The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 706 Familiar routines, familiar pits

Chapter 706 Familiar Routine, Familiar Pit (Part [-])
Hongying City, a fourth-tier city some distance away from Qingfeng City, is more prosperous than Qingfeng City. It is no longer a small remote city, and it also represents more opportunities.

Unlike from Mingyue Village to Qingfeng City, the road from Qingfeng City to Hongying City is not smooth.

With the current strength of Ling Huohuo and Xuetu, it is not so easy to go to Hongying City. Even if you go to the official road, you may encounter robbers and wild monsters. It is not absolutely safe. It is all about luck, but someone needs to lead them That's another matter.

The best option is the caravan. You only need to pay a few gold coins to join the caravan. The general price is around five gold coins, which is very safe.

However, I haven't been going to the Hongying City caravan recently, and the latest time will be a week later.

Ling Huohuo and Xuetu could still afford to wait for a week, but in just two days, Ling Huohuo met a more suitable choice.

The more suitable choice is of course not the player, but the so-called NPC, that is, the aborigines of this world.

There were only three people on the other side, three girls, a beautiful woman in her thirties and two young girls, and it was said that there was also a powerful force behind her. When they came to Qingfeng City, even the city lord of Qingfeng City came out to greet them.

The most important thing is the strength of the three of them.

Judging by Ling Huohuo's aura and behavior, the leading woman in her thirties is at least level [-], which means she is a genuine seventh-level powerhouse.

The remaining two girls are around level [-] and level [-].

Although the two girls looked beautiful, the girl around level 20 actually gave Ling Huohuo a feeling of "old fritters". a sister.

The matter of bringing someone was said by a girl of about fifty levels.

The three of them were going back to their own forces, and they passed by Hongying City, so they planned to bring some players along the way.

The price is fair, regardless of strength, regardless of male or female race, ten gold coins per person, the price is fair, no cheating, no credit, no refund, registration time is one day, no expiration.

Ten gold coins is twice as expensive as following a caravan, but the other party's explanation is "We are stronger, and all of them are beauties, very seductive, ten gold coins is already very fair", and, I don't know where No matter what the news is revealed, following the three of them is likely to receive a precious hidden mission!
In this way, even though the price was twice as expensive, it still attracted many people. In a day, hundreds of players paid the fee, including Ling Huohuo and Xuetu.

Ling Huohuo and Xuetu simply wanted to go to Hongying City. As for the purpose of the others, Ling Huohuo didn't know.

Ling Huohuo and Hongtu twitched their lips when they saw the girl of about fifty ranks counting gold coins like a profiteer.

The girl took a bite of the gold coin, then threw the gold coin into her embroidered purse, turned it upside down, showed a satisfied smile, and waved her hands.

"Go back and wait, we will remind you when we leave."

Ling Huohuo and Xuetu twitched their lips and nodded.

"Senior Sister, you look so ugly!" The girl around level [-] complained, "And...and..."

"What are you talking about? I rely on my ability to blackmail, no, why is the money I make so ugly?"

"However, your behavior... looks like a profiteer."

"No traitors, no business! No traitors, no business, understand? And I'm helping to control currency circulation! It's a great thing!"

"You're so unreasonable! I'm going to tell the master!"

"You go, [-]% of the money belongs to the master, if you have the ability, go!"


"Don't worry, senior sister won't treat you badly, go back and buy you a new bag."



Girls around level [-] compromised in the face of the new bag offensive, and then began to help their senior sister solicit business.

Xue Tu didn't say much about the dialogue between the two teachers and sisters, but felt that the AI ​​intelligence was too high, but Ling Huohuo knew that they were living beings with their own emotions and desires.

Although Ling Huohuo knew that he had been blackmailed, there was nothing to say about one willing to fight and one willing to suffer.

After waiting for a long time, the team set off.

The other people in the team wanted to contact the three women intentionally or unintentionally, showing their hospitality and being wary of others. Their purpose was very clear, they came here to hide the mission.

Only a few people including Ling Huohuo and Xuetu remained indifferent.

Facing the purposeful crowd, they were all girls around level [-]. They didn't let the players disturb her master and junior sister at all, and the topics of chatting were also marginal, but they didn't lead the topic to be related to the task. On the contrary, it began to popularize the scenery of various places for players.

Ling Huohuo can see that the girls around level [-] are playing with this group of players with a purpose. Maybe she released the news of the mission to attract people, and she will not release the hidden mission until the end or directly release one. Give small rewards for small tasks to make these players happy.

This kind of thing was done by Ling Huohuo in the first place - pulling tiger skins, pulling big banners, conducting false propaganda, taking advantage of players' greed and speculative psychology, and the final purpose is to cheat players.

Ling Huohuo didn't expect to meet someone of the same kind now.

There are more than 100 people, ten gold coins per person, a total of thousands of gold coins, which is not a small income for NPCs. The task rewards received in Linghuohuo Qingfeng City have never exceeded ten gold coins.

Even for most players, this amount of money is a huge sum of money. Only players with big powers or famous players on the wealth list can take out so many gold coins at one time.

A rich existence like the blood rabbit is not common.

The cost paid by the three is almost zero.

However, having said that, Ling Huohuo also admires the actions of a girl around level [-], who draws players to her side and prevents them from disturbing her master and younger sister.

Being greedy for money but not causing trouble to relatives and friends, and such eloquence and calculations are not something ordinary people can have.

Although the girls around level [-] are not the strongest, Ling Huohuo can guess that she is the most difficult to deal with among the three.

Sometimes, IQ is really capable of suppressing!
For example, the group of players around the girl at level [-] is still holding the dream of waiting for the girl to finish telling the story and then release the mission.

Facts have proved that the IQ of girls around level [-] has really suppressed the IQ of this group of greedy players.

When some players find that something is wrong, the girl will release some innocuous tasks, and the reward is a petal, explaining that it is a "token that can improve their favorability".

What's the use of goodwill?

If you have a good impression, you can accept the hidden mission!
Faced with the temptation of hidden missions issued by NPCs above level [-], the players decided to keep going...

Then, Hongying City arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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