The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 696 Vinette and Runtu, Jiali and Yun

Chapter 696 Vinette and Runtu, Gabriel and Yun (Part [-])
Another new day.

Feixue City.

Ling Huohuo lay on the bed and slowly opened his eyes.

What rings in Ling Huohuo's ears is not the crisp chirping of birds in the early morning, nor the sound of the city waking up, but the sound of "clicking" on the keyboard.

Ling Huohuo rubbed the center of his brows, and looked at his left hand which was pulled to the bedside.

Following the chain on the back of his hand, Ling Huohuo saw that the other end of the chain was tied around the neck of a blond girl with messy hair. At this time, the girl was sitting in front of the computer, looking like a big guy, and Both hands are tapping the keyboard and mouse quickly.

The girl's red eyes and the thick dark circles on her eyes showed that the girl fought all night again last night.

This is probably the boss.

Ling Huohuo thought in his heart.

Turning over the quilt, Ling Huohuo wanted to get up, but because of the injured chain, Ling Huohuo couldn't move too far, and it was obviously impossible for the girl to follow Ling Huohuo, so Ling Huohuo could only lie down again .

Lying on the bed, staring at his eyes, Ling Huohuo began to recall what happened in the past two days.

What happened these two days?


It's actually very simple, probably just watching an angel cultivate immortality.

It has been a week since the Demon Rebellion.

Although most things are going well, it doesn't mean there are no flaws.

Because she learned about the Demon King, Gailu was frightened, but after all, Gailu was not an idle person, and she recovered after a period of time.

But the first thing Jiaelu did after recovering was to return to the heaven and report the incident.

The devil is still alive, which is no small matter.

Jiaailu walked gracefully, but the previous chains of Gabriel and Ling Huohuo were left behind.

Neither Ling Huohuo nor Gabriel could break the chain.

Ling Huohuo has consulted, and even asked the elders of the demon clan. It is only for angels, including the meaning that "only angels can control it", and the level of the chain has reached the level of Yuwai today.

Jiael is the leader of the new generation of angels known as the "Hand of God", so it is not surprising to have such high-level equipment.

All in all, Ling Huohuo and Jia Baili were confused.

In the end, Ling Huohuo and Gabriel could only be tied together temporarily.

That's right, Ling Huohuo was living in Gabriel's home at this time.

And during this week of getting along, Ling Huohuo has gained a new understanding of how lazy Gabriel is, a lazy angel.

Gabriel's day goes like this——

Get up...

Well, occasionally the two steps of eating and sleeping will be omitted. After all, you are an angel, and you can't die without eating or sleeping for a few days.

Therefore, Jia Baili's bed became Ling Huohuo's bed, and as compensation, Ling Huohuo purchased a high-end computer for Jia Baili.

Use the best computer, connect to the fastest network, and play the most difficult games.

This is the true portrayal of Gabriel's life at this time.

Although "Lost World" is currently the only holographic online game that has been developed, it is popular all over the world, but after the initial popularity, the players have stabilized, and the initially suppressed computer games are showing signs of recovery.

At this time, Gabriel's liver is a newly released computer game.

Although Gabriel also played "The Lost World", Gabriel would also play "The Lost World" two days a week, but the attraction of holographic online games to Gabriel did not seem to be as great as this kind of online games. .

Thinking about it, after all, Gabriel is an angel, and I haven't seen any scenes. The "different world" life that is very attractive to ordinary people is similar to daily life for Gabriel.

Moreover, the authenticity of "The Lost World" is extremely high. If you want to play well, there are requirements for the player's physical fitness and mental response. For some people, the authenticity of the holographic online game is attractive in the early stage, but it lacks that The refreshing feeling of tapping the keyboard to show the operation is the reason why online games have reemerged.

For most people, "The Lost World" can only be regarded as a game for leisure and entertainment to experience life in another world. It is impossible for everyone to devote all their energy to "The Lost World", and life in the real world still has to continue.

Although there are business opportunities in "The Lost World", only the real top players can make money comfortably, and the remaining [-]% of the players make money more like working for others.

However, as more extraordinary people settle in "The Lost World", after discovering the benefits of "The Lost World" for their own strength improvement, the main players of "The Lost World" in the future are likely to be extraordinary people.

At the same time, ordinary people may awaken to become superhumans while playing "The Lost World", but the chances are very low.

Ling Huohuo didn't know if Gabriel had discovered that "The Lost World" could enhance the strength of superhumans, but he felt that even if Gabriel knew, she might not express anything.

dong dong dong...

There was a knock on the door.

"Hello." Ling Huohuo called out to Gabriel, but Gabriel wore a headset and ignored Ling Huohuo, her eyes were full of excitement.

Ling Huohuo estimated that Gabriel might be about to overthrow the boss.


There was the sound of a key unlocking the door.

Ling Huohuo nodded and didn't run away. The person with the key should be Vinette.

Sure enough, the neatly dressed Vinette pushed open the door.

Because of Ling Huohuo's move in, Gabriel's house was much cleaner, and Vinette no longer had to step into the room.

Although Gabriel could live like a nest, Ling Huohuo couldn't bear it.

The White Emperor was in charge of cleaning the room.

At this time, the White Emperor has successfully evolved into a housework robot, which is gratifying, gratifying and congratulating.

Vinette smiled at Ling Huohuo, nodded apologetically, then looked at Gabriel and sighed.

At this time, Gabriel didn't notice Vinette's arrival, the look in her eyes became more excited, and she couldn't help but buckled her feet, and put it under her nose to smell it.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of her mouth, she really didn't look like an angel at all, no, it should be said that she didn't even look like a girl.

I just don't know if the skin of the angel's feet also has the smell of light.

Other angels may be, but Gabriel... not necessarily.

Vinet walked behind Gabriel with an uneasy expression, and with a surge of power, a harpoon-like weapon appeared in Vinet's hand.

Winette held the harpoon, and then inserted it towards the network cable on the ground!
For a moment, Ling Huohuo seemed to see the brother Run who had accomplished the feat of intercourse standing behind Vinette!


The network cable snapped.

A "Network Connection Lost" message appeared on the computer screen.

"Ah!!!" The heart-piercing scream echoed in the room, the cry was like that of the impaled chrysanthemum.

(End of this chapter)

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