The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 693 Seeking Wealth and Insurance

Chapter 693

Ling Huohuo lifted up Rogier... well, Rogier, who had turned into a sword, faced Behemoth.

Behemoth became somewhat insane, which also made Behemoth's attacks disorganized, like adding a layer of rage buff that increases attack speed but reduces intelligence.

Ling Huohuo waved Rogier and created a sword screen, blocking all the attacks of Behemoth.


Ling Huohuo turned into the true body of a monster, with mysterious emblems appearing on the surface of her body.

"Be in awe, be afraid, and then... die!"

Ling Huohuo said with a cold expression.

Ling Huohuo broke out in an instant, and directly suppressed Behemoth's attack, but this time it was Ling Huohuo who suppressed Behemoth's attack.

Everyone in the crowd watched this scene in shock, and even felt a little horrified.

A demon who instantly killed a seventh-order powerhouse was crushed and beaten. Is this world crazy?
"Who the hell is he?" someone murmured.

"Major General Ling, come on!" Ding Ning suddenly shouted.

What?Major General?Country people?
The crowd looked at Ding Ning. At some point, Ding Ning changed into a military uniform!

"Really a man of the country!"

someone exclaimed.

But more fright.

With the sudden increase in the power of various forces, there have been discordant voices, and there is only one fuse missing.

But now that there are such strong people above, can they still survive?Can one's own power really block this kind of existence?
That's right, Ding Ning is using Ling Huohuo to create momentum. Although it's a bit unkind, at least doing so is likely to stabilize the area and save more lives.

Forced by the situation of the country, Ding Ning has no choice.

The huge sword energy pierced the ground, this was the first attack that landed on the ground.

The ground trembled, and the entire Feixue City could feel the tremor, and the people nearby even sat on the ground.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and a huge crack appeared on the ground, which was bottomless, but the sword energy and sword intent in it made people's eyes sting, and they couldn't look directly at the crack.

"Everyone get out of here, it's dangerous!" someone shouted.

Only then did the crowd react, got up from the ground and ran to the distance.

Ding Ning and his group took one last look at the angel and ran away.

You will die if you stay here!

But when he was leaving, Ling Huohuo sent Jiaailu, who had lost all fighting spirit, to Rafael with force, and asked her to take Jiaailu away.

The crowd dispersed, and Ling Huohuo looked at Behemoth opposite, but Behemoth still showed no signs of recovery.

Ling Huohuo rubbed his teeth, feeling that the Demon King was a bit tricky.

It's a good idea to use the name of the devil to pull the tiger's skin and raise the banner, but... this f*cking scare!
Ling Tian who was far away in the capital suddenly sneezed.

Ling Tian was holding a mobile phone, and the person on the video call was Li Yinman who was far away in the United States.

"What's wrong with you? Have you caught a cold?" Li Yinman asked with concern.

Ling Tian wiped his nose and smiled.

"Maybe someone missed me."

Just now Ling Tian always felt that something related to him happened, but now that he is chatting with Li Yinman, those things are not important.

"Take care of yourself," Li Yinman said.

"You too, by the way, I also plan to go to the United States recently..."


Ling Huohuo continued to fight Behemoth.

The battle of Behemoth is very simple, it is a frenzy of strength.

And Ling Huohuo had no choice but to fight back in the same way.

The battle between the two is full of violent beauty.



boom boom-

The tremors in Feixue City never stopped.

Many citizens felt that the end of the world was coming, and many prayed for the help of their faith.

"Infinite Heavenly Venerate..."


"Miss Cannon..."



The major forces in Feixue City didn't take the opportunity to come out to make troubles. Instead, they acted like good citizens and began to help evacuate the masses.

Ding Ning knew that his previous campaign had worked, as long as Ling Huohuo was around, Feixue City would not be in chaos!
Looking out of the city, Ding Ning's eyes revealed a look of worry.

"You can definitely win!"

Ling Huohuo looked at Behemos with a serious face.

If this continues, he can win, but Feixue City and its surrounding areas may not be able to keep.

Is there any other way to break the game?
"Sword Dao Gulong!"

Ling Huohuo blasted Behemoth away, protecting Feixueshi behind him.

"Ling Huohuo, I suddenly have a bold idea!" Ling Yaoyao's voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

"What?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback.

"Absorb the clone of Behemos!" Ling Yaoyao said.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo frowned, and blasted Behemoth away again.

At this time, Behemoth was like a wild beast, but Ling Huohuo could only blow it away, and it was even more difficult to subdue it.

"I just observed that Behemoth's avatar is condensed from the soul, like a spirit body, and it is extremely pure. I am thinking, if I absorb the power in this body, Beihemos Moss' avatar will be broken, and it will be destroyed without attack." Ling Yaoyao said.

Soul composition?

Ling Huohuo suddenly understood the reason why Behemoth caused mass killings. It was entirely to create this clone, the soul built the body, and then descended to consciousness and power.

"Can you absorb the power in this clone?" Ling Huohuo was a little surprised.

"Your bloodline inheritance has this kind of exercise." Ling Yaoyao replied.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corner of his mouth, well, Ling Huohuo didn't get any of the inheritance in the bloodline inheritance, and he wasn't very clear about it.

"Is there any danger?" Ling Huohuo said.

Ling Yaoyao was silent for a while.

"Yes, if Behemoth regains consciousness, it will probably take advantage of this time to erode my consciousness. At that time..." Ling Yaoyao didn't continue, but the result was obvious, being eroded by Behemoth , Ling Yaoyao is absolutely impossible to recover.

"Is it so exciting? Then take me." Fudo Mingo said suddenly.

He is also a spirit body and can absorb it, but the reason why he joins the fun is because he is worried about Ling Yaoyao.

After all, it is Ling Yaoyao who has been accompanying Fudo Mingwang in Ling Huohuo's body for a long time, and the relationship between the two is very good.

Ling Yaoyao was a little moved.

"Let me go. After absorbing Behemoth's avatar, both Fudo Myo and I can improve a lot."

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"Then just don't let it wake up!"

Ling Huohuo took a deep breath.

"How do you need to get in?"

"Just enter its body directly." Ling Yaoyao said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Go in with my sword intent, and evacuate as soon as you find any unexpected signs."

Ling Huohuo looked at Behemoth.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo was very moved by the fact that Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang absorbed Behemoth's avatar and then improved their strength, because it is difficult for spirit bodies to increase their strength.

But the danger in it made Ling Huohuo a little worried.

But... Wealth is in danger!

With his own sword intent as a guarantee, it was enough time for Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo to react.

"Hey, Behemoth, have you heard of the Demon King?"

Hearing the word "devil king", Behemoth became even crazier.

(End of this chapter)

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