Chapter 707 Reached (one more)
It's a sad story that players spend money and time, but they still don't receive the hidden quest.

But this has nothing to do with Ling Huohuo and Xuetu.

Their original purpose was to take a ride to Hongying City. As for the cost of those gold coins, it has no effect on Blood Rabbit, and spending a little gold coin can get the protection of the strong. For Blood Rabbit, these gold coins are worth spending .

As for Ling Huohuo's coachman, he also came over and counted a head fee.

After entering the city, Ling Huohuo and Xuetu left.

"Where are we going now?" Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Blacksmith!" Blood Rabbit.

Just like in Qingfeng City, Blood Rabbit has rented a blacksmith as a long-term base, but the rental price of the blacksmith in Hongying City is more expensive, but the decoration is better.

Then the blood rabbit replaced the forging table and forging tools inside with the ones he used.

Forge room.

"Any plans?" Ling Huohuo asked Xuetu.

The blood rabbit didn't speak, but looked at Ling Huohuo, Ling Huohuo was a little scared by the blood rabbit.

Remember that "Lost World" doesn't seem to have those recognition functions?

"What...what are you doing?" Ling Huohuo asked tentatively.

The blood rabbit nodded, then looked away.

"There is a task that needs you to pick it up."

"What mission?" Ling Huohuo blinked.

"I also learned about this task by accident. If it is completed, it is very likely that you will get excellent quality forging blueprints, and even have a chance to get fragments of legendary equipment."

"What? The reward is so generous? It must be difficult?" Ling Huohuo was a little surprised.

"Is it hard to know, this mission is only known to a few players, and no one has disclosed the information so far. The main purpose of bringing you to Hongying City this time is for this mission." Blood Rabbit said.

"What do you mean?" Ling Huohuo asked.

"This task can only be accepted by male players, and they must be handsome men." Blood Rabbit said.


What the hell restriction?

Ling Huohuo felt that that NPC might not be a serious NPC.

Only then did the blood rabbit slowly tell the information about this mission.

"In Hongying City, there is an old widow named Mrs. Sakura. Her family is rich and has many treasures. In order to preserve her appearance, Mrs. Sakura will buy a large amount of ore called Frost Powder, grind it into powder and apply it on her face. However, in the past two years, the production of frost powder mines outside Hongying City has decreased, and it is difficult to buy them. Therefore, Mrs. Sakura issued a task to the players to mine the frost powder mines in the mines outside the city for herself, and she Different levels of rewards will be given to players based on the value and quantity of frost powder mines."

"However, this task can only be accepted by handsome male players. I think your appearance has passed the passing line." Blood Rabbit said.

Ling Huohuo frowned.

"What kind of ore is Frost Powder Ore?"

Frost Powder Mine Ling Huohuo had never heard of it.

"Frost powder ore is an extremely precious ore, and it is a poisonous ore!"

"Poisonous?" Ling Huohuo was taken aback, can the ore be poisonous?

The blood rabbit nodded.

"I only found out after seeing the messages sent by those who mined the Frost Powder Mine."

After finishing speaking, Xuetu sent a screenshot to Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo opened the screenshot in the email, which was the information of Frost Powder Mine.

The appearance of frost powder mine is white, it looks like a piece of white wax.

"Frost Powder Ore: Precious ore, toxic, can beautify the skin, after a period of time after application, the skin will become white, smooth, and firm, but the toxicity on it will also damage the skin, accelerate aging, and even endanger life safety..."

This is completely a kind of ore that is exhausted.

Ling Huohuo frowned, and soon his brows relaxed.

Anyway, I didn't wipe it myself, so let him do it.

"This task requires mining skills and a little bit of luck. If you can mine high-quality powdered frost ore, and then switch to an excellent-quality forging blueprint, then our goal will be accomplished, and the rest is only for me. Raise the level up, and then you can forge." The blood rabbit nodded.

"If you can use the equipment forged from the blueprint, I will give you no compensation. If I can use it, I will give you the market price. If neither you nor I can use it, then sell it and give you all the money. .”

"I don't want income, I just hope that you can help me raise the level of forging skills to level six. After the matter is completed, I will compensate you for dragging your level up during this period of time. I will find someone to take you to upgrade, and I will not let you The level was dropped." The blood rabbit said seriously.

Ling Huohuo clicked his tongue. The Blood Rabbit is really generous. In order to reach the sixth level, he has paid a lot.

Although Ling Huohuo didn't know why Xuetu paid so much attention to raising it to level six, Ling Huohuo finally readily agreed.

Now that Ling Huohuo is a player, it is time to level up and accumulate equipment. Ling Huohuo believes that the blood rabbit will not break his promise.

And for this task, Ling Huohuo is also very interested.

Because this award judgment is very visual!
That's how Ling Huohuo's "sheep herding mission" was judged and rewarded! ! !
In this case, there is a great possibility that there will be pitfalls, but if you really bring back high-quality frost powder mines, according to the principles set by the world consciousness, the rewards you can get will be extremely considerable.


"Is this where Mrs. Sakura lives?" Ling Huohuo looked at the address Xuetu gave him, and then at the mansion in front of him.

"Excuse me, are you here to see Mrs. Sakura?" The waiter at the door asked, um, it was a handsome blonde guy.

"That's right, I just... um~" Before Ling Huohuo finished speaking, a pair of hands stretched out from behind covered his mouth, and then dragged him away, leaving behind the waiter who stood there in a daze.

Ling Huohuo was dragged to an alley not far away, and then pushed hard against the wall.

Ling Huohuo's face was pressed against the wall, and the opponent's hands controlled Ling Huohuo's hands and pressed against the wall.

When Ling Huohuo was wondering, a hard object hit his butt.

Silence... panic!
Ling Huohuo clamped his ass tightly.

"Brother, calm down, there is no such function in the game!" Ling Huohuo.

"Who is your elder brother?" The other party's voice came from behind Ling Huohuo, it was a woman's voice.

Ling Huohuo tried his best to turn his head, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the corner of the other party's clothes...

It's a skirt!
"Master in women's clothing!" Ling Huohuo exclaimed in shock.

"I bother!"

The other party might not be able to bear Ling Huohuo's reaction, so he let go of Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo turned around immediately, pressed his butt against the wall, and looked behind him vigilantly, from bottom to top.

Boots... skirt armor... long sword... battle armor... chest... face...

"I am a woman, and the one who hit you just now was the handle of the long sword on my waist!" The other party explained.

(End of this chapter)

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