The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 750 After this battle, the Zhang family will get married

Chapter 750

In the mountains far away from the Extraordinary Academy, countless figures slowly appeared.

Esfelt and Jeffet Rose stood in the air, watching the Transcendent Academy in the distance.

"This is the Extraordinary Academy." Jeffet Rose nodded. He had followed Ling Miao to the outskirts of the Extraordinary Academy.

"After today, this place will be history." Eisfeldt said without emotion.

Jeffett Rose hooked the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

The Extraordinary Academy can only be regarded as a victim on the road of the Demon King's army to conquer the world.

"The Demon King's Army will eventually conquer the Ten Thousand Worlds again."

"Let's go, my lord, they are almost here."


On the other side of the mountain range, a figure also appeared on the top of the mountain.

"I smell the breath of the demon race." Li Yinman, who hadn't seen him for a long time, said slowly.

Li Yinman has not returned to China since the last time she fought against two demon generals in the United States, because she had a premonition that as long as she waited here, she would be able to wait for the demon king. This feeling helped her when she fought against the demon king army Great job, never had an accident.

"The devil... after all, he didn't really die." Li Yinman waved her hand, and she stuck the holy sword at her feet.

"But this time... definitely hack her to death!"

A silver armor appeared on Li Yinman's body, outlining her curvy curves, the helmet on her face became a mask covering the upper half of her face, and her silver hair fell on her shoulders.

Last time, because of carelessness, the two demon generals were allowed to escape. After that incident, Li Yinman specially conducted special training, and did not become stronger, but quickly recovered his former strength. Moreover, in order not to be regarded as a man, Li Yinman made great efforts on purpose, and finally let her successfully modify her armor, making her feminine features more obvious.

In the past, Li Yinman voluntarily became a weapon, abandoning his feelings and identity to target the devil, but in this life, Li Yinman doesn't want to be like that again, and it may be because of his love relationship, he cares about his femininity, and spends a lot of effort to change the armor Li Yinman couldn't imagine such a thing in his previous life, just to highlight his femininity.

Now, Li Yinman's strength is - the ninth rank!
This is definitely a big surprise for the Demon King Army.

Li Yinman touched his chest.

"Go back and marry Ling Tian after this fight, it's really cheap for him."


Demon had arrived!

He was dressed in bone armor, with a skull mask covering half of his face, and a purple cloak behind him.

That's right, this demon king is Ling Tian.

At this time, Ling Tian was sitting on a luxurious chair made of bones, with one hand propping his face.

Standing on both sides of Ling Tian are twelve demon generals. It is worth mentioning that there are twelve figures, but there are thirteen figures.

Below, there are countless offline demons developed during this period, as well as the produced demon puppets.

"How are you getting ready?" An indistinguishable voice came from Ling Tian's body, but Ling Tian didn't speak.

"The lord made atonement, something happened." Esfelt knelt down suddenly, followed by other demon generals.

The soldiers below also knelt down.

The atmosphere became a little tense for a while.

Ling Tian's expression didn't change at all.

"Say!" Ling Tian's words were concise and direct.

"Except for those who came out early, most of the downlines who stayed in the Extraordinary Academy can no longer be contacted." Esfelt said.

Ling Tian's eyes narrowed for a moment, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"It's interesting. This time it's more interesting than I expected. I hope you won't let me down again." The indistinguishable voice reappeared.

"let's start!"


Ling Tian stared at the Transcendent Academy in the distance.

"I'll propose to Yinman when I go back this time. It's perfect."

However, on the other side, Eisfeldt and the others encountered problems again.

"That... the magic energy in the space interlayer couldn't be detonated, no, I didn't feel the magic energy in the space interlayer at all..." a subordinate reported.

"Hmph! What's the use of you!" Eisfeldt snorted coldly, and looked in the direction of Extraordinary Academy.

"Extraordinary Academy, really unexpected."

Bei Siqi looked at the person who came to report and smiled.

"Who is responsible for the devilish energy in the space mezzanine, kill Jiqi."

"Yes!" The reporter hurriedly retreated.

"Before the battle, kill two of your own people first, pay attention." Jeffett Los couldn't help applauding.

"You're welcome~" Bei Siqi smiled politely.

"Everyone, launch a strong attack! Kill!" Eisfeldt ordered again.





The killing sound is shocking.

The huge movement made the people in the Extraordinary Academy notice it immediately.

At this time, everyone in the Extraordinary Academy was fully armed.

However, except for the combat power above the fifth level, the students and other personnel were transferred to the future city by Ling Huohuo. These people are the seeds of the Transcendent Academy.

Moreover, people under the fifth rank have only a dead end in the face of the Demon King's army.

And during the transfer process, personnel screening was also carried out, and many pawns placed by the Demon King's army were indeed found out, but those people were not killed.

Because they all have a place to go, the mines in the primitive wasteland are still short of manpower, and it is embarrassing for so many public toilets in the future city to be contracted to Suzaku Linghuohuo.

Those who stay are all trustworthy people.


Hearing the shouts of killing outside, Ling Huohuo thought in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, countless attacks fell on the defense of the Extraordinary Academy, with a huge momentum.


Not even a single crack was punched out.

Ling Huohuo hooked the corner of his mouth. He has reinforced the space mezzanine of the Extraordinary Academy. If he wants to break it, he needs at least eighth-level strength, and he must have the means to break the space.

The attack continued. Although the defense was not breached, the people in the Chaofan Academy still held their weapons nervously.

Ling Huohuo looked around.

These people are all strong, and the winning rate against the Demon King's army is not high, but these people still choose to stay. I don't know how many people will be left after today.

However, since these people chose to stay, they might not have considered going back alive.

Thinking of this, Ling Huohuo felt a little melancholy, he probably could understand the feelings of those exterminated clans facing the Demon King's army.

"It seems that a wave is going to erupt today." Ling Huohuo shook his head and smiled wryly.

But Ling Huohuo didn't have the confidence to win, he could only do his best, and Feng Lao, Shan Lao and Guo Xiaoyu also stayed, Ling Huohuo also had to pay attention.

Outside the Extraordinary Academy, seeing that the defense of the Extraordinary Academy had not been broken for a long time, Eisfeldt snorted coldly, stomped his feet, and flew into the sky.

Squinting his eyes to look at the defense of the Extraordinary Academy, Eisfeldt suddenly threw a punch.

"Break it for me!"



The defense of the Extraordinary Academy was full of cracks under one blow.

The defense... was broken!

(End of this chapter)

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