The end of the world has nothing to do with me

第751章 2魔将有3人不是很正常吗?(7夕快乐,6更爆发!1更)

Chapter 751 Isn't it normal for the Twelve Demon Generals to have 13 people? (Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, six more outbreaks! One more)
The defense was broken, and the hearts of everyone in the Extraordinary Academy sank.

Ling Huohuo also narrowed his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Outside, Esfelt threw another punch.


boom! ! ! ! ! ! !
The external defense of the Extraordinary Academy was completely broken!

The external defense of the Extraordinary Academy is not simple. It is said that it is specially designed, and it can completely defend against the full attack of the eighth-level powerhouse without being damaged, but it has been broken now.

Ling Huohuo knew that the defense of Chaofan Academy had been strengthened by him. Although the degree of firmness had not been greatly improved, the biggest change was to break the attack that must be able to break the space.

In other words, the opponent's attack just now has the power to break the space!
The weakest person who makes the shot is also an eighth-level existence.

The one who shot was probably the magic general!
This is Ling Huohuo's judgment.

The defense was breached, and cheers came from outside, but immediately after, the Demon King's army was overwhelmed by a bunch of long-range attack skills, causing heavy casualties.

The people of the Extraordinary Academy are not vegetarian either.

When the people from the Extraordinary Academy wanted to take advantage of the victory, they were stopped by Joseph.

Joseph stared at the chaotic Demon King army in the distance with a serious expression.

After everyone calmed down, they also looked at the Demon King's army, and found that the Demon King's army was only a small number of people who were wrong and caused chaos, while the large army still maintained their formation. If they rushed up just now, although they could eat up the chaotic teams, they would definitely be left behind. The Demon King's army surrounded him and fell into a siege.

In just a short while, the commotion of the Demon King's army stopped.

But the Demon King's Army didn't seem to rush to attack, but formed an array and advanced slowly. The thirteen figures floating above the Demon King's Army were particularly eye-catching.

The tense momentum oppressed everyone's hearts.

"Is that the Demon King and the Twelve Demon Generals?" Someone murmured.

"No, that's just the Twelve Demon Generals!" Joseph said in a deep voice.

Ling Huohuo nodded, that's right, the thirteen figures were the twelve demon generals, and the demon king did not appear.

As for why there are thirteen figures... Isn't it normal for the twelve generals to have thirteen figures?

According to the dictation of the elders of the Demon Race, the name of the Twelve Demon Generals was originally given by a mysterious being living by the fateful lake in the Demon Forest. Wrong, the thirteen demon generals counted to twelve, which is very uncomfortable.

And after the mysterious existence has finished naming, the name will be recorded by the lake of fate and cannot be changed.

So, over time, thirteen people became twelve magic generals. As for the last magic general, that is, the one who was left behind, it was very uncomfortable.

Since then, the demon general who was left behind has completely become a marginalized person. Almost no one knows his existence. Even the devil king and the devil general always forget that they have such a colleague, and it is difficult for everyone to remember. This magician appeared.

Only some special people can remember that there is such a person, and everyone will see this person in certain situations. Usually, even if this person stands in front of other people, he will be subconsciously ignored.

So far, the last Demon General has not left any portraits or traces that can represent his existence.

The elders of the demon tribe also knew the last demon general because of their own particularity. Ling Huohuo also remembered the last demon general after bearing his fate. As for how Joseph knew, Ling Huohuo did not know. understood.

Among the demon generals, Ling Huohuo saw many familiar figures and felt their aura.

"Seven eighth-level, five seventh-level, worthy of being a demon general..."

Well, the last demon general disappeared after showing his face. Ling Huohuo didn't see what he looked like at all, whether he was a man or a woman. As for whether he disappeared by himself or Ling Huohuo was under the influence of some kind of coercive force Subconsciously ignored the demon general, and Ling Huohuo couldn't be sure. If Ling Huohuo was asked to draw the last demon general according to the picture in his consciousness, it would probably be just a black shadow.

Some kind of coercion is really strict!

Regarding the situation at this time, Ling Huohuo's heart sank. Of course, the strength of the Twelve Demon Generals is more than that. The current strength is because they have sealed their own strength. Their strength is definitely not as simple as it is shown.

And today's opponent of the Demon King's Army is not the existence of Yuwai's strength. Ling Huohuo dared to say that if he was not included, the strength demonstrated by the Demon King's Army now would be enough to wipe out everyone behind him.

Twelve demon generals fell from the sky.

Except for the mysterious No.13, Ling Huohuo firmly remembered their information about the remaining twelve demon generals.

Announcement in advance - all the following information comes from the elders of the Demon Race.

A strong man, expressionless, extremely cold, is Eisfeldt, known as the "No. [-] Demon General", it is said that he is the closest to the Demon King, the strongest among the Demon Generals, powerful, and empathetic He values ​​righteousness, is extremely capable of handling affairs, is under one person, above ten thousand people, and holds great power. He is simply perfect, but he is a "straight man of steel", and he can't comprehend certain hints from the demon general Besiqi to him.

An enchanting woman, Besiqi, known as the "Desire Demon General", can control other people's various desires, is an extremely dangerous demon general, has a bit of a poisonous tongue, although she looks charming and coquettish, she is still a virgin, and she loves her deeply in her heart. Looking at Eisfeldt, but Luohua is intentional and ruthless, Besiqi's road to love is still far away.

A man covering his face, Jill, is called "the shadow of the devil". He can escape into the shadow and usually exists as the bodyguard of the devil. He looks taciturn, but in fact he has a bad stomach and loves watching. His strength is in the middle, but his strongest point is the wandering interference in the battle, the assassin fighter.

A fat man with the appearance of a fat house. Others come in armor or combat clothes, but he is the only one who comes in a cosplay suit. He comes with a bag containing various peripheral figures. It seems that he just came back from the manga exhibition. His name is Sadasbet, and he is called... well, he has no title. What a record worth mentioning, but it cannot be denied that he is really strong, not weaker than other magic generals at all.

A man exuding a cold temperament, Iljes, known as "the number one swordsman of the Demon Race", Ling Huohuo had learned his sword skills, and his sword skills were even praised by the sword god, which shocked everyone in the world for a while People, after all, there are really not many people who can be praised by the Sword God.

After that, Iljes's swordsmanship was spread by the elders of the demon clan scattered in all walks of life, so many people learned his swordsmanship, and many top-level swordsmanship were adapted based on his swordsmanship.

It can be said that Iljes cooperated with countless elders of the demon clan, which directly promoted the development of swordsmanship in Wanjie.

However, although the swordsmanship of the sword god is more powerful, it is not something that ordinary people can learn. Even if they can learn it, it is still a question, otherwise the sword god is not the sword god.

Il Jess is a somewhat rigid person, like a sword god, he is dedicated to the sword, and his strength is also very strong. He is known as the magic general who is closest to the strength of Eisfeldt, and he sits firmly on the second throne. When the Demon King's army conquered the Ten Thousand Realms, they made a huge reputation.

 The pit of the demon generals was written when the demon generals first appeared on the stage, you can go back and refresh it~ In "Chapter 60, the demon king feels that he has seen through everything, and Esfeld thinks so too! "

(End of this chapter)

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