The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 705 Lolita, 9 rich, and 1 very rich

Chapter 705 Ten Lolitas, Nine Rich, and One Very Rich (Part [-])
As a result of the agreed-upon win-win deal, only Ling Huohuo got the staff of excellent quality, while the blood rabbit not only failed to upgrade, but also lost the cost of forging once.

"You are not allowed to go!" The blood rabbit lay on the ground, holding Ling Huohuo's calf with both hands.

"Eh..." Ling Huohuo twitched the corners of his mouth, he didn't expect the blood rabbit who had always looked very cold to do such a thing.

"You must be responsible!" Xuetu said.

"Responsible?" Ling Huohuo spread his hands, "Sorry, I have a family."

"..." Xuetu looked at Ling Huohuo expressionlessly, "Who said that? I mean you have to pay me to upgrade my forging skills to level six!"

"Don't touch Cici. If you can't upgrade, don't blame me. I'm not the system. I can't control whether you can upgrade or not." Ling Huohuo pulled his leg hard, but the blood rabbit hugged Ling Huohuo more than Ling Huohuo As imagined, Ling Huohuo could only drag the blood rabbit for a certain distance, but the blood rabbit still didn't get off Ling Huohuo's lap.

Ling Huohuo looked down at Xuetu, who was staring at Ling Huohuo with blood-red eyes.

In the end, Ling Huohuo could only sigh helplessly.

"Get up first. If you have anything to say, it's impossible for me to promise you by holding me like this."

"Are you really not running?" Xuetu asked Ling Huohuo.

"Don't run!" Ling Huohuo nodded and said.

Xuetu let go of his hands, and Ling Huohuo withdrew his legs.

"The green mountain will not change, the green water will last forever, goodbye!" The first time Xuetu let go of his hand, Ling Huohuo cupped his fists and rushed to the door of the forging room, and opened the door... opened the door... ...pull the door...pull...

The door of the forging room was not opened as Ling Huohuo expected, but remained motionless.

The blood rabbit jumped onto the cooled forging table, took out the juice and poured himself a glass, and took a sip calmly.

Ling Huohuo looked at the blood rabbit.

"I knew you were going to run." The blood rabbit put down the cup, "So I set this forging room in advance so that it cannot be entered or exited."

"..." Ling Huohuo.

Wo Ri, I almost forgot that as the master of the forging room, the blood rabbit can control the entry and exit of the room!

Ling Huohuo put down his hands, straightened his clothes, and turned to look at the blood rabbit.

"Ahem, it's just a joke, let's talk about something."

There was no embarrassment on Ling Huohuo's face at all.

Well, I'll pretend to be obedient and wait until I get out...

The blood rabbit gave Ling Huohuo a disdainful look.

"Don't worry, my purpose is actually not a big deal, it's a win-win thing." Xuetu said.


Ling Huohuo's expression was a little weird, you said the same thing before, but then...

Ling Huohuo didn't open his mouth when people were struggling.

"I need a teammate!" Xuetu said, looking at Ling Huohuo seriously.


Ling Huohuo teamed up with Xuetu.

One mining to collect materials, one forging, the two formed a harmonious cycle, of course, the cost was provided by the blood rabbit.

Blood Rabbit with level [-] forging skills has its own small treasury. Although Ling Huohuo doesn't know how much money is in it, but the initial capital of Blood Rabbit gave Ling Huohuo [-] gold coins directly. Ling Huohuo can feel the pride of Blood Rabbit !

It really fulfilled that sentence, "Nine out of ten lolitas are rich, and one is very rich"!
Seeing the face of a thousand gold coins, Ling Huohuo felt much better.

After forming a team, Ling Huohuo and Xuetu got to know each other.

The blood rabbit's level is about to reach level [-], while Ling Huohuo has just reached level [-].

In terms of money... well, Blood Rabbit is very rich.

As for why the blood rabbit came to Qingfeng City, Ling Huohuo still didn't know.

For the improvement of forging skills, Xuetu has his own set of experiences.

