The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 749 The Demonic Qi in the Mezzanine of the Extraordinary Academy Space

Chapter 749 The Demonic Qi in the Space Mezzanine of the Extraordinary Academy (Part [-])
After not returning to Chaofan Academy for a long time, Ling Huohuo sighed a little. After arranging Lu Sisi and the others, Ling Huohuo started to wander around the academy alone.

Since the Extraordinary Academy began to encourage students to enter "The Lost World", the Extraordinary Academy has become much colder, but because of the exposure of the extraordinary a few days ago, the Extraordinary Academy is now busy again. Although the teachers and students of the academy suddenly became very busy, the inside of the academy still seemed deserted. The main reason was that a large number of students went out on missions.

Chaofan Academy is still as beautiful as usual.


Ling Huohuo always felt a little awkward.

Now Ling Huohuo's perception is different from before, especially as a member of the Void family, his perception of space is more acute, Ling Huohuo always feels that there seems to be something wrong with the space of Chaofan Academy.

Ling Kong touched the space with his hand, and the power surged, which allowed Ling Huohuo to touch the space barrier.

With a slight force, a crack appeared in the space, and a purple-black gas gushed out of the crack.


Ling Huohuo's eyes widened - this is the demonic energy of the demon clan!

Why is there the demonic energy of the demon race in the space mezzanine of the Extraordinary Academy?

I always feel that something is going to happen!
Ling Huohuo took out his mobile phone and contacted his correspondent.

"Yo Yo~ Welcome back to the Extraordinary Academy~ Teacher Ling~"

A familiar voice rang in Ling Huohuo's ears, and that was Ling Huohuo's exclusive operator, the mysterious existence code-named "Beauty".

"Stop!" Ling Huohuo.


"Make an appointment for me. I want to see the school committee. It's best for everyone to be here." Ling Huohuo said in a serious tone.

"Okay~" The beauty's voice also became serious, but the ending sound was still there, "I don't know what request you have~ Where do you want to meet~ What's the matter~"

"As far as my current position is concerned, as for what it is related to the survival of Chaofan Academy." Ling Huohuo said in a very serious tone.

"Okay~ what? It's about the survival of the Extraordinary Academy!!!" The beauty was so frightened that she lost her last word.

"Isn't this able to speak well?" Ling Huohuo said with black lines.

"Beep...beep..." The beauty hung up the phone instantly.


Ling Huohuo looked at the phone and shook his head, then frowned and stared at the space crack in front of him that leaked the magic energy.

It may be because the news brought by Ling Huohuo is really amazing. In just 1 minute, the six school committee members who temporarily stayed in the college rushed to Ling Huohuo's location. They are——

Joseph, who has been serving as the vice president of the college, Waltz, the representative of the academic office who is in charge of coordinating various things in the college, Bo Xian from the scientific research center, Shawshank Godfather from the Holy Light Society, Avril Lavigne, the director of the school, Vivian, the new representative of the research department, It is said that the previous representative, Lilith, couldn't hold on anymore, so she replaced her with a newcomer who just joined the research department. Generally speaking, the newcomers in the research department are more energetic and have a long shelf life.

As for the remaining four school committee members, they are not in the academy for the time being.

Another thing is that Megan, the original president of the student union, has graduated, no longer serves as the president of the student union, and has also resigned from the school committee. The next president of the student union, a girl named Cecilia, is currently Out of mission, not in the academy.

Except for Vivienne and Cecilia, the other members of the school committee have not changed.

"Teacher Ling..." Vice President Joseph was about to say something when his eyes were attracted by the crack in the air, "This is..."

The other school committee members also looked at the crack and the purple-black gas leaking from it in doubt.

Ling Huohuo cleared his throat and pushed his glasses.

"Let me introduce to you, this gas is called Demon Qi, which comes from the Demon Race."

"Demon Race!? Demon King Army!!!" Joseph exclaimed.

"Dean Joseph knows about the Demon King's Army." Ling Huohuo asked curiously.

Joseph nodded.

"Jiael came back once and revealed something about the Demon King's Army, but left in a hurry without saying much. Since then, Chaofan Academy has begun to pay close attention to various things in the world. It took time to discover traces of the suspected activities of the Demon King's Army, and there are... there are related materials in the college, both the school committee and the dean attach great importance to this matter."

Joseph looked at Ling Huohuo, "Teacher Ling, what's going on?"

Everyone looked at Ling Huohuo again, they wanted to know what was going on now.

"Now the demonic energy of the demon race is flowing in the interlayer of the space around the Extraordinary Academy. I just checked it out, and it probably has surrounded the entire Extraordinary Academy." Ling Huohuo said with a frown.

Everyone's expressions became serious. Although they didn't know what the consequences would be, this was definitely not a good thing. Everyone knew the notoriety of the Demon King's Army, and now they were definitely not doing something good!

"If these demonic energy erupts, all the defenses of the Extraordinary Academy will be broken in an instant. In that case, it is entirely possible for people to attack the Extraordinary Academy from the outside." Ling Huohuo said.

"Who the hell did it?!" Waltz frowned and thought, he was able to completely fill the space around the entire academy with magic energy without being noticed, and the movement would never be too big. It definitely couldn't be done in a day or two. Yes, and it will never be operated from a far away place. How did the other party do it?
"Instead of thinking about the reasons, the most important thing now is to find a solution." Bo Xian said in a serious tone.

"It's not difficult to solve, just leave it to me." Ling Huohuo said, and then looked at Joseph, "The most important thing now is to prepare for battle or escape! The Demon King Army...may be coming! Even if it is The academy's defense system is intact, and it is difficult to stop the Demon King's army. I have met with the Demon King's army, and their strength has exceeded common sense."

Joseph took a deep look at Ling Huohuo, and nodded vigorously, "I will trouble Teacher Ling with this matter, and I will arrange other matters."

Then Joseph looked around at the others, who nodded understandingly.

The reason for the current situation is likely to be from the inside of the academy, that is to say, there is a possibility that the devil army has mixed into the academy, or there is an inner ghost of the devil army in the academy!

And when preparing for the battle, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the academy and find out all the ghosts, so as to ensure that there will be no worries when fighting the Demon King's army.

The school committee members left to get busy, while Ling Huohuo stared at the crack.

"Maybe, I can strengthen the defense system."

Ling Huohuo pressed his hand on the crack, and void energy began to inject.

(End of this chapter)

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