The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 727 Small fireball, so terrifying

Chapter 727 Little fireball, so terrifying (one more)
Although the empty excuse can easily dodge the attack of the small fireball, but soon this situation cannot continue.

Because when Sora stepped on the flames on the burning ground for the first time, he let out a scream like a pig being killed.

This fire is so hot!
But although Zai Hehuo was hot, he didn't give Kong an excuse to lose much blood, which proved that although the flame was hot, it didn't have much power.

"This shit is definitely not a small fireball!" Kong cursed inwardly as an excuse, but there was nothing he could do.

However, this is indeed a small fireball, but it is a modified small fireball.

When Ling Huohuo inherited the memory of the Void Sage, his understanding of magic was naturally also inherited.

At this time, Ling Huohuo's comprehension of magic has reached the pinnacle of a certain level, and if he goes further, he will reach a new field.

In fact, most of the fire magic is based on a trick of "setting fire".

"Setting fire" can't even be called a skill, but an ability, and only magicians who have mastered the ability of "setting fire" can officially start practicing fire magic.

The so-called skill is to change the ability of "setting fire" into the appearance and effect you want.

"Fire" is the root, while skills are the branches, and the roots are often more luxuriant and more important than the branches of the tree.

"Setting fire" is simple, but if you learn the skill of "setting fire" thoroughly, it will open the door to a new world.

This is the so-called "reaching the root" in the mouth of the magician.

Although "setting fire" is not the root of magic, it is the root of fire magic.

"Start from the root of the tree, reach the top of the branch, and then return to the root again to explore the more lush and broad root nodes. This is the true meaning of magic."

This is the summary left by the void wise man.

Small Fireball is the most basic change of "Setting Fire". It is weak and not strong, but it is the closest skill to "Tree Roots".

And if the "tree root" changes, then the little fireball will definitely change accordingly.

The change of Ling Huohuo's little fireball was caused by Ling Huohuo's change of the "tree root", but it changed a little more.

That's right, this is the little fireball, nothing wrong with it, old man.

With the Void Sage's perception of magic, although Ling Huohuo didn't fully understand it, he also had his own understanding——

The development of magic is very simple to say, it is a process of constant "change and increase".

The lower level gradually develops into the upper level, produces branches, and finally becomes a prosperous magic system.

For example, the fire dragon technique is the advancement of the fireball technique, and the fireball technique is the advancement of the small fireball technique.

At the beginning, the magician felt that the small fireball was not strong enough and needed to be improved, and then the power was enhanced, and the fireball and the big fireball were developed, but later they felt that the fireball was not cool enough, and it was too much for a majestic magician to play with a ball every day. Lost demeanor, of course, everyone knows what the score is.

As a result, the magicians developed a form change, which became a more popular and marketable fire dragon technique.

Then step by step, a complete magic system was established.

This is just like in some areas, if there is no market for rice, it is reasonable to grind it into white flour and sell it. If it is not possible, it can also be sold as noodles or steamed buns. The thing is still the same thing, but the price and eating method are different.

(The above contents are all Ling Huohuo's personal guesses. Ling Huohuo does not bear any responsibility for the specific facts. Please don't make troubles for any magician, otherwise you will be killed!!!)

On the field.

With the continuous release of Ling Huohuo's small fireballs, the entire ground in the arena burned with flames.

Ling Huohuo didn't feel much, although the skills in "The Lost World" could also cause damage to the releaser, but Ling Huohuo's ability to control the flames would not be hurt by these small flames.

But empty excuses are different.

Kong made an excuse that as long as he stood on the field, he would endure the painful burning, but the flames of such damage only caused his blood to drop bit by bit.

This kind of pain can only be endured with gritted teeth as an excuse, and now I can't use fire-resistant potions and props. Even if I activate the fire-resistant skills, I can only survive for a while, and I will still be burned to death in the end.

And the most uncomfortable thing is that after trying several times with empty excuses, it is impossible to carry out an effective counterattack. Although the attack speed of the small fireball is not strong, the cohesion speed is very fast, and only one fireball is needed to resist one's own attack or block one's own activities. The small fireball is very fast in defense, and it also has bursts, so the defense is airtight.

The empty excuse never thought that the little fireball could be so terrifying!
If you admit defeat, you can't say it with an excuse, but it doesn't look like you continue to endure this pain. Do you want to crash yourself into a small fireball?

Looking at the power of the small fireball, it seems that one blow can really kill yourself.

But let the little fireball blow up to death, it's not nice to say that.

For a moment, Heaven and man were at war in Kong's excuse.

Seeing Ling Huohuo standing in the flames, who had nothing to do, and the ghost mask on Ling Huohuo's face, Kong made excuses to tremble a little.

"A ghost?"

For a moment, Sora made an excuse to feel like he was confronting a demon in hell.

After about ten more minutes of stalemate, Kong excused himself to look at the blood bar above his head in despair.

Nima, why did you only drop less than half of it?According to the speed just now, it shouldn't be!

Soon, Kong's excuse became clear. This was because the blood loss rate had slowed down.


Kong made an excuse to look at Ling Huohuo and took a deep breath.

Seeing the change in Kong's excuse, Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

"I think……"


A small fireball blasted the empty excuse, and instantly emptied the blood bar of the empty excuse.

A flash of shit flashed through Kong's excuse, just as he was about to admit defeat, he was blown to death.

At least it sounds better to admit defeat than to be killed by a small fireball!

Don't you save any face?
At the top, the head of the empty excuse is broken, and the head of Ling Huohuo is enlarged, hanging in the middle of the two, and there is a big victory sign below.


All the people present were silent. Why did it have such a dramatic ending?

The data stream flashed by, and Kong made an excuse to resurrect on the spot, but at this moment he was panting heavily.

After all, the battle just now tortured him too much.

Being able to endure for such a long time, Sora even felt a little admiration for himself.

However, facing Ling Huohuo, his eyes became unfriendly.

"I want to know, where did I offend you?" Kong asked with an excuse.

Ling Huohuo put away his sword staff and stroked his robe.

"A foolish man is worthy only of foolishness."

After speaking, Ling Huohuo turned and left.

After burning empty excuses for such a long time, Ling Huohuo's anger disappeared. If he didn't leave, would he still stay here for the New Year?
Everyone watched Ling Huohuo leave.

"Hero, wait for me!" Bone Crack just reacted, shouted and led people to chase after him.

Sora made an excuse to stay where he was, panting.

"The changes in Jiuying City, I didn't expect to attract such a strong man. It's really, terrifying..."

 Rice is ground into white flour, also known as rice flour, which is the same as wheat flour, even more nutritious
(End of this chapter)

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