Chapter 752 The Dean Arrives
A loli, Leah, wearing a gothic skirt, holding a small black umbrella, and red leather shoes, is called "Demon Twins" together with the demon general Shasha. Although she looks like a little girl, she is actually The appearance of Lia is a girl, and the two different appearances bring two different powers to Leah. Leah in loli form is a violent mage, while Leia in girl form is a melee master and cannot use Magic power, but the melee ability is extremely terrifying.

By the way, Ling Huohuo touched this loli's chest.

A loli standing with Leah, wearing a primary school uniform, with sharp teeth, she is the demon general Sasha who is also called "Demon Twins" with Leah, she does not have two looks, she is always like this, keep it With a rare childlike innocence, he is no different from a real child, but his combat power is definitely not an ordinary child. There is no specific position, but he can cooperate with any magic general to fight.

A woman with a bumpy figure and a longbow on her back, Fatibera, is known as the "Daughter of the Hunt". Tros has a leg.

A man in a long robe, looking gentle and smiling, Jeffet Rose, the "counselor" among the devil generals, is good at sneaking in with various disguises, and has a strong planning ability, but... because the devil generals have never After studying how to fight, I always went up and slashed, and then won back the victory. This also made Jeffet Los's planning ability useless, and the position of the counselor in the team became very awkward. Telos is also very strong, and he can fight in the market with a weapon.

A young boy in pure white battle armor with a heroic face, Lal, is called the "Demon God of War". God of War, because only Lal likes to bring a group of melon-eating demons in battle. Although the enemy is usually dealt with by Lal, and the demons are not needed, but the momentum is very good. When you see a large number of demons on the battlefield When the family is moving, Lal is often the leader of the team. Apart from these, in terms of blood relationship, Lal is still Bessie's cousin, but he doesn't have the majesty of his cousin at all, but he is extremely worried about his cousin's marriage situation. He is the only magic general who sees Eisfeldt very unhappy.

A cute girl with big breasts and pink hair in a pitch-black priest's uniform, Claudia, although she looks harmless to humans and animals, she is actually ruthless, and her "death healing technique" has caused countless races to be exterminated. She is known as the "Murder Priest", but she usually acts together with the demon general Sisli known as the "Magic Moon Demoness".

A woman wearing close-fitting armor, showing a bumpy figure, with blue hair, and her whole body shrouded in haze, Sisli, known as the "Magic Moon Fairy", was taciturn and used two scimitars to fight. She will crush the enemy's corpse and achieve the name of witch.

It is worth mentioning that the relationship between Sisley and Claudia is not as simple as imagined, and the two often seem a bit out of place with other magic generals because they are too "orange in orange".

Finally, the information about the No. 13 magic general... Well, if you don’t talk about it, it’s useless, because he usually doesn’t participate in battles, and he doesn’t have much information, so there’s nothing to say, but he is a very special one. Skills - as long as he does not die, the Twelve Demon Generals, the Demon King, and the related brave men who are entwined by fate will never be completely wiped out!
This is the specific purpose of the last demon general, and it is also the reason why the demon generals can be sure that the demon king is not dead.

Moreover, this skill also benefits the brave. If No. 13 demon generals survive for a day, the brave and the devil will never be eliminated. No matter who wins, the two will only fall into an endless loop.

However, not many people have seen the last demon general, let alone wiped him out completely.

The above is the information revealed by the elders of the demon clan, but there is one thing that is special, that is, the information about No.13 demon generals, even if it is revealed by the elders of the demon clan, most people can’t remember it, they can only remember the rest The matter of the twelve magic generals, so few people know about the No.13 magic general.

Regarding the No.13 demon general, the elder of the demon tribe also recommended to Ling Huohuo a method that can target the demon king and the demon general, that is, the seal. Only the seal can completely solve the disaster of the demon king's army, because No.13 The particularity of the demon general, no matter how the brave kills the demon king, the demon king will not die completely. Only sealing is the safest way. It is best to seal it in the bedroom of the strong, such as the sword god, so that the demon king Never coming out.

The information of the demon generals went through Ling Huohuo's mind. Ling Huohuo looked at the demon generals, not knowing what the demon generals were going to do.

"Surrender, or die!" Esfelt said in a deep voice.

There was no anger in the hearts of the people, but tension. Ling Huohuo could feel that when Eisfeldt spoke, a coercion swept over everyone, making everyone feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"It's potential!" Ling Huohuo took a deep breath and blocked it with his fear.

"Huh!" A crisp hum came, and everyone regained their calm.

"When did the Demon King's Army start recruiting foreign subordinates?" A childish voice sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. It was... Joseph? !

Fuck, why does Joseph, an old man, make a loli voice?

Joseph's expression was a little stiff, and then he moved away. Only then did everyone see that there was a gothic loli standing behind Joseph!
1.3 meters tall, black leather shoes, pink and white over-the-knee cotton socks, purple pumpkin skirt, red double ponytails, a small black top hat slanted on his head, and a small round umbrella on his shoulder.

Tear resistance~
"Damn it, the vice president is actually hiding a loli!" someone blurted out.

Joseph has black hair.

However, Joseph just looked deeply at the speaker, preparing to settle accounts after the fall, and did not explode on the spot, but bowed respectfully to the goth loli.

"Welcome to come, Your Excellency the Dean."

What the hell!

The crowd exploded instantly.

This gothic loli turned out to be the extremely mysterious headmaster of the Extraordinary Academy? !
I'm afraid it's because I haven't woken up, but looking at Vice President Joseph's appearance, it's definitely true!

Sadasbet, the fat house demon general from the Demon King's Army, stared straight at the first sight of the Gothic Lolita.

"I also want such a dean, Mr. Dean, please accept me!!!"

Shouting, Sadasbeth ran towards the direction of the Transcendent Academy...


The other demon generals covered their faces, and one of them betrayed before the fight started. I am ashamed to be with such a teammate!

(End of this chapter)

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