The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 703 Blood Rabbit and Sword Staff

Chapter 703 Blood Rabbit and Sword Staff (Part [-])
It took another few days for Ling Huohuo to mine enough ore, and then left the mine satisfied.

Perhaps because practice makes perfect, Ling Huohuo's experience growth rate has gradually accelerated. At this time, Ling Huohuo's mining level has reached level four.

Ling Huohuo returned to Qingfeng City in the driver's mule cart.

After Ling Huohuo entered the city, he settled down the coachman, and then entered the blacksmith shop in Qingfeng City.

The blacksmith shop is divided into two areas. One area is for players who practice forging skills, and it is divided into individual small rooms. Players also set up forging points here to forge for other players to earn money.

The area inside is the NPC's forging area.

Compared with the good and bad players, the forging technology of NPCs in this period is generally higher than that of players.

Ling Huohuo walked into the blacksmith shop, because the forging was in the forging room, Ling Huohuo could not hear the sound of forging, but the blacksmith shop was not quiet...

"Boss, come here..."

"Boss, come to me, our technology is better!"

"Fart, the best is us!"

Ling Huohuo rubbed the center of his brows, no matter how many times he couldn't stand this kind of shouting.

If you want to upgrade your forging skills, you need to constantly forge equipment. It’s okay if you have the support of the Grand Guild, and there are resources to support it, but it is difficult for idle players to improve the level of forging. You need to get forging blueprints and materials yourself.

Forging blueprints are generally bought in stores, and can be obtained by doing some tasks. There are many ways to obtain them. The materials need to be mined in mines or bought directly in the market.

If you want to do it all on your own, it will take a long time.

Fortunately, opposite to this group of people, there is also a group of idle players who need someone to forge equipment.

The two groups thus formed a corresponding cycle.

However, competition has gradually emerged in it. If you want to improve faster, you need more people to forge here, you need to attract customers, and this form of soliciting customers has gradually emerged!There are even many small groups formed.

Ling Huohuo pushed away the crowd with a wry smile, and came to a relatively remote corner, where there was an independent forging room.

Ling Huohuo knocked on the door of the forging room.

"Nine out of ten lolitas are rich!" A dull voice sounded from inside the door.

Ling Huohuo looked left and right, and approached the door carefully.

"There is another one who is very rich!"

Kacha, the door opened, Ling Huohuo flashed in, and then closed the door of the forging room.

Enter the forging room, the configuration of the forging room is a standard forging room, forging table, forging hammer, bellows and other equipment.

But compared to the ordinary styles, the equipment in the forging room is more rough and rough, and it is not standard at first glance.

Standing in front of the forging platform was a small figure looking at Ling Huohuo.

He is about 1.3 meters tall and has a petite figure. His lower body is a pair of animal skin pants, and his waist is a tool bag with various tools hanging inside.

Short red hair, cute baby face.

At this time, the other party was staring at Ling Huohuo with a pair of blood red eyes.

"So it's you." Loli said, her voice was a bit cold.

Ling Huohuo smiled and nodded.

The opponent's name is Blood Rabbit, and he is the only player Ling Huohuo knows whose forging level is level five.

Although Snow Rabbit has a loli figure, this is not because she was originally like this, but because she changed her job and became a dwarf, and her height was forcibly condensed into her current appearance.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't know the original appearance of the blood rabbit, Ling Huohuo could feel that the other party had gotten used to the current body in the usual communication.

"Did you bring something?" Xuetu said to Ling Huohuo.

"Of course." Ling Huohuo grinned at the corner of his mouth, then took out all the materials in the backpack and placed them on the forging table.

The blood rabbit also looked at the ore on the forging platform, his eyes lit up.

"Blue iron stone, guide magic spar, adamantine stone, bright silver powder... magic spar." The blood rabbit said the name of each material.

"I didn't expect you to get it together so quickly." The blood rabbit looked at Ling Huohuo in surprise.

"Hey." Ling Huohuo wiped his nose.

Some of these materials are available in the market, and Ling Huoshua bought them back with money, but Ling Huohuo personally obtained those that were not available. For example, the magic spar among them was mined by Ling Huosuo It was polished from the magic crystal mine.

Xuetu checked all the materials and nodded in satisfaction.

"The quality is up to standard, it's perfect."

"Then when can you start forging?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Wait for me to prepare." The blood rabbit turned around and began to prepare.

That's right, the reason why Ling Huohuo spent so much energy mining so much ore and got so much material is to forge a piece of equipment, a staff!
It all started with Ling Huohuo's shopping a few weeks ago.

Ling Huohuo was lucky enough to meet a traveling merchant when he was hunting monsters in the wild.

The so-called traveling merchants are those who travel and sell various goods.

Generally have precious stock.

Ling Huohuo was also very lucky to buy the forging blueprint of a special staff.

"Sword Staff: The special weapon melee staff belonging to the ancient Zhanwu clan. With the demise of the Zhanwu clan, this special melee staff and its usage gradually disappeared, but it could not bury the melee staff in the magic civilization. The brilliance shown in the development."

"Style: Sword Staff"

"Forging requires level: level five"

"Finished product level: excellent ~ excellent"

"Materials needed:..."


This is the introduction to the staff that Ling Huohuo wants to forge.

Without the correct method of use, the price of this forging blueprint was greatly reduced, but the merchant still hacked Ling Huohuo for fifty gold coins.

If it weren't for Ling Huohuo's level not enough, Ling Huohuo would definitely kill people and steal money.

However, after buying the blueprint for forging, Ling Huohuo was worried again.

Where can I find a player with level five blacksmithing skills?
Although there are NPCs, it will definitely cost a considerable sum of gold coins to create this level of equipment.

Among the players, Qingfeng City is not a big city. Even if there are some unions stationed there, Ling Huohuo cannot guarantee that there will be players with a forging level of five in those unions.

Life skills need talents to be practiced, and those players who are truly talented have already gone to the Grand Guild.

Not enough talent, even forging equipment every day can't raise the level of skills.

Ling Huohuo's mining skills have been very difficult to improve in the past two days.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Ling Huohuo looked for it in Qingfeng City. To Ling Huohuo's surprise, he actually found one by chance. That's right, it was the blood rabbit!
(End of this chapter)

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