The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 695 The Heart of a Mortal

Chapter 695 The Heart of a Mortal (Part [-])
Ling Huohuo and Behemoth were finally able to stand face to face.

"Behemos, what do you think?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"What do you think?" Behemos said angrily, and simply checked the situation of the clone, and the nearby space where most of his clone was sealed, and Behemos had already deduced what happened before.

If I hadn't lost my mind by the name of the Demon King, how could I let those two spirits easily succeed?Instead, they made wedding dresses for them.

A spirit body of that level, Behemoth, could easily crush a bunch of them to death.

"Hehe, interesting..." Behemoth regained his previous composure.

"I never thought that someone in this world would know the name of the Demon King, and would use it against me instead." Behemoth's voice trembled when he said the word Demon King.

Although so many years have passed, the terror of the Demon King has not been diminished at all in Behemoth's heart. Instead, it has gradually fermented and become more intense.

"However, if the Demon King is still alive, based on how many voices you just said about the Demon King, the Demon King must have his eyes on you by now." Behemoth said in a strange tone, after going crazy for a while, Behemoth can already Let's face up to the name of the Demon King for the time being.

Ling Huohuo shrugged noncommittally, "Whether the devil comes to see me or not is not your concern, you should worry about yourself."

"Why, do you think I'm here to flirt with you because I think I can't beat you?" Behemoth asked in a strange tone.

"Isn't it?" Ling Huohuo pointed to the clone of Behemoth that had shrunk to two meters.

"Hehehe, do you think I really care about this avatar? This avatar was completely created by me to be able to move freely in this world. My original real goal was to lead that woman to a place where no one would bother me." Then I invaded that woman's body, the rare royal body made me very envious, but although the plan was interrupted, but now I have a better goal, your body... looks good too." Bei said Hermes.

Ling Huohuo was expressionless.

"Compared to this clone, what I am truly powerful is my spirit!"

After finishing speaking, Behemoth's avatar softened, but at the same time, a huge malice enveloped Ling Huohuo.

"Because of the battle, no one came here to bother me, just give me enough time to get your body!" Behemoth's voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ear.

Ling Huohuo still looked indifferent.

"A person once said the same thing, and then..."

"Then?" Behemoth asked.

"Then he died!" Ling Huohuo.

The sound of sword chant came from the depths of Ling Huohuo's soul.

Although Ling Huohuo passed on the sword god's set to Lu Sisi, the "Sword Code" still remained in Ling Huohuo's hands.

Although "Sword Code" has been unbound from Ling Huohuo's soul, its function is still there.

If someone else invades Ling Huohuo's soul and wants to seize the house, Ling Huohuo can solve it by himself, but the existence of the universe at the level of the demon lord has exceeded the range that Ling Huohuo can solve, so Ling Huohuo will Look at the "Sword Code", a piece of equipment that made his fortune and also protected himself many times.

"Sword God!"

Behemoth screamed in surprise, then let out a muffled snort, and then the malice that enveloped Ling Huohuo dissipated, and Behemoth's aura quickly disappeared.


Behemoth's magic book fell to the ground.

Injured by the power of the "Sword Code", Behemoth left in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to take away his magic book.

Ling Huohuo reckoned that Behemoth had felt the power of the Sword God now, and his psychological shadow might be bigger.

Looking at the "Sword Code" floating in his hand, Ling Huohuo kissed happily, took a breath, and wiped it with his sleeve.

This is a baby.

Rogier returned to human form.

On the other side, Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingwang haven't finished their transformation yet, Ling Huohuo threw the space into the small world.

The chaos of demons is over.

Ling Huohuo looked at the messy land under his feet and the surviving Feixue City in the distance, and couldn't help shaking his head.

The emergence of a large number of strong people does not know whether it is good or bad. Although the overall strength of the world has improved, it is likely to cause large-scale deaths.

Today I have controlled it well, and Behemoth has been losing his mind all the time, and he didn't show his strength at all. If there is a real fight, a single blow from the seventh-level powerhouse can destroy most of Feixue City, let alone It was the blow of the eighth-order powerhouse.

Ling Huohuo still remembers the one-finger power of the Desolate Ape King sealed in the scroll in the primitive wild forest.

How many of those truly strong people will care about the lives of those mortals who are like ants?

But if these ordinary people die cleanly, then the world will inevitably collapse, not the destruction of the world, but the collapse of society and the loss of civilization. What's the point of such a world?

Moreover, does the battle between the strong really have no effect on this world that is already on the verge of doomsday?

"It's nothing to worry about," Rogier said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo looked at Rogier.

Rogier also looked at Ling Huohuo, her blood-red eyes shone with an indescribable light, as if she could see what Ling Huohuo was thinking before.

"You are not the strongest person. How much can you control the development and destruction of the world? If there is a problem in the world, someone will come out to manage it. The appearance of "The Lost World" means that there are already strong people in the two worlds. The world is laid out, although you have jumped out of the scope of chess pieces, you are still far from reaching the level of a chess player." Rogier said a lot.

"Oh?" Ling Huohuo showed a surprised expression, "When did you say such a fruitful thing?"

Ling Huohuo couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Rogier's hair.

"Hmph." Rogier turned his head, "These things are clear at a glance. Although you have become strong enough to know that you have shouldered your own destiny, you still have a mortal heart, and the angle of thinking about things will naturally give you some insight. Come bother."

Mortal heart?

Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"The heart of a mortal is not bad, at least, I am still a human being."

"Human? Aren't you a monster?" Rogier said disdainfully.

Ling Huohuo rubbed Rogier's head again.

"But it's true that the sky is falling and tall people are watching, and whatever it is, at least I can feel my heart beating, it's what it's like to be alive."

"Tch, will you die if you become a god? Yongsheng will understand."

Ling Huohuo didn't explain much, but turned and left.

"Let's go, it's time to meet Ding Ning and the others."


In many cases, the scary thing is not that people are dead, but that they are still alive, but they don't feel alive anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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