The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 722 The Demon Demon Studio and Going to Nine Babies City

Chapter 722 The Demon Heaven Demon Studio and Going to Nine Infant City (Part [-])

Things in the studio were quickly finalized.

The name of the studio is named "Yao Tian Mo Ren Studio".

It just represents the four creatures in the studio.

The captain of the studio is Ling Huohuo (void monster), and the team members are Gabriel (angel), Vinette (demon), Raphael (angel), Satania (demon), Ding Ning (human) ).

Non-staff personnel—Rogier (sword), White Inu (dog), Goldfinch (bird), Qingmianniao (Shikigami), Sansu Niao (monster), Fudo Myo (spiritual body), Ling Yaoyao ( spirit body).

Ding Ning suddenly found that this studio seemed to be all by himself, and everyone acted like ordinary people, so Ding Ning didn't pay attention to this aspect at all. Who would have thought that the demons would cook soup with a smile on their faces, And the angel will stay in the room and play games.

As the only human being, Ding Ning felt a little stressed.

Fortunately, Ding Ning heard that he has four partners in the game, three of whom are human, and they can also be brought to the studio.

The one suspected is the Blood Rabbit. The sickle weasels are all dead men of Onmyouji, Toyotomi Hideya's team, and they are all human beings.

Although everyone in "The Lost World" has the real gender and appearance, the race is not necessarily the case. Everyone who enters "The Lost World" is the default human race, and the race may not be clearly distinguishable.

The residence of the studio is Ling Huohuo's home.

The roof that Ling Huohuo broke before was repaired by the team of women in leather clothes called by Ling Huohuo from the future city. Ling Huohuo's new home was also built by the team of women in leather clothes.

If a studio is established, the sickle weasels and blood rabbits will also need to move here.

The sickle weasel said that the three of them are only loyal to Ling Huohuo now, and Ling Huohuo only needs a phone call, and the three of them will rush to Zhonghai City as soon as possible, while the blood rabbit needs Ling Huohuo to speak in person. I want to be tied to myself, but I don't necessarily have to join my own studio.

Needless to say, the start-up capital of the studio is not much in the real world, but in the game, Ling Huohuo also has the huge inheritance of Mrs. Sakura to squander.

It's time to form a studio. It's impossible for everyone to play on their own like before. It's best to get together and get a place in the game.

After settling the situation outside, Ling Huohuo entered the game again, while others also entered the studio.

At present, I haven't chosen which city in the game to be the base of, and the others haven't moved their positions yet, but the specific location will be chosen by Ding Ning in these two days.

Ding Ning will analyze the most suitable place as a resident.

In the end, after thinking about it, Ling Huohuo felt that after the establishment of the studio, Vinette and the others could no longer take care of everyone at any time, but there must be someone to take care of them, and they cannot be handed over to ordinary people. Mai is brought from the future city to the real world.

Mai Shiranui had taken care of Rogier for a while, so she had no resistance to this kind of thing, she just took care of a few more people.

Shiranui Wu never asked to go back, as if she had forgotten her identity, Ling Huohuo was left to her.

In addition, Yuyihu also followed, the good name is to help, although Ling Huohuo still can't see through Yuyihu's thoughts, but Ling Huohuo is not in vain when facing Yuyihu, as long as Yuyihu expresses Ling Huohuo dared to use any idea.

This is self-confidence in one's own strength, and vigilance and suspicion are problems that arise only for leaders who cannot control their subordinates.

After re-entering the game, Ling Huohuo took the weasels and spent a few days to move Mrs. Sakura's three treasures back to Hongying City.All the things were put into his own empty space by Ling Huohuo.

At this time, Ling Huohuo also sent an invitation to Xuetu's studio.

After some hesitation, Xuetu accepted Ling Huohuo's invitation, but it would take two days to get to Zhonghai City.

At this time, Ding Ning also chose the location of the studio.

Combining the residences of other similar studios with the current trend information, Ding Ning finally chose a sixth-level city called "Nine Infant City" as the residence.

Jiuying City is one of the large cities discovered so far, and the city is big, which also means that there are many opportunities. There are often relatively large-scale tasks in Jiuying City, and there are many powerful forces stationed in it, but there is no unified Jiuying City among the players. The power of all the forces in the city.

Geographically, Jiuying City is not far from the residence cities of the top three guilds.

There is a wide wild area near Jiuying City, enough for Ling Huohuo and the others to explore.

At the same time, Jiuying City is not far from the faction battlefield. If you want to improve yourself, you must participate in the faction war.

In addition to these objective factors, there is also a legend related to the Nine Infants City, which is also the reason why Ding Ning chose the Nine Infants City.

The content of this legend is related to Ling Huohuo's mission.

It is said that there is a legendary place near Jiuying City - the Tomb of Jiuying.

Jiuying is one of the fierce beasts in ancient Chinese myths and legends, which comes from "Huainanzi·Ben Jingxun".It is a monster of water and fire. It can spit water and fire. Its cry is like a baby crying. It has nine heads, so it is called Jiuying.When Yao came out, he harmed the world, and was shot and killed by Yi in the fierce water of Beidi.

There is a wonderful water area near Jiuying City. It is said that the tomb of Jiuying is under this water area, and Jiuying City was built to commemorate Yi's shooting of Jiuying.

However, because of the particularity of that water area, no one can reach the water, which meets the conditions for no one to explore.

The tomb of the nine infants has become a place of legend.

And the Tomb of the Nine Infants is very suitable for the task of Ling Huohuo's legendary ring.

And Ling Huohuo has the ability of the void family to escape into the void, so the possibility of reaching the tomb of the nine infants under the water is still very high.

With a goal, it is natural to move in the direction of the goal.

Although Ling Huohuo has the ability to escape into the void and descend directly to Jiuying City, the blood rabbits and sickle weasels who followed Ling Huohuo cannot, and escape into the void cannot bring people.

So Ling Huohuo decided to set off with them.

Hongying City has developed transportation, but it still takes two days to reach Jiuying City.

Fortunately, there were quite a few caravans from Hongying City to Jiuying City, and at a great price, Ling Huohuo let himself and the four of them get a ride on the most stable large caravan.

This kind of large caravan has strong guards, and there is a guard above level [-]. There is no safer caravan in Hongying City.

Considering the time, after the player boards the vehicle, there will still be a fake body that takes the vehicle forward instead of the player when the player goes offline.

Taking the vehicle prepared by the caravan for the players, Ling Huohuo and the others went offline, and after two days they went online and went to Jiuying City.

(End of this chapter)

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