The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 721 Establishing a Studio

Chapter 721 Establishing a Studio (One More)
The power of the void is very corrosive.

Or "pollution" is more appropriate.

Those beings who were eroded by the power of the void were either completely eroded by the power of the void, or merged with the power of the void and transformed into the void family.

The power of the void itself is more erosion, while the power released by the void family is more assimilation.

And Gabriel was assimilated by Ling Huohuo in this way.

There is a chain connection between the two, and Gabriel naturally has no way to escape, even because of this connection and a brief fusion with Ling Huohuo.

At this time, Gabriel has completed the feat of transforming from a "lazy angel" into a void angel.

Amethyst-like wings, lavender transparent halo, and silver-purple hair all show the characteristics of void.

Moreover, after changing her real body, Gabriel's image also changed.

Gabriel will become more mature, the girl will become a woman, and her figure will become taller, giving people a mixed feeling of purity, holiness and mystery.

In addition to these, Gabriel's chest has become even bigger!
This is the point.

After becoming a Void Angel, Gabriel was confused for a while, but quickly recovered.

She doesn't plan to go back to the heavens anymore, and it's okay to become a void angel. What's more, if she becomes a void angel, she will not be bound by the dogma of angels, and she will be able to roam better.

Especially the enlarged chest, although it was a little heavy, and the change was faster for him, but Gabriel was very satisfied.

But Gabriel is still the same in normal state.


Ling Huohuo pulled back Gabriel who wanted to go back to play games.

That's right, the chain connecting Ling Huohuo's hand to Gabriel's neck is still there, but it is no longer "for angels only", but has been eroded by the power of the void and turned into a product of the void.

And this chain is no longer equipment, but completely connects Ling Huohuo and Jia Baili together.

This chain Ling Huohuo can also control it to disappear, which means that Gabriel can completely distance herself from Ling Huohuo, and she doesn't have to stay together, and the control of this chain is in Ling Huohuo's control. In his hands, Gabriel is more like Ling Huohuo's pendant.

Ling Huohuo looked at the unconvinced Gabriel and sighed.

Gabriel, who had just found out about the Void Angel, was so determined to play games, she was really drunk.

With a wave of his hand, Ling Huohuo concealed the chain.

"I won't talk too much about the Void Clan, let me talk about my next plan first."

"Plan?" Everyone else was stunned. Isn't the opportunity now just for you and your group to do it alone?

"I decided to get a big ticket!" Ling Huohuo said seriously.

"Big one? How big is it?"

"Eighteen centimeters... cough cough."

Ling Huohuo asked his throat, and said seriously.

"I'm going to start a studio, just us."

"What kind of studio? Gold or mercenary?" Ding Ning asked. During this time, Ding Ning also studied the game carefully, and he is the one who knows the game the most.

Dajin studio and mercenary studio are the two most mainstream studios.

Dajin means going out to play in the wild, exchanging the materials and resources you get for money, with the purpose of making money, and the development is very stable. This kind of studio is also the most.

The mercenary studio is relatively high-end. The people in the studio are generally capable, and there are even many masters. They mainly accept foreign aid tasks, act as foreign aid, help other guilds fight guild battles or assist in killing bosses. The salary is very high. , is also very dangerous.

"No, we're not here to make money, nor to earn commissions, but to become stronger!" Ling Huohuo said.

"Become stronger?" Ding Ning frowned, "Similar to the studio established by Ye Qiu of the Mythology Guild?"

"Ye Qiu?"

Others were a little puzzled, and Ding Ning began to explain.

Ye Qiu is currently the president of the mythical guild, the number one guild in the game.

When I got up early, I also set up a studio, but the purpose of the studio was not to make money and accept mercenary tasks, but to become stronger!

It was a studio established by a group of strong people. Everyone worked together to break through difficult tasks and explore more dangerous places. Together, everyone quickly improved, allowing the Mythological Guild to develop rapidly.

It can be said that the early development of the Mythological Guild was opened up by this group of powerful people.

Even after Shinhwa became bigger and the small studio became a big club, this model was still preserved.

There are still a group of strong players in the Shinhwa Club who have come out independently to develop outside.

And other clubs are imitating this model, including the future club under the name of Ling Huohuo, and Ling Miao is the leader of this strong team in the future club.

It was also the first time Ling Huohuo heard about this matter, and nodded in understanding after listening.

"There are still some such studios, but if you want to form such a studio, you must join the strong ones, we..."

Ding Ning looked around. To be honest, looking at the soft and cute girls in this circle, Ding Ning really didn't think it could be established.

Although this group of people has the strength, but the strength of the real world is useless when playing games. As for the operation in the game... Ding Ning can't imagine.

"Don't worry about that, I will grow up if necessary." Vinette said seriously with her chest in her arms.

Ling Huohuo shook his head, Ding Ning's worries were completely unnecessary.

The demons are born warriors. According to the elders of the demons, even the untrained demons have a strong sense of fighting, and their own learning ability is also very fast. With a little training, they can become qualified fighters.

Why do other races want to exterminate the demons but can only end without a problem?Who would have thought that those ordinary demon farmers who were farming on the side of the road could perform a set of top-level martial arts with a hoe?

The racial quality of the demons is completely a warrior race, but spiritually, this is a race that loves farming.

According to the lives of other races, this is a complete waste of talent.

In the game, this will not be affected at all. I didn't see whether the level of Vernette's play or not has risen to more than 40?

As for the angels...

You may not believe it, angels are not good cakes, they are also a fighting race, if there is no persuasion from the old village chief of the Demon Race, the ones who conquered all worlds would be angels!

Worried about whether they will fight and grow up, it is better to worry about whether I can catch up with their growth rate.

Ling Huohuo didn't say much, time will test everything, the only thing to worry about now is whether Ding Ning, who is the only human in this room, can keep up with the growth rate of other members of the studio.

(End of this chapter)

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