The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 713 Void Edge and Void Altar

Chapter 713 The Edge of the Void and the Void Altar (Part [-])
There is no level limit for the Void Sage's job change, and the job change doesn't seem to be very dangerous.

The job change task of the void wise man only requires the player to reach the edge of the void, find the void altar, and hold the job transfer scroll to become a void wise man.

But there is a problem, that is the position of the edge of the void.

The specific location of the edge of the void is at the junction of the lawful camp and the chaotic camp. Although there are very few people active on the edge of the void, it does not mean that they will not encounter danger.

In case of being involved in a war between the two camps, Ling Huohuo would definitely be dead at this time.

After all, the minimum level of players and NPCs who can be active in the camp battlefield is [-], and there are many people at [-].

The so-called edge of the void is the dimensional crack in the Lost Lands, where life cannot be lived, and there are no cities.

In order to transfer to the void wise man, Ling Huohuo and Xuetu felt that they should give it a try now.

So, with people, Ling Huohuo and Xuetu rushed to the edge of the void.

You may not believe it, but in this wild and dangerous lost place, it is actually very easy to go to the edge of the void.

Because in order to monitor the situation at the edge of the void, there is a teleportation magic circle on the edge of the void. Coincidentally, there is a magic teleportation circle in Hongying City.

Hongying City is considered a relatively large city, and it is also one of the transfer points to other cities. Therefore, in order to facilitate the deployment of troops in case of accidents, a teleportation magic circle was set up in Hongying City.

But the price of using this teleportation magic circle is not small.

Ten thousand gold coins per person!
That's definitely a lot of money.

Even though Blood Rabbit had money, he emptied his small treasury and sold all of his excellent equipment to get enough teleportation fees for five people.

To be honest, Ling Huohuo was also a little moved by Xuetu's dedication, but he probably guessed the purpose of Xuetu.

I don't feel disgusted with Xuetu's careful thoughts, but think that Xuetu's value of knowing that she will give for what she wants is right. Although she may not help her, she still chooses this path.

In this regard, Ling Huohuo said that he will help the blood rabbit as appropriate. If the blood rabbit is not a villain, it is not a loss to recruit such a potential blacksmith.

The official of Hongying City is also very honest, such an expensive price not only manages the delivery, but also manages the meeting, which means that [-] gold coins buy a round-trip ticket!

A sense of teleportation flashed, and the five of Ling Huohuo arrived at the camp closest to the edge of the void.

Ling Huohuo didn't feel uncomfortable, but other people were different, not everyone had felt the power of space.

The performance of the three members of the sickle weasel was alright, but as for the blood rabbit, it seemed a little unstable.

"Although it's not the first time to use the teleportation magic circle, but this feeling... the experience is extremely bad." Xuetu complained.

After a short rest, the blood rabbit returned to normal.

The purpose of bringing the weasels with us is to protect our own safety. Although there are no creatures on the edge of the void, it does not mean that there is no danger.

Fortunately, Ling Huohuo's mission is not very dangerous, all he needs to do is find the altar.

At the beginning of the game, many players were very interested in the edge of the void, but after paying a considerable price to fully explore the vicinity of the edge of the void, the players all left after spitting.

"Bah, how poor!"

Walking out of the camp, both Ling Huohuo and Xuetu gasped.

Barren, the edge of the void is endless barren, the sky is chaotic, everything looks like a doomsday scene.

But Ling Huohuo saw it more profoundly.

There is no life here!

This is a place where life is cut off!
"Let's go." Ling Huohuo said.

The blood rabbit nodded, and then followed Ling Huohuo. The sickle weasels were divided into three directions, protecting Ling Huohuo and the blood rabbit in the middle.

However, what they didn't know was that when they left the camp, a tightly covered figure in a robe also walked out of the teleportation array.


Also thanks to the exploration of the previous players, the map of the edge of the void has been sketched out roughly.

Because the value of the edge of the void is not high, almost no players come, and the map of the edge of the void is not expensive. It is said that the price can not even recover the cost price, that is, it is sold to those who like to hunt and travel. player.

Moreover, the markers on the map have also changed, no longer the distribution map of monsters, but the score map of the scenery.

The map has completely become a tourist map.

And just in time, the altar that Ling Huohuo and Xuetu needed to find was also marked on the map.

"Altar of the Void: Travel Advice, Intermediate."

That is to say—the view of the Void Altar is not very good, but Naihe is an altar with a bit of an ancient atmosphere. Veterans who like altars and other historical sites can visit it.

The five of Ling Huohuo walked towards the altar in a straight line, and the journey was safe and sound.

To tell the truth, here, not a single feather of a bird's face can be seen.

The voices and shadows that are occasionally encountered are also players who came to visit. Everyone nodded politely as a greeting.

The atmosphere here at the edge of the void is really not suitable for players to communicate enthusiastically, and no players are even willing to camp and have a picnic here. They usually return to the camp to rest and visit the rest of the place the next day.

Tourism at the Edge of the Void has inexplicably fueled the camp's economic development.

Finally, Ling Huohuo and the others came to the area of ​​the Void Altar.

A ruin appeared in front of Ling Huohuo and the others.

The most eye-catching thing is a well-preserved altar in the center of the ruins, and two pillars in front of the altar that I don't know what to do.

These two pillars attracted Ling Huohuo's attention, because the composition of these two pillars is very similar to the portal above the primitive wild forest.

But what does it mean that these two pillars are facing the space crack?

"Is this the Void Altar?" Xuetu looked around and said.

Ling Huohuo nodded.

"Then I'll start."

Although some doubts made Ling Huohuo feel that something was wrong, Ling Huohuo decided to continue.

If it doesn't work, just get off the plane and use the main body to handle things here.

Ling Huohuo took out the scroll and walked towards the altar.

The blood rabbit looked at Ling Huohuo nervously.

The sickle itachis were vigilant about their surroundings.

Finally, the moment Ling Huohuo walked to the center of the altar, there was a change.

The altar lit up, and the scroll in Ling Huohuo's hand also floated.

In front of the altar, a huge vortex like a galaxy appeared between the two pillars facing the void, slowly rotating.

At this time, pure spatial power flowed out from the scroll, wrapping around Ling Huohuo.

"The inheritance has begun." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes, but then his eyes changed, revealing an expression of disbelief.

Because purple gas started to appear in the scroll!
"Demon energy!" Ling Huohuo's eyes widened!

This is the magic energy of the demon race!How could Ling Huohuo not recognize it?

At this time, there was also the sound of wringing feet in the distance.


Ling Huohuo's heart sank.

problem occurs!
(End of this chapter)

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