The end of the world has nothing to do with me

Chapter 759 The showdown on the eve of forming the Void Ghost

Chapter 759 Forming the Showdown on the Eve of the Void Hundred Ghosts (Part [-])
The matter of the future city was almost handled by Ling Huohuo.

The monsters were all drawn out by Ling Huohuo and brought with them.

Ling Huohuo is going to form the Void Hundred Ghosts as soon as possible!
The Hundred Ghosts of the Void is different from the Night Walk of the Hundred Ghosts when they were monsters. Because of Ling Huohuo's special power of the void, Ling Huohuo will get stronger power when forming the Hundred Ghosts of the Void, and the objects are not limited to pure monsters .

In order to form the Void Hundred Ghosts, Ling Huohuo deliberately found a remote place to adjust his state.

How did that sentence come from, foreplay is very important, bah, it is sharpening the knife and chopping wood by mistake.

The formation of the Void Hundred Ghosts this time may take some time, and Ling Huohuo has also made preparations for various things.

The future city has been transferred to the people of Chaofan Academy and Toyotomi Shuya. They are more professional, and it is reassuring to have Joseph and the four major clans. Joseph is in charge of the affairs of the city, and the four clans are in charge of each Clan affairs.

Those subordinate cities of the future city are also developing steadily.

Ling Huohuo is the same as before, still the hands-off shopkeeper.

But this is not to say that Ling Huohuo doesn't pay attention to it. The future city is Ling Huohuo's most important residence, and Ling Huohuo still attaches great importance to the future city.

Babai was put back by Ling Huohuo to sit in the future city.

Now the future city has also established a subordinate city in the primitive wasteland, but it is only a partial, just as a commercial springboard. When the future city is officially promoted to a sixth-level city, the power of the future city will officially expand in the lost land. .

But don't worry for now, the world outside the primitive wild forest is not so friendly, Ling Huohuo's power will inevitably be suppressed if he wants to expand, Ling Huohuo must be fully prepared, as the same sentence, foreplay is very important... Bah !

In short, today's future city can't be supercilious.

The development of the future city is temporarily stable.

Then there are the game forces in the real world, including the Future Club and all the guilds supported by the Huoya Group, such as the representative guild Youmeng Pavilion.

During this time, Toyotomi Hideya transferred all of her family property in Toyotomi’s family in Japan to Huaxia. Except for the people in the future city, the rest were all concentrated in the Huoya Group. It can be said that for Ling Huohuo, Toyotomi Hideya hooked up with the whole family.

As for the Huoya Group, Ling Huohuo did not intervene, and Toyotomi Hideya is still in control, which is not a weak force.

Then there's the future club.

On the surface, the future club Ling Huohuo has given full power to Ouyang Bingbing and his group, and only exists as an investor, but in fact it is handed over to Ling Miao.

With Ling Miao around, Ling Huohuo can be trusted.

Although the family background of the Future Club is not as deep as that of the Huoya Group, if there are many strong players in the game, the development will be very rapid, but it has always been stuck in the third position.

Then, there is the Yaotian Moren Studio established by Ling Huohuo.

It is the weakest branch of Ling Huohuo's forces, but it contains a lot of gold. The existence of angels and demons is unimaginable for ordinary people.

It can be said that everything in Yaotian Moren Studio was created by Ling Huohuo bit by bit. The most important thing is that Mrs. Sakura's "inheritance" made Ling Huohuo rich overnight and provided a lot of resources for the development of the studio. Even if you keep salting fish, you can develop for a long time.

Now the people in the studio have arrived in Jiuying City one after another, and a church has been established in Jiuying City, but because Ling Huohuo is not there, the people in the studio are honestly killing monsters and leveling up, going out to do tasks, However, they are also actively investigating the situation in Jiuying City, and are preparing to intervene in the subsequent turmoil.

Horses are not fat without night grass, and people are not rich without windfalls. Ling Huohuo has been looking forward to the future turmoil for a long time.

Aogu Tiangong also contacted Ling Huohuo and accepted Ling Huohuo's suggestion, and Ling Huohuo also greeted Yilian Youmeng. As for what will happen in the end, it depends on the contact between Youmeng Pavilion and Aogu Tiangong up.

As the boss behind Youmeng Pavilion, Huoya Group also understands Ling Huohuo's thoughts, and is naturally very interested in the matter of interfering in Jiuying City, and is also very concerned about this matter.

Finally, there is the Void Clan.

It can be said that this is the strongest force under Ling Huohuo, but they are not loyal to Ling Huohuo, but follow them. There is an essential difference. Ling Huohuo can order the Void Clan because of the affairs of the Void Clan, but It is absolutely impossible to forcibly order them for personal gain.

The above are the forces that Ling Huohuo controls now.

To sum it up, the future city in the primitive wasteland is in an idle state, the Future Club and Huoya Group are in a free-range state, and the Void clan develops on its own. Only the Yaotian Moren studio needs to be in charge of Ling Huohuo himself.

However, soon, Ling Huohuo will have an extra force, and that is—Hundred Ghosts of the Void.

Different from the Void Clan, the Void Hundred Ghosts will also become the Void Clan, but it is the Void Clan that is related to Ling Huohuo and will become Ling Huohuo's biggest help!

In addition to the original monsters, the members who formed the Void Hundred Ghosts also had a new addition, Du Xiaoxue.

Transformed into Yingyu of Jianchi.

Mount the dragon.

Weapon Rogier.

Ling Yaoyao and Fudo Ming Wang, when the time comes, the two will truly become living beings from spirit bodies!You can also act alone without Ling Huohuo.

King Fudo Ming has been excited about this for a long time, and he has already started to make plans. He is going to visit the clan first, and then go to find the clansmen of the four clans, and prepare to rebuild the four clans!
Ling Huohuo, the representative of the four major clans, prepared to accept the four in order to reassure the four clans. However, from now on, these four people will completely separate from their own race.

Of course, Gabriel is also indispensable to form the Hundred Ghosts of the Void.

As for the Void Armor: Void and the Void Bull, it is Ling Huohuo's equipment.

Most of the arrangements for forming the Void Hundred Ghosts have been settled, but there is still one thing that needs to be resolved by Ling Huohuo.

In a room, Ling Huohuo and Toyotomi Xiuya sat opposite each other.

Looking at Toyotomi Xiuya, Ling Huohuo's mood was a little complicated.

For Toyotomi Xiuya's devotion to him, Ling Huohuo knew, was very moved, and accepted it, but Ling Huohuo always knew that it was probably the result of his own lust fragments, and in the future he would take back his own The fragments of lust made Ling Huohuo wonder how he should face Toyotomi Hideya at that time.

Now Toyotomi Xiuya is going to join her Void Hundred Ghosts, leaving Ling Huohuo wondering what to do.

I am simply a scumbag! ! !

Therefore, Ling Huohuo felt that it was necessary for him to talk to Toyotomi Hideya.

Ling Huohuo took a deep breath.

"Toyotomi Hideya..."

"Just call me Xiuya, Ling Jun." Toyotomi Xiuya said with a smile.

"Um, well, Xiu...Xiuya, that, about your feelings for me..."

"It's about the fragments of lust, isn't it?" Toyotomi Hideya said.

Ling Huohuo was taken aback for a moment, but nodded anyway.

"You know about the shards of lust?"

Toyotomi Hideya covered her mouth and smiled.

"Ling Jun is too underestimating my concubine's body. Onmyoji is very familiar with the soul, not to mention the fragments of lust mixed into the grimace of my body."

Toyotomi Xiuya said something that Ling Huohuo never expected.

(End of this chapter)

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