The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 758 Demon Elder, Free Shipping

Chapter 758 Demon Elder, Free Shipping (Second Update)
The city of the future is bustling again.

The Extraordinary Academy is disbanded, what about the people of the Extraordinary Academy?
The answer is that they all joined Ling Huohuo's forces and came to the Lost Land!

The Extraordinary Academy dismissed the students and mentors belonging to various countries, and brought those students who really joined the Extraordinary Academy to join Ling Huohuo's forces.

That is to say, students like Ye Chen and Ye Qiu went back wherever they came from, but Wan Huan and Bai Yingying joined Future City.

Because Ling Huohuo's power is the only one capable of absorbing the Transcendent Academy, and it will not affect the balance of countries in the real world.

The Extraordinary Academy finally released most of the information about the Extraordinary, which is enough to promote the development of the Extraordinary. Moreover, the Extraordinary Academy has been disbanded, and their mission has ended.

Ling Huohuo naturally welcomed the addition of Chaofan Academy.

At the end of that day's battle, Ling Huohuo didn't catch Bei Siqi, and he was a little depressed at first, but facing the addition of Chaofan Academy, Ling Huohuo put these unhappiness behind him.

Ling Huohuo naturally wants to give preferential treatment to the forces of Chaofan Academy.

Together with Ling Huohuo, it was Joseph who arranged for everyone in the Extraordinary Academy. Dean Loli seemed to be unable to come to the Lost Land for some reason.

Joseph's request was very simple, he only needed a place for people from the Transcendent Academy to settle down.

It is embarrassing for the once glorious Transcendent Academy to fall into such a state.

However, it is impossible for Ling Huohuo to let this group of talents from Chaofan Academy want to eat instead of work?dream!

Ling Huohuo's arrangement for the people of Chaofan Academy is to let them manage the development of all aspects of the future city. After all, they are more experienced than the monsters, and Ling Huohuo plans to transfer all the monsters recently, even with Toyotomi Xiuya's manpower To fill in, but in the face of the growing future city, it is still very stretched, and most of the monsters are a little powerless to manage the future city today, and the people from the Extraordinary Academy can just fill the vacancy.

However, the ultimate power is still in the hands of a few high-level officials such as Ling Huohuo, but some power has been distributed to Joseph.

There are people from the Extraordinary Academy among the top management, and the talents of the Extraordinary Academy in the future city have a greater sense of belonging.

Ling Huohuo did not arrange a gathering place for the people of Chaofan Academy, such as rebuilding an academy or something.

The reason why the tribes are separated is because the power of the tribes has always been developed in this way, and the strong are mainly concentrated in the four major tribes, not to mention that it is impossible to let some tribes that have been hostile since ancient times be neighbors.

The people from the Extraordinary Academy don't have this problem. They will integrate into the future city and become the real residents of the future city.

The future model of the future city is the relationship between the city and the tribe.

In addition to these, the future city has also established a space channel connecting the real world. This is part of the deal between the Demon King Army and Lori Dean. The specific location of this passage is unknown to the Demon King Army.

This passage can allow some members of the Transcendent Academy who still have family members in the real world to go home to visit their relatives. Of course, there are also some members of the Transcendent Academy who stay in the real world and are distributed all over the world, but they are no longer members of the Transcendent Academy, but It belongs to the city of the future.

Moreover, this channel can also facilitate the travel between the lost land and the real world for people in the future city.

But it is not without restrictions. The passages at both ends of this passage are controlled by Ling Huohuo and Dean Luoli respectively. If it is to transfer troops, once one party disagrees, this passage will not be available.

This is also Dean Luoli's layer of insurance against the real world, worrying that Ling Huohuo will do something out of the ordinary.

Although Ling Huohuo can also bring people back and forth between the real world and the lost land, the number of people he can bring is limited, and it is impossible to send troops on a large scale.

It took five full days to arrange the matter of the Transcendent Academy before the situation stabilized and would not affect the operation of the future city.

And Ling Huohuo also started to draw out the monsters.

The monsters are extremely excited about leaving the future city to follow Ling Huohuo, and naturally no one disagrees.

The reason why Ling Huohuo brought the monsters was because he was going to transform them into void monsters together, along with Luo Jier, Ying Yu, Demon Dragon, Du Xiaoxue, Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Mingo.

At that time, Ling Huohuo will rebuild his own Hundred Ghosts Night Walk, which will be an even more terrifying Hundred Ghosts Night Walk!It will be called—Hundred Ghosts of the Void!
With the joining of Chaofan Academy, Ling Huohuo also obtained a lot of precious materials and rich resources. After countless years of accumulation, the background of Chaofan Academy makes people jealous, but in the future it will be Ling Huohuo.

When integrating the people of the Extraordinary Academy, Ling Huohuo also met Megan and Nero who hadn’t seen each other for a long time. The abilities of Megan and Nero are worthy of recognition, and they also got good positions. Enough to be her assistant.

Feng Chenxiuya is also delegating power, because she doesn't know where she got Ling Huohuo's plan to rebuild the Void Hundred Ghosts, and she also wants to get involved, and her attitude is extremely firm, so that Ling Huohuo doesn't know what to say.

After hearing about Ling Huohuo, the forest elves and other four clans in the future city also sent representatives, expressing their desire to join Ling Huohuo's Void Hundred Ghosts. A good relationship is not a loss, and representatives from the ethnic group have joined Ling Huohuo's team, which is also a guarantee for the ethnic group. At least the safety of their own ethnic group will be guaranteed. The jungle law of survival of the fittest is deeply buried in each clan. In his bones, even if he is in power, he still lacks a sense of security.

It is worth mentioning that, for some reason, the elves of the forest sent Emily, the big-breasted priestess granddaughter of the Great Elder, and the other three tribes sent all of them with good looks and high status. It is worth mentioning that they are all able to transform into human form.

Ling Huohuo always has a feeling of "reconciliation".

Because of the sudden joining of various races, Ling Huohuo had to make careful arrangements for the transformation of the Void Hundred Ghosts.

Now Ling Huohuo really wants to find out which big mouth told about the Void Hundred Ghosts. It is understandable to tell Toyotomi Xiuya. After all, she has a relatively close relationship with Ling Huohuo, so what is it to tell others? Condition?
Fortunately, except for the high-level officials of the four major tribes, this matter did not continue to spread, which made Ling Huohuo breathe a sigh of relief, otherwise, if all the tribes sent people, Ling Huohuo would really have to find out who was the big one Mouth.

Seeing that the matter did not continue to expand, Ling Huohuo did not go into it, because this matter was definitely spread from the monster, and the other party may not have intended it, and there are various methods of eavesdropping, and there is nothing wrong with it. The news is airtight, and Ling Huohuo should be mentally prepared to leak it when he tells the monsters about it.

But Ling Huohuo felt that if he knew who it was, although he might not be able to get to the bottom of it, he must beat him up to vent his emotions.

Until one day, Ling Huohuo met the so-called "omniscient" demon elder who ran the train with his mouth full and his integrity was broken. When seeing the demon elder avoiding him and walking away, Ling Huohuo felt that Seems to know where the problem is...


"Hello? The Demon King's Army? I have a Demon Elder here, free shipping, do you want it?"

(End of this chapter)

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