The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 704 What is the use of this god?

Chapter 704 What is the use of this god? (two more)
Ling Huohuo put his search information on the bulletin board at the price of one gold coin a day.

This incident also attracted the attention of some forces, who wanted to buy the drawings in Ling Huohuo's hands, but Ling Huohuo refused.

There are also some people who want to intimidate and lure, but Ling Huohuo has made this matter clear. If Ling Huohuo is provoked, this matter will be difficult to deal with, not to mention that it will greatly affect the reputation of his power, and As a "cute newcomer", Ling Huohuo can afford the advertising fee of one gold coin a day. Does anyone believe that he is a cute newcomer?

There must be a well-connected force behind Ling Huohuo, or Ling Huohuo himself is a member of a certain force.

Although Ling Huohuo also encountered some small troubles at the beginning, they were all easily resolved by Ling Huohuo.

Three days after the missing person information was posted, Xuetu contacted Ling Huohuo.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo was also a little surprised by the existence of the blood rabbit.

First of all, the blood rabbit turned out to be a player with level [-] forging skills. In theory, a player with this talent should be in a bigger city.

In addition to this, what surprised Ling Huohuo even more was that the blood rabbit had completed the race change!

A dwarf popped up in this city full of human players, which is quite... Well, a dwarf player can't see it when standing among human players, and the difference between the appearance of a dwarf player and a human child is not that big. She is big, and Xue Tuo lives in seclusion, so even fewer people know her.

And if you want to change your job to become a dwarf, you need to accept the job transfer task at the dwarf resident, and Qingfeng City is a long way from the nearest dwarf resident.

This also means that the blood rabbit is probably not a local!
The place where the blood rabbits were active in the past should be near the residence of the dwarves.

As for why a player like Blood Rabbit who has reached the fifth level of forging skills ran to live in a small human city so far away from the dwarves' residence, Ling Huohuo didn't know.

However, there are no other reasons than escape and being hunted down by the enemy.

Ling Huohuo could make up hundreds of thousands of words of storylines in his mind.

Coupled with the fact that the blood rabbit has always been cautious, Ling Huohuo estimated that the blood rabbit probably came to Qingfeng City to avoid enemies.

But this is not important, the important thing is that Ling Huohuo needs the blood rabbit to build a staff for himself, even if it is only the lowest quality equipment Ling Huohuo is not at a loss, if it is excellent quality equipment, it will be even better.

The blood rabbit also needs to improve its forging level through this forging.

According to Xuetu, if she succeeds in forging a staff of excellent quality this time, it is very likely that her forging level will be pushed to the sixth master level in one fell swoop!

For this reason, the blood rabbit didn't even need a forging fee for this forging.

This forging is a mutually beneficial and win-win transaction.


In the forging room, the blood rabbit will be ready soon.

Ling Huohuo stood by and watched. This was the first time Ling Huohuo saw forging.

Before forging, the blood rabbit carefully cleaned the forging table and various tools.

"Forging is a delicate work, even a tiny speck of dust may affect the result of forging." Blood Rabbit explained.

Ling Huohuo nodded in agreement, he didn't understand forging, but he could feel that players with level [-] forging skill before forging were not comparable to ordinary players.

After cleaning everything, the blood rabbit began to worship God.

That's right, worshiping God.

This is the forging etiquette of the dwarves. It is a very formal and sacred etiquette. Worship will only be performed before the important forging. At the same time, it is also a blessing, and the forging is expected to be successful.

The dwarves worship the ancestor gods and fire gods of the dwarves, and the blood rabbit worships these two.

The so-called dwarf gods and fire gods... Well, Ling Huohuo doesn't know what they are.

"Great dwarf ancestor god and Vulcan, the dwarf blood rabbit hopes that this forging will be successful and meet expectations, so that my forging level can successfully reach level six. If it doesn't succeed... Tsk." Blood rabbit.

Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth. If he was the dwarf god or the god of fire, let alone bless the blood rabbit, he would definitely be punished by God!
Then the blood rabbit started forging.

The dwarves are a race that is good at forging, and the blood rabbit naturally learned the forging methods of the dwarves.

Ling Huohuo looked at the forging of the blood rabbit, and nodded in agreement. Although he couldn't understand the subtlety, Ling Huohuo could still see the charm of the forging.

This special charm can only appear when a certain ability has reached a certain level.

The blood rabbit who was forging was immersed in it, as if he had forgotten the foreign things, and devoted himself to the forging with all his heart.

Ling Huohuo couldn't help holding his breath.

The forging speed of the blood rabbit is getting faster and faster.

After half an hour...


Forging complete!
Purple light blooms from the finished weapon.

"Excellence!" Ling Huohuo's eyes widened with excitement.

Purple is the radiance that represents excellent quality.

The blood rabbit also widened its red eyes excitedly, and it was outstanding, that is to say...

The system's prompt sounded in Xuetu's ear.

"Successful forging... The quality judgment is excellent!... The forging experience has increased... The promotion is over."


There was no prompt sound for the upgrade that Xuetu had expected.

The blood rabbit was stunned on the spot.

The purple light on the forging platform dissipated, and a weapon that looked like a sword but not a sword, and a staff but not a staff lay on the forging platform.

Ling Huohuo stretched his neck and stared at the weapons on the forging table, his mouth almost grinning to the base of his ears.

Excellent weapons are the standard equipment for the strong players in this period. Even the top players may only have one or two. Ling Huohuo got one when he was in the tenth level, which made Ling Huohuo laugh out loud.

Who doesn't want a good piece of equipment when playing games?
However, Ling Huohuo is a person who has seen big winds and waves after all, and when he has gained a lot, he should also congratulate his win-win partners.

Ling Huohuo looked at Xuetu and said with a smile, "Gong... what are you doing?!"

Ling Huohuo's eyes widened. The blood rabbit was not as happy as Ling Huohuo imagined, but was holding the forging hammer to aim at the ranks of the dwarves and Vulcan, and the hammer was about to drop.

Ling Huohuo hurried forward and pulled the blood rabbit away.

Ling Huohuo knows that these so-called NPCs in "The Lost World" are actually living existences, and they all lived in ancient times or in legends. Who knows whether the dwarf god and Vulcan really exist? ?
After all, this is a world with gods!

If the blood rabbit smashed the tablets of the two gods, things would be serious!

The blood rabbit struggled violently in Ling Huohuo's arms with a look of resentment.

"What do I do? Forging a weapon of excellent quality and not giving me an upgrade, what use is it for me to have this god!?"


The corner of Ling Huohuo's mouth twitched, didn't he upgrade?This is really... God damned.

(End of this chapter)

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