The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 757 The Disappearance of the Extraordinary Academy

Chapter 757 The Disappearance of the Extraordinary Academy (Part [-])
In the Luna space.

Fatibera stood aside and looked around at the other three.

Eisfeldt, Jeffrey Telos, and Dean Lori are sitting at a table.

The atmosphere on the table was a little depressing.

Fatibera looked at the state of the three of them and made sure that they were all ready, so he dealt out the cards in his hand, and finally kept three cards in front of him.

"Start with Lord Luna!"

Dean Lori slapped the table.

"Call the landlord!"

"No!" Esfeldt.

"No!" Jeffett Lost.

Fatibera turned over three cards, a two, a three, and a nine.

Dean Loli collected the three cards and played them.

"Three threes, with a pair of fives."

"No." Jeffett Rose, who was the next family, said.

"On the tube, three fours, and a pair of eights." Eisfeldt.

It was Dean Luoli's turn again, and Dean Luoli narrowed her eyes.

"Bomb, four twos!"

"No." Jeffrey Telos.

"No." Esfelt.

"Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, J, Q, K, straight, I have two cards left!" Dean Lori said.

In an instant, the fight entered match point.

The expressions of Esfelt and Jeffet Rose fell into seriousness.

Fatibella looked at the three of them, and said, "If Master Luna wins this hand, Jeffett Los will lose all his chips. When you come to be the dealer, it will be my turn to play. "

"Understood." Jeffet Ross said helplessly, looking at the cards in his hand, shook his head, "No."

Eisfeld was silent for a moment, and drew out two cards.

"Rocket lifts off!"

"Old iron, 666!" Jeffet Ross shouted excitedly, as if he saw the hope of a comeback.

Fatibella frowned.

Dean Loli clasped her neck.

"Speaking of which, why are we fighting landlords here?"

"Eh..." Jeffet Ross withdrew his voice, not knowing how to answer.

Esfelt also frowned.

Hearing Dean Luoli's reminder, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He shouldn't be playing cards here, but he didn't know exactly what it was. However, Eisfeld felt that playing cards was a bit boring at this time.

"I don't want to play anymore." Dean Loli said, throwing away the cards in her hand - a six and a Q.

"Let's go, let's go." Jeffet Rose threw away the cards in his hand.

Fatibera snorted unhappily, and had some complaints about not playing cards at the table.

"Don't worry, I'll play with you when I go back." Jeffet Rose said hastily, Fatibella's expression eased a lot this time.

Esfeld also put down his cards.

"Two sets of straights, what a pity."

Putting down the cards in his hand, Eisfeldt looked at Dean Lori.

"How does Master Luna think about the matter of the Extraordinary Academy?"

Fatibella and Jeffet Rose also looked at Dean Lori.

"This world is the world I was born in, and it is impossible to let the Demon King's Army do whatever they want!" Dean Lori said.

"Don't worry, our Demon King's army has no intention of destroying this world. Lord Demon King likes this world very much." Esfelt said.

"But the world is counting down." Dean Lori retorted.

"Don't you believe in the strength of Lord Demon King?" Esfeld asked back.

Dean Loli hesitated for a while, but then looked at Eisfeld in disbelief.

"The devil king means..."

"You don't need to know this, what the Lord Demon King wants now is the disappearance of the Extraordinary Academy!" Jeffet Ross took over.

Dean Luoli frowned and thought for a while.

"If the devil can do it, I am willing to let the Transcendent Academy disappear, but the battle outside..."

"Don't worry, as long as you agree, no one from the Transcendent Academy will perish today." Jeffet Rose said with a smile.

Dean Luoli looked at the three magic generals in front of her again.

"Showing your fists before talking, it really looks like the Demon King's Army."

"It can be regarded as one aspect." Jeffet Rose didn't reveal more, "I don't know what the dean's choice is?"

Jeffet Rose's name for Dean Loli has changed, and Dean Loli naturally knows what Jeffett Rose wants to say.

"I will watch what the Demon King and your Demon King's army do. If I find that you have not fulfilled your promise or done something that endangers the world, I will definitely not let you go!" Lori Dean said coldly .

Jeffet Rose smiled.

"Don't worry, I believe you won't regret it. It's a happy cooperation. Of course, Lord Luna please speak carefully."

"I understand, but I hope you guys better not lie to me!" Dean Loli said.

"You know, we demons have always kept our promises very much." Esfelt said seriously.

"..." Dean Loli was speechless for a moment.

How could the notorious Demon King Army have such character!


The Demon King's Army retreated, and as Jeffet Rose said, the Transcendent Academy did not lose a single person, and all that remained were the corpses belonging to the Demon King's Army.

But as long as you do your own research, you will find that most of the dead are made puppets, and there are not many human corpses.

Everything is like a joke, but the change is not a joke!

Dean Loli held a small round umbrella and looked at the devastated Transcendent Academy, and sighed.

What Eisfeldt and the others said is to make the Transcendent Academy disappear, which means that the Transcendent Academy will no longer regulate the affairs of the Transcendents in the entire world as before. If there is a Transcendent Academy, the exposure of the Transcendents in this world will be It was quickly adjusted so that the transcendent could be restrained and the world order would be stabilized.

But once the Transcendent Academy withdraws and no longer manages the affairs of the Transcendents in the entire world, where will this world develop?

The future is bleak.

Dean Luoli guessed that the Demon King Army probably wanted to clear the organization of everything related to the manager and the superhuman, but there has been no good chance. Now, the incident of superhuman exposure in Huaxia has become a guide. fuse.

If the Transcendent Academy is cleared at this time, the future direction of the Transcendents will be difficult to predict.

However, as long as the Demon King fulfilled his promise, Dean Loli didn't think there was anything wrong, even if the world fell into the hands of the Demon King's army.

Moreover, the Extraordinary Academy does not mean that there is no way.


"Master Dean." Joseph appeared behind Dean Lori. He already knew about the matter of the Extraordinary Academy, and felt a little sad, but he didn't have any objections.

"Activate the final emergency plan."

"Yes." Joseph nodded.


Three days later, a website about extraordinary people appeared on the networks of countries all over the world, and it could not be deleted or blocked.

And this website contains information about most of the supernatural beings in the world. It can be called an encyclopedia related to superhuman beings. It also popularizes information about superhuman beings for people from all over the world, so that people can better understand superhuman beings.

At the same time, there are also some exercises about the cultivation of supernatural beings on this website.

Until this time, people from all over the world know that the world is so wonderful!At the same time, the fear of the superhuman has gradually weakened, and the superhuman is not invincible!And everyone has the opportunity to become a superhuman!
However, what everyone doesn't know is that a force called the Extraordinary Academy, which once protected the world for an unknown number of years, quietly disbanded. No one has ever heard of anything related to the Extraordinary Academy. A "legend" in the mouth of readers.

(End of this chapter)

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