Chapter 714 Return of the Void! (two more)

However, the inheritance has already begun, Ling Huohuo's body has been imprisoned by the power of space, Ling Huohuo can only stay on the altar.

far away.

Both the sickle weasel and the blood rabbit nervously watched a figure in a robe slowly approaching in the distance, the sickle weasel drew their weapons, and the blood rabbit held his huge hammer in his hand.

"Stop, or I'm going to attack." Wounded Foot shouted.

In the end, the figure stayed not far from them, looking at the altar that had changed in the distance.

"I really didn't expect that the movement was so fast that I almost missed my wife." Heiying complained, it was a woman's voice.

Both the sickle weasel and the blood rabbit heard that something was wrong, and looked back at the altar, only to find that Ling Huohuo was surrounded by a kind of purple power, and they were horrified.

The three members of the Kamaitachi hurriedly rushed towards Ling Huohuo.

"Hmph, how could you just disturb my plan like this!" The black-robed man snorted coldly, raised his robe slightly, and actually stretched out a tentacle from the robe, and then inserted the tentacle into the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the three of the Kamaitachi, several huge tentacles rose from the ground, blocking the way of the three of them, and then attacked the three of them.

The sickle weasels retreated in a hurry, but then there was an exclamation,
A tentacle actually rolled up the blood rabbit.

"Destroy one person first." The black-robed figure said.

The tentacles exerted a little force, and then...


The blood rabbit's body was crushed and exploded.

Fortunately, it may be considering the player's experience, the player's death will only turn into a bunch of data streams, and it is not that bloody.

But this scene still made Kamaitachi feel heavy in their hearts.

Blood Rabbit is about to pass level [-]. Although she is not good at fighting, her own physical fitness data is still there, especially the body of the dwarves is stronger than that of the human race, and the blood volume is also thicker, but she is directly pinched by the tentacles Explosion, then the level of this black-robed man...

Kama Itachi felt that the opponent was definitely over level [-], maybe even over level [-], and it was very likely that he was a boss template!

The blood rabbit turned into a stream of data and disappeared, leaving behind the exploded equipment.

Because he had to take the teleportation array on the way, the blood rabbit emptied his wealth, so not many things were exposed. For the blood rabbit, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

But what is certain is that if the blood rabbit's psychological quality is not strong enough in this way of death, it is likely to cast a very large shadow, or even cause problems.

The three of the sickle and itachi looked at each other, nodded, and rushed towards the man in black.

It's time to be loyal, this is the meaning of the existence of the dead!
"Moths to the flame." The man in black made a mocking sound, and more tentacles rushed out from the ground.


on the altar.

Feeling the power around him, Ling Huohuo frowned.

These demonic energy actually passed through the game and wanted to erode his own consciousness.

Ling Huohuo has to say, this operation is pretty cool!

Can do this kind of game to interfere with reality, I have to say that those guys from the Demon Race have something.

Ling Huohuo felt that this trick should be learned, and hitting people along the way of the game would no longer be a dream.

But thinking about it the other way around, if the opponent can do this to himself, does that mean he can do the same to other players?Then there are likely to be demons among the players, which is not good news.

Although the Demon Race group is very powerful, it is not very dangerous, but the Demon King and Demon General are not only stronger, but also more dangerous.

The player is controlled, who knows what the devil and the devil will do?

However, it is better to get out of trouble by yourself now.

Since you are doing things in reality through the game, then you can't be polite.

Just because he is weak in the game doesn't mean he is still weak in the real world!

Sword intent surges!


The sound of the sword chanting echoed in Ling Huohuo's mind, and the demonic energy was directly suppressed by Ling Huohuo.

These devilish qi are just the devilish qi sealed in scrolls, and no one controls them. If these devilish qi are controlled by a demon general or a devil king, then I will basically be cold, even the "Sword Code" may not be easy to use .

After all, the "Sword Code" is just a dead thing, unless the sword god notices the situation here and follows the "Sword Code" to chase and beat the Demon King.

Wait, think about it this way, this possibility is very high!
Withdrawing his thoughts, after Ling Huohuo calmed down the demonic energy, the demonic energy in the game also began to dissipate.

Ling Huohuo discovered that these demonic energy not only erode his consciousness, but even affect the energy between the two stone pillars.

Ling Huohuo has already seen the energy fluctuations of the two stone pillars. This is indeed a portal. As for where the other side is connected, it is not clear, but if it is disturbed by the demonic energy, the other side is likely to receive the demon king. It will be very interesting when the Demon King Army invades.

The demonic energy dissipated, and the suppressed space power seemed to rebound, becoming more grand, and a transparent beam of light condensed by space power went straight into the sky.


The man in black who had just dealt with the weasels looked in the direction of the altar in shock.

"Failed, damn it!" the black-robed man shouted angrily, and quickly rushed towards the altar.

The black robe fell, and the person in the black robe turned out to be Mrs. Sakura!

At this moment, Mrs. Sakura's upper body is still beautiful, but her lower body is full of weird tentacles!
The beam of light on the altar was extremely dazzling, attracting the attention of all creatures moving on the edge of the void.

The beam of light seemed to absorb something, and the lavender gas flowed into the beam of light from all around, making the originally transparent beam of light turn into a crystal clear lavender.

Ling Huohuo felt that the power in his game was constantly changing...


The soul in my own reality is also undergoing transformation.

"It turned out to be this feeling." Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes slightly.

This is the influence of "The Lost World" on the real world. This kind of influence rarely occurs. Except for chance and coincidence, only special circumstances will happen. Generally, players in the real world can be promoted into true transcendents, and even have powerful abilities. strength!
Ling Huohuo didn't expect to feel it in this situation.

Ling Huohuo felt it carefully.

My original demon soul is actually changing, and it is affecting my body to change.

This is... the power of the endless void!


The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"Successful job change! Void wise man, welcome to come!"

Then came the second system prompt.

"Ding! The wise men of the void have come, and the lineage of the void has officially returned!"

Ling Huohuo opened his eyes.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's appearance has changed, all the equipment on his body is gone, but his whole body is covered in a gorgeous purple cloak, half of his face is exposed under the pointed hat, the whole person seems to be shrouded in mystery middle.

At Ling Huohuo's waist was a strange looking weapon that looked like a sword but not a sword.

"The Void...will return...the glory of the Void...will never die..."

Ling Huohuo murmured.

His voice seemed to pass through time and space, reaching the ears of some people.

(End of this chapter)

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