Chapter 729 Situation (one update)
Ling Huohuo didn't agree or refuse Gu Lie's solicitation, but felt that he could exchange a cooperation method with Gu Lie.

Through the bone fracture, Ling Huohuo gained a deeper understanding of the situation in Jiuying City.

According to the incentives that can be given, guilds are also divided into top guilds, first-rate guilds, second-rate guilds, third-rate guilds, and ordinary guilds.

There is no top guild in Jiuying City, instead it is surrounded by the spheres of influence of three top guilds.

The three top guilds are the Mythic Guild, the Dragon Soaring Guild, and the Doomsday Guild.

In Jiuying City, the strongest guilds are the first-class guilds. There are seven in total, three of which are supported by three top-level guilds. As for the remaining four first-class guilds, two of them are supported by other top-level guilds. The next two include Aogu Tiangong, both of which are guilds without the support of top guilds.

The situation of second-rate guilds and third-rate guilds is more complicated.

Now the main struggles in Jiuying City are the first-class guilds supported by the three top forces. The most intense struggles are the Fireworks Guild supported by the Mythical Guild and the Ghost Dragon Guild supported by the Longteng Guild. The Tianqing Pavilion Guild supported by the Future Guild is the same as the Future Guild. They all have the attitude of watching a drama, but they will occasionally participate in it, acting as a shit-stirring stick.

The remaining four first-class guilds also had conflicts. I don’t know what kind of deal was reached. Two first-class guilds supported by other top-level guilds—the Qu End Guild and the North Wind Guild unexpectedly united. Although they haven’t done anything yet, they gave Other first-class guilds are under great pressure.

Now sitting on the wax are the proud Tiangong guild where the bone crack is located, and the Tianxing guild where the empty excuse is located.

Their two first-class guilds do not have the support of top-level guilds, nor do they have the financial support of large groups. They are weaker than other first-class guilds in terms of strength and resources.

If anything happens, their two guilds are the easiest to overthrow with one move. They don't want to see such a loss, and neither do his three friends, but they don't want to let the one they built with their own hands The guild is committed to a certain top power in this way, so it is necessary to establish contact with the Tianxing guild and hold a group for warmth.

However, the Tianxing Guild rejected Aogu Tiangong's alliance application, which made the leaders of Aogu Tiangong feel a little panicked. The Tianxing Guild might betray the friendship of the revolution!
Therefore, Aogu Tiangong began to test the Skystar Guild, to find out the situation of the Skystar Guild, whether it has joined a certain top force, or whether it has any difficulties. At the same time, it also has the meaning of testing the strength of the Skystar Guild. The strength shown by the players in the guild will determine whether the Tianxing guild has the support of other guilds, and at the same time compare whether your own guild can beat the Tianxing guild.

If Aogu Tiangong can't beat Tianxing Guild, things will be a big deal!

This period of time has been tested many times, but nothing has been tested among the bottom players.

As a result, Gu Li, a relatively important player, came forward. Kong Shi's status in the Sky Star Guild was similar to Gu Li's, so Gu Li blocked Kong Shi's position.

Then, because of Kong's excuse of ridicule, Ling Huohuo came out and stabbed horizontally.

Gu Li did not explain why these guilds were in chaos, and kept it a secret. Ling Huohuo tried it out, but Gu Li didn't say anything, fearing that people would suspect him, Ling Huohuo didn't use any means.

At this time, the bone fracture is also a little sad, drinking dull wine.

It's okay not to talk about it, but it's even more troublesome to talk about these fractures.

Ling Huohuo suddenly took out a piece of paper, wrote something on it, then tore it apart, twisted it into two balls of paper, and threw it in front of the bone crack.

Bone Crack looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously.

Ling Huohuo behind the mask smiled.

"Draw lots, if you catch that lot, I can show you a clear way."

Bone Crack twitched the corners of his mouth, still drawing lots?
But let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Sighing, Gu Li picked out a ball of paper and opened it. The word "help" was written on it.

Bone Crack looked at Ling Huohuo suspiciously.

Ling Huohuo also looked at the bone crack.

"It looks like I'm going to help you."

"What do you mean?" Bone Crack blinked his eyes in a daze.

"Let me introduce myself, I am the captain of Yaotian Demonren Studio, I can give Bone Crack Tiangong a chance." Ling Huohuo said.

"Opportunity? What opportunity?" Gu Li asked curiously.

"Opportunities to establish connections with top guilds!" Ling Huohuo said.

Gu Li frowned and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ling Huohuo.

"The support I'm talking about doesn't mean submitting to others, but establishing a cooperative relationship. If it develops properly in the future, it is not impossible for the Bone Crack Tiangong to develop into a top guild."

Bone Crack's breath became heavy at once. If Bone Crack Tiangong developed into a top guild, why worry so much?
"However, there is no basis for words..."

"Youmeng Pavilion knows." Ling Huohuo said.

"I know... Could it be that..." Gu Li looked at Ling Huohuo.

"I can help you contact Yilian Youmeng, but whether you can get the friendship of Yilian Youmeng or Youmeng Pavilion depends on you."

"But, Youmeng Pavilion..." Bone Crack hesitated.

"Is it because of the labels of foreign powers?" Ling Huohuo laughed. Although Ling Huohuo hadn't played "The Lost World" for a long time, Ling Huohuo understood these twists and turns very well.

In the minds of Chinese people, the concept that people who are not of our race must have different hearts is very deep. With the label of "foreign forces", it is easy to become the target of attacks. Youmeng Pavilion can develop to the present because of Youmeng Pavilion. Meng Pavilion has never done anything, but there are quite a few people staring at You Meng Pavilion.

"You can rest assured about this." Ling Huohuo said, "Youmeng Pavilion is not a foreign power...but it is also not a power of any country!"

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo threw down a note, ignoring the bone fracture in a daze.

"This piece of paper is my email address, if you think it over, just contact me."

After finishing speaking, Ling Huohuo left the box.

Bone Crack Sitting alone on a chair and tilting the table, it is very tempting to establish a connection with Youmeng Pavilion, but... what does that last sentence mean?Why doesn't it belong to any country?

Ling Huohuo walked out of the tavern, chose a direction and left.

Ling Huohuo also has plans to help Bone Crack and Aogu Tiangong get out of the predicament. It is unrealistic for a few of us to gain a foothold in Jiuying City. It is best to establish a good relationship with a local snake and have a stable backer What's more, in Jiuying City, a big city between the three top guilds, a big force has been established, and it seems interesting to disgust them.

If Ao Gu Tian Gong bites back in the future, Ling Huohuo can easily trample Ao Gu Tian Gong to death!

However, having said that, the lottery technique of bone fracture is indeed bad enough.

In order to prevent the bone fracture from catching a bad lottery, Ling Huohuo wrote "Help" on the two signs, and the other wrote "Great help", the probability is [-]/[-], but it still doesn't count if the bone crack catches that one. Good sign.

(End of this chapter)

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