In addition to frequent practice and technical growth, Xuetu analyzed that the reason why he failed to upgrade was probably because his level was not enough.

And Blood Rabbit is a lifestyle player, with almost no powerful attack methods, and it is impossible to upgrade by brushing low-level monsters. It takes time to do tasks, and it is impossible for Blood Rabbit to choose. Therefore, Blood Rabbit needs someone to take her to upgrade.

The previous level of the blood rabbit was brought up by other people.

Then, the blood rabbit finally chose Ling Huohuo.

The reason why Xuetu chose to team up with Ling Huohuo was because he valued Ling Huohuo's potential.

That's right, it's potential!
In simple contact, the blood rabbit can feel the extraordinaryness of Ling Huohuo. Although it looks very ordinary, the blood rabbit can still feel an indescribable feeling about Ling Huohuo.

This is probably a woman's sixth sense.This is Ling Huohuo's judgment.

Xuetu felt that Ling Huohuo might be a big backer when he grew up.

In addition to these, choosing Ling Huohuo is also a helpless choice.

In a remote town like Qingfeng City, it is really not easy to meet a player who looks good. He is a big player, so Xuetu chose Ling Huohuo who looked very pleasing to the eye.

Other players may not have such great potential as Ling Huohuo, and the relationship behind those with great potential is intricate. At least Ling Huohuo looks clean and alone at the moment.

So, Ling Huohuo at level 30 began to upgrade with the blood rabbit at level [-].

In addition to upgrading, Ling Huohuo is also responsible for collecting forging maps that can forge excellent-quality to excellent-quality equipment. The blood rabbit will buy them at a high price of [-] gold coins.

Ling Huohuo was very curious about how much money the blood rabbit had. Ling Huohuo began to suspect that the blood rabbit might have robbed the treasury and was hunted down before fleeing to Qingfeng City.

In order to allow Ling Huohuo to upgrade quickly, Xuetu also equipped Ling Huohuo with a set of excellent quality equipment in his inventory, or a suit.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo, who has two divine outfits, doesn't care much about these high-quality equipment, but wearing them on his body makes him stand out among players.

Calm Robe, Calm Pants, Calm Shoes, Calm Headband, Two Calm Rings, Calm Necklace.

Ling Huohuo felt that she was very calm now.

In addition to the two rings, Ling Huohuo installed other equipment.

This set of cool equipment is made from the best forging blueprints that can be produced in a level [-] dungeon.

The equipment wearing restrictions in "The Lost World" are not level restrictions. Different types of equipment have different wearing restrictions, and the mainstream ones are attribute restrictions. According to a certain attribute value of the player, it is judged whether the player can wear a certain piece of equipment, spells Suits are generally judged whether they can be worn according to the mana value.

With the Ring of Clear Spring, Ling Huohuo's current mana value makes it easy to wear stronger equipment.

The Ring of Clear Spring and the Ring of Legend are bound to Ling Huohuo, and Ling Huohuo can use it at will.

In addition to the calmness suit, Ling Huohuo was equipped with the excellent quality equipment of the sword and staff, while Ling Huohuo temporarily vacated the position of another weapon.

When Ling Huohuo walked out of the forging room with the blood rabbit, Ling Huohuo felt that he was no longer who he was before he entered.

The quality of the equipment on my body has already caught up with the top players. Of course, it’s just the quality. After all, except for the staff and the ring, the other equipment is the equipment from the twentieth-level dungeon. I feel that I must be the top group of players.

Ling Huohuo also roughly estimated the value of the equipment the blood rabbit gave him, and it would cost at least hundreds of thousands in Huaxia coins.

Sure enough, loli are rich.

Looking at the [-] gold coins in his pocket, Ling Huohuo suddenly felt a sense of being taken care of.

"Where are you going next?" Ling Huohuo asked Xuetu, "Are you going to kill monsters?"

"No, let's go to the fourth-tier city, Hongying City!" Xuetu said.

(End of this chapter)

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