])
Yi Qianqian walked forward with blank eyes, she didn't know where she was going, all she knew was that running was the right thing to do.

As the cold wind blew past, Yi Qianqian shivered, and woke up from the dazed state, her eyes regained clarity.

"Huh? Where am I?" Yi Qianqian looked around vigilantly. This is not in the city, but surrounded by wasteland, and the shadow of the city can be seen in the distance.

"This is... outside the city?" Yi Qianqian looked around in surprise, why was she here?
"I remember just now..." Yi Qianqian recalled what happened before, and her mood fluctuated again.

At this time, Yi Qianqian glimpsed a reflective object out of the corner of her eye.

Yi Qianqian walked over curiously and picked up the reflective object from the ground.

The object turned out to be a book, which felt like parchment, with incomprehensible characters and various seemingly mysterious symbols engraved on the book, this book looked like... a magic book!

But how can a book on parchment reflect light?

Yi Qianqian was a little curious and was going to open the book to have a look.

At this moment, two figures appeared beside her, and one of them reached out and pressed the cover of the book.

It's Ling Huohuo.

And the other figure was of course Gabriel who was connected with Ling Huohuo, but he fell and rubbed his chin in pain.

Ling Huohuo looked at the unopened book and let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately we caught up."

I found the magic book, so nothing should happen.

Yi Qianqian was startled when she saw Ling Huohuo who suddenly appeared.

However, at this moment, pink mist gushed out from the magic book and rolled towards Yi Qianqian.

Ling Huohuo's pupils shrank.

"Throw it away!"

With a low cry, Ling Huohuo pulled out the magic book in Yi Qianqian's hand with his hands, and then immediately took Yi Qianqian back, protecting Yi Qianqian in his arms.

Being hugged by Ling Huohuo, Yi Qianqian's face turned red, thinking of what happened in the environment before, her body couldn't help but feel a little weak.

Sensing Yi Qianqian's change, Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of her mouth.

Old man, can you calm down a little?Obviously something went wrong now!

Raphael led Ding Ning to catch up, saw the magic book that was emitting pink mist, put away his smile, his face became serious, and even opened his eyes that had been squinting.

Immediately afterwards, Rafael turned into an angel, holding a harp in his hand, and became vigilant.

It was the first time for Ding Ning to see the real appearance of an angel, and he was a little amazed, but he also felt that something was going to happen. Looking at Rafael, Ding Ning drew out his gun, um, I hope the gun can be useful.

On the other side, Gabriel didn't turn into an angel, she didn't get up, but looked around, and then buried her head in the ground.


Ling Huohuo: "..."

Ignoring Gabriel, Ling Huohuo put down Yi Qianqian, and stared nervously at the magic book.

The pink mist condensed into a huge phantom in the air.


phantom issued

I can't tell the difference between male and female laughter.

The huge phantom can be seen from a distance even in the city, naturally attracting the attention of people in the city, and then countless figures rushed towards the place where the phantom appeared.

But someone is faster.

No, it should be said to be an angel.

Holy light descends from the sky, and angels descend!
Gail turned into an angel, looking nervously at the phantom in front of her.

Ling Huohuo glanced at Jiaailu the first time Jiaailu arrived, and found that Jiaailu had also turned into an angel at some point, holding a horn in his hand, as if preparing for battle.

However, the messy hair on Gabriel's head proves that the other party is still the lazy angel.

"Jiaailu!" Ling Huohuo looked up at Jiaailu.

Although the other party was wearing a skirt, he couldn't see anything from Ling Huohuo's angle. Instead, he could only see the holy light that appeared from nowhere.

As expected of an angel, he actually has his own holy light.

"Your Excellency Ling Huohuo, please be careful, the other party is... a demon lord!" Jia Ailu said in a serious tone.


Demon Lord!

Ling Huohuo felt a chill in his back.

The Demon Lord is also called the Demon Lord, who is even more terrifying than the Demon Lord. Even in the Demon Realm, there are only seven of them.

The Demon Lord is an existence that makes way for the Demon King and the Sword God.

That's right, to make way for the Demon King and the Sword God.

After all, not ordinary people are qualified to make way for them.

Not dying after seeing the Demon King and Sword God is enough to brag about for a while, not to mention giving way to them at close range.

Why is the Demon Lord here?
"Don't worry, this figure is a clone of the demon monarch, suppressed by this world, and its strength is only eighth level." Jia Ailu added.

rest assured?It is impossible to let go of my heart!
"Do you know which monarch this is?" Ling Huohuo asked in a hoarse voice.

"The King of Lust, Behemoth!" Gaairu said.

"Hey hey, I said, why did someone recognize me? It turned out to be a little angel." Two huge light spots lit up on the phantom, as if he had opened his eyes.

At this time, the people in the city also arrived, and Ling Huohuo glanced at it, and there was a seventh-order existence among them.


Ling Huohuo was taken aback suddenly, he found Wan Huan and Bai Yingying who was supporting him in the crowd.

Old iron, is it so hard?You are in this situation and still come to join in the fun?
In addition to Wan Huan and Bai Yingying, Ling Huohuo also found Vinette and Satania in the crowd, but they may have been intimidated by Jia Ailu, they did not dare to go forward, but looked at Gabriel and the others worriedly.

"Angel!" The people who rushed over didn't know Behemoth, but looking at Gail, Gabriel's Raphael's attire, they quickly recognized them as angels.

After recognizing the identity of the angel, some people's eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

The girl in the robe and armor with the book in her hand also arrived, and after seeing the figures of Gaairu and the others, her eyes showed an inexplicable look, with a little fanaticism.

Ling Huohuo and Jia Ailu just scanned the people who came and ignored them.

"Honorable Lord Behemos, may I ask you to retreat?" Jiael asked politely.

"Hehehe, what do you think, little angel, I have my eyes on this world. Anyway, this world is about to be abolished. Why don't you let me use the waste, what do you think?" Behemoth asked Male and female voices.

Gail put away her smile.

"Then I will use my strength to make you retreat." Jiaairu said seriously, she was not limited by her strength.

"Hehehe, I'm looking forward to it." Behemoth made a weird voice again.

"Gabriel, Rafael, you go to protect the crowd, and I will be responsible for dealing with Lord Behemos." Gail said.

"Hee hee hee..." Behemoth suddenly let out a weird laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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