Chapter 730 Burning a BOSS (Part [-])
It will take some time to support the Bone Crack Tiangong, and Ling Huohuo also needs to build a nest for everyone in Jiuying City first.

Now Ling Huohuo and the others are not well-known. Although Ling Huohuo killed the empty excuse, he is only one person, and it is impossible for those big forces to deliberately target him. At most, he is noticed. A small incident, not many witnesses Well, Ling Huohuo wants to still have a hundred and eight thousand miles, at most it will be a small fire, and there is not much trouble.

But if everyone in Yaotian Demonren's studio showed enough strength, there would be more things to do, and the Bone Crack Tiangong was prepared to deal with that time.

If Bone Crack Tiangong hadn't been tempted by Ling Huohuo's words, and had contacted Ling Huohuo according to Ling Huohuo's idea, then Ling Huohuo wouldn't have suffered too much loss, at worst, there would be a big fuss, and he would transfer after gaining enough benefits.

For the time being, Ling Huohuo doesn't want to contact the future club.

If people know that they have a relationship with the future club, it is likely to bring unnecessary trouble to the future club.

Ling Huohuo and the others are easy to run, but the future club will not be easy to run.

Ling Huohuo turned left and right, and came to the hall of the City Lord's Mansion in Jiuying City.

The City Lord's Mansion in Jiuying City is much more magnificent than Hongying City, and it has a sense of heaviness.

Ling Huohuo frowned, this feeling of heaviness was abnormal, it was definitely not because of the feeling in the heart of the building's style and structure, but a sense of heaviness brought about by strength.

"What the hell is it?" Ling Huohuo suppressed the doubts in his heart and walked into the hall.

The so-called hall of the City Lord's Mansion is a place for doing business in the city, which is equivalent to an office, and it is just a front hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

You can't see the city lord here, and there are very few family members of the city lord, most of them are servants of the city lord's mansion.

Ling Huohuo came here to buy a piece of land, or a suitable house.

"Is there anything I can help you with?" a staff member asked.

"I want to buy a piece of land or a suitable house." Ling Huohuo said.

"This way, please." The staff directed Ling Huohuo.

Ling Huohuo and the staff came to the sand table in Jiuying City.

"The blue areas are all available for purchase. Recently, there are activities, buy land and get a house, buy a house and get a servant. Don't miss this opportunity. I hope you will be satisfied." The staff said.


Ling Huohuo saw that, as he had expected, good locations were either in the hands of local residents or in the hands of players, and the rest of the land was leftovers. The geographical location was not good, and they were all near the so-called slums. The law and order nearby is relatively chaotic, no wonder there are such preferential policies.

Although Jiuying City is a sixth-tier city, there is still a huge gap between the rich and the poor within the city.

There will be no such problem in the future city. Although there is still a gap between the rich and the poor, the so-called poor will never appear.

The future city will be integrated by tribes, and the modernization will develop rapidly. With the help of robots and coordination, as long as the other party is not that kind of mud, they can live a good life.

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo was a little proud.

In fact, the most important thing is that the future city will be a completely self-sufficient production model, and the future city's external sales will be the main component of business.

The rest of Jiuying City is the part that no one wants, and Ling Huohuo didn't say anything about it.

He doesn't open a store in Jiuying City, he just needs to buy a place where he can stay.

Ling Huohuo's target is the land in the slums. Although the situation in the slums is chaotic, they have a lot of freedom and can be developed by themselves.

In the end, Ling Huohuo chose a site in a civilian area near the East City Gate.

It is an open space, generally used as a land for garbage disposal in slums.

Ling Huohuo valued this land because it was close to the city gate, making it easy to leave the city.

Moreover, this land is not connected to other forces. Although other lands are cleaner, they are more or less far away from other forces. This is not conducive to Ling Huohuo's "obscene development" strategy.

As for the accumulated garbage, just dispose of it.

The price of this piece of land is also very cheap, only one thousand gold coins for a large piece of land, and the area of ​​this piece of land is larger than that of Mrs. Sakura's manor.

After getting the title deed, the staff took Ling Huohuo to enclose the land.

I have to say, the dump really stinks.

Ling Huohuo and the staff pinched their noses to draw out the land, and then the City Lord's Mansion helped to surround the land for free.

According to the discount, the City Lord's Mansion can build a house for Ling Huohuo or give some subsidies for building a house, about [-] gold coins, and ten servants as a gift.

The number of servants given depends on the value of the land, and one hundred gold coins is given to one servant.

Ling Huohuo chose the housing subsidy, and the servants had to wait for Ling Huohuo to build the house before making a selection. The most important thing now was to dispose of the garbage, which the City Lord's Mansion would not help.

On the enclosed ground, Ling Huohuo frowned.

The smell of this garbage is irritating to the eyes, and there are flies and bugs flying around.

The garbage here can already be called a garbage mountain.

"How long has this rubbish been piled up?" Ling Huohuo couldn't help but said, he guessed that no one would come to clean it up here.

After all, this is a slum area. To be more realistic, this is the lower level of Jiuying City, a shadow under the brilliance, an area where people don’t care about killing people. People in the slum area can’t even support themselves. How could someone come to clean up the garbage? Let alone other people.

I bought the land myself, and I have to clean it up when I cry.

First build a magic circle to isolate the sound and the picture, and do a good job of concealing the means to prevent the noise here from being too loud.

Then, without further ado, let's start with a string of small fireballs.

Incineration is the most effective way to dispose of garbage, but it is easy to pollute the environment.

Although it can also be landfilled, but don't make a fuss, Ling Huohuo still wants to build a house here. After the landfill is soft, the foundation will be unstable. Are you afraid that the house will collapse?
For the poisonous gas and exhaust gas produced, Ling Huohuo is not without means of treatment.

A void hole was opened and connected to the void, and then Ling Huohuo used wind magic to blow the gas into the void.

These harmful gases have no effect on the void at all.

For a while, the entire garbage dump was in flames, but it did not affect the surrounding slums, and the surrounding people could not see the situation inside because of the barrier of the magic circle.

Ling Huohuo isolated himself a place with fresh air, took out the recliner and juice, and waited leisurely for the garbage to be burned.

In order to speed up, Ling Huohuo also deliberately increased the power of the flame.

Just when Ling Huohuo was about to build a house, the ground trembled suddenly.

"What's the situation?" Ling Huohuo sat up immediately.

At this time-

"Roar!" With a roar, a huge figure rushed out of the garbage mountain.

Ling Huohuo checked the opponent's attributes for the first time.

"Name: Garbage Mountain Ghost (hidden special mutant BOSS)"

"Level: lv50"


Ling Huohuo was stunned.

Fuck!what's the situation?Out of the boss?
(End of this chapter)

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