Chapter 728
In a box in a tavern.

"Come on, hero, eat meat." Gu Li greeted Ling Huohuo enthusiastically.

Players in the game can also eat, and the taste is highly restored. Diet can also bring physical recovery, and some top-level foods can even increase attributes.

Ling Huohuo grabbed a chicken leg unceremoniously.

Gu Li looked at Ling Huohuo. If Ling Huohuo ate, he would probably take off his mask and reveal his appearance. In that case, he might be able to recognize Ling Huohuo's real identity.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't mean to take off the mask at all.

When the chicken leg was close to the mask, the mouth of the ghost mask opened, and behind it was Ling Huohuo's mouth, and then Ling Huohuo ate directly through the mask.

What made the bone fracture even more frightening happened, the mask seemed to come alive, and the mouth moved, as if eating chicken legs with Ling Huohuo, and even the bones were crushed.

Bone Crack swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

That mask is alive? !
The mask is indeed a piece of equipment, but it is made by monsters with their own strength. How can something related to monsters be ordinary?
The mask didn't eat the bone fracture, which is already a great face.

However, Ling Huohuo didn't feel anything. Although he was a little surprised at the beginning, he didn't panic. It can only be said that since he came into contact with monsters, Ling Huohuo's limit has become very wide, and he is used to this kind of thing.

In fact, Ling Huohuo is also a little curious, where is the food digested when the ghost mask eats?
After eating a chicken leg, even the bones were eaten up by the ghost mask. He really didn't spit out the bones, and then Ling Huohuo took a big sip of wine, wiped his mouth, Ling Huo Huohuo looked at the bone crack.

"What's the matter, tell me."

Looking at Ling Huohuo's evil ghost mask at this time, Gu Li panicked, regretting why he had to keep up, what if the other party was a pervert?
After all, this is a character who eats without spitting out his bones. His cracked bone is a bit cowardly.

But now that he was sitting here, Gu Li felt that if he didn't say something meaningful, he might lose his life today.

Empty excuses are his lessons learned.

A smile appeared on the cracked face.

"It's nothing, I just want to win over the hero."

Bone Crack wants to give himself a mouth, isn't he going to be fucked when he speaks so bluntly?

What's wrong with your mouth?

Ling Huohuo narrowed his eyes.

Just now Ling Huohuo used his fear to affect the cracked bone, and the cracked bone spoke out what was in his heart.

"Win? Tell me first why you win me?" Ling Huohuo said with a smile, then picked up another chicken leg, and chewed it.


Gu Li swallowed a mouthful of saliva, it was all about this, and Gu Li let go, so let's talk.

After pondering for a while, the bone cracked and opened his mouth.

"Let me explain to myself first, my name is Gu Li, and I am a captain of the Proud Tiangong guild."

Ling Huohuo nodded.

The bone fracture has not lost its proportion, which is enough to see that the bone fracture is a talent.

"Tiangong? It's really a big tone." Ling Huohuo said.

Bone Crack twitched the corners of his mouth, revealing a forced smile.

"The president and the others started, and I can't help it."

"Tell me your conditions." Ling Huohuo said.

Bone Crack groaned again.

"It stands to reason that when you meet a player with enough potential, or win over a strong player, the limit is to give a captain position first, and the various benefits are calculated according to the benefits of the current second-rate player, but for you, our guild can give you the treatment of a first-rate player , At present, the highest salary that our Proud Tiangong can offer is first-class salary, but don't worry, our guild has sufficient funds and resources, and we won't treat you badly." Gu Li said.

Ling Huohuo nodded, expressing his understanding.

Speaking of which, the determination of this kind of treatment has something to do with Ling Huohuo.

That time when Ling Huohuo "buy bones with a thousand pieces of gold", the value of the players in the game circle was immediately raised, making the atmosphere in the circle very chaotic.

Perhaps in order to prevent such a situation from disrupting the order of the game circle from happening again, after discussions with several bigwigs in the game circle, the current welfare benefits that are clearly divided according to the player's ability and strength have been decided.

Welfare benefits are divided into five levels, top-level treatment, first-rate treatment, second-rate treatment, third-rate treatment, and basic treatment.

The basic treatment is only for ordinary players who join the guild, and the players who can have the third-rate treatment can be regarded as entering the basic front of a certain guild, which is a kind of recognition of strength.

Players who can receive second-rate treatment are generally elite players of the guild, and players with first-rate treatment are the backbone of the guild. As for the top-level treatment, only players in the big guilds have this treatment. This is the treatment of star players.

Except for the treatment of top players, each of the remaining treatment has a clearly defined scope of treatment.

Different treatment is also a recognition of the player's strength and popularity, so according to the treatment, players are also called top players, first-rate players, second-rate players, third-rate players, and ordinary (non-influential) players.

Of course, the future club is excluded, and the players of the future club are generally paid very high, and they don't follow the rules set by those big bosses at all, after all - rich and willful.

Even the joint sanctions of those big forces are useless.

Therefore, there are countless players who want to join the future club. However, the review of the future club is more stringent. It has its own income standards. There are very few advanced players who enter the future club. Most of the players in the future club are The future club cultivated itself.

"However, what right does your captain have to give me the highest treatment in your guild." Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

"Don't worry about that." Gu Li smiled, "You may not believe me, but I am actually one of the four people who founded this guild. Our Proud Tiangong has been established for a long time, before "The Lost World" was launched. It exists, I was a college student when I first established this guild, and the four roommates in our dormitory established this guild until now."

"But the guild in "The Lost World" can only have one president and two vice presidents, so in the end the four of us drew lots. Unfortunately, I became the one who couldn't be the president, and finally I became the guild The first captain in the guild, but don't worry, my status has not been affected in the slightest, and I can still intervene in the guild's affairs."

"Then why did you come out as a gunpoint to provoke an empty excuse?" Ling Huohuo said playfully.

"You can see it." Gu Li smiled embarrassedly, "Actually, the four of us drew lots because of this incident..."


Well, Ling Huohuo understood, the bone crack must have caught the lottery again.

(End of this chapter)

